2010-2019 art by anon I'm us (current works here)


textual images made under the guise of Rem+Rom for THE RAFT MANIFEST [2017]

A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
cover spread, back + front
pgs 2-3
pgs 6-7
pg 14

A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
A Raft Manifest by Rem + Rom
pgs 26-27
pgs 34-35
pgs 44-45
pgs 118-19

dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water dulimbo 1 writ in water
pg 1
pg 4
pg 8
pg 33
pg 36
pg 47

dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water
dulimbo 1 writ in water dulimbo 1 writ in water
pg 48
pg 50
pg 81
pg 136
pg 142
pg 168

These are pages from A Raft Manifest, collages made w/ typewriters + custom fonts. Most have been digitally manipulated, so true "originals" are not available. The book is the object.

images made (under the guise of Cal A. Mari) for Nat Baldwin's THE RED BARN [2017]


Nat Baldwin Red Barn
Derek White art for Nat Baldwin
Derek White
Derek White
pg 12

pg 36

pg 82

Images from The Red Barn. Click on thumbnails to view the image in higher rez. Note that images were made digitally so originals are not available.

images made (under the guise of Chaulky White) for 'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' [2015]


'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
pg 12

pg 36

pg 82

'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY' Chaulky White
pg 12

pg 36

pg 82

Images from 'SSES" 'SSES" "SSEY'. Click on thumbnails to view the image in higher rez. Note that images were collaged digitally so originals are not available (nor is any of the original artwork by Kevin White that these extrapolate on).

images made (under the guise of Cal Mari) for Laura Ellen Joyce's THE LUMINOL REELS [2014]


The Luminol Reels:
The Luminol Reels: Agonies
The Luminol Reels: Murderers
The Luminol Reels: Porno



The Luminol Reels:
The Luminol Reels: Agonies
The Luminol Reels: Murderers
The Luminol Reels: Porno

«the dead return»

the last page

Click on thumbnail to view the image (& others from the series) in higher res & also the process/inspiration behind them. Note that images were made from altered negatives which were subsequently discarded so originals are not available.

images made (under the guise of Cal A. Mari) for Elizabeth Mikesch's NICETIES [2014]


Server Dance
Siblant Bling
«server dance»


«siblant bling»

Click on thumbnails to view the image (& others from this series) in higher res & also the process/inspiration behind them. Note that images were made digitally so originals are not available.

images made (under the guise of Cal A. Mari) for SLEEPINGFISH 12 [2013]


Sleepingfish 12
Sleepingfish 12
Sleepingfish 12
Sleepingfish 12

Click on the thumbnail to view the image (& others from this series) in higher res & also the process/inspiration behind them. Note that images were made digitally so originals are not available.

images made (under the guise of Cal A. Mari) for Scott Bradfield's THE HISTORY OF LUMINOUS MOTION [2013]


from The History of Luminous Motion
from The History of Luminous Motion
from The History of Luminous Motion
from The History of Luminous Motion
«Hard Song»

More information about Scott Bradfield's book here.

art made for THE BECOMING [2013]


The Becoming
The Becoming
Bhe Becoming
The Becoming
cover [ X ]
draft 2
draft 3

The Becoming
The Becoming
The Becoming
The Becoming
ch 0 intersitial
ch 1 interstitial
ch 2 interstitial
ch 3 interstitial

(Click on thumbnail to see the series in higher res). The book is forthcoming from Calamari Press in August 2013.

incised prints made (w/ Stamperia del Tevere) for ARK CODEX [2012]


Ark Incision
Ark Incision
Ark Incision
Ark Incision
Ark incision C [ X ]
Ark incision E [ X ]
Ark incision L [ X ]
Ark incision T [ X ]

(Click on any thumbnail to view original in higher res). Twenty-one etchings were made in collaboration with Stamperia del Tevere for the Roman launch of Ark Codex. More images & information about the making of them.

images made (under the guise of Cal A. Mari) for Chiara Barzini's SISTER STOP BREATHING [2011-12]


An Oasis
Dead Sheep
First Love
Sister Stop Breathing
«An Oasis»[ X ]
«Dead Sheep»
«First Love»[ X ]
«Sister Stop Breathing»[ X ]

More information about Chiara Barzini's book here. More images & purchasing info here.

images made (under the guise of Ark Codex) for ARK CODEX ±0 [2011-12]

Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex Ark Codex
Ark Codex 0:0:0
Ark Codex 0:0:1
Ark Codex 0:0:2
Ark Codex 0:0:6 [ X ]
Ark Codex 0:0:7[ X ]
Ark Codex 0:0:8

Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex Ark Codex
Ark Codex 0:1:1 [ X ]
Ark Codex 0:1:2
Ark Codex 0:1:3
Ark Codex 0:1:4
Ark Codex 0:1:5
Ark Codex 0:1:6

Ark Codex
Ark Codex
bikINi ISland [in theory]
ark codex
Ark Codex by Derek White Ark Codex by Derek White
Ark Codex 0:2:38
Ark Codex 0:2:41
Ark Codex 0:2:42
Ark Codex 0:2:43[ SM ]
Ark Codex 0:2:44[ SM ]
Ark Codex 0:2:45

Ark Codex
Ark Codex
Ark Codex Ark Codex Ark Codex Ark Codex
Ark Codex 0:5:4
Ark Codex 0:5:5
Ark Codex 0:5:6
Ark Codex 0:5:7
Ark Codex 0:5:8
Ark Codex 0:5:9

More information about ARK CODEX ±0 (the book). More images & purchasing information.

h0ME(o\v/o)ID series [2010]

bikINi ISland [in theory]
bikINi ISland [in theory]
bikINi ISland [in theory]
bikINi ISland [in theory]
bikINi ISland [in theory] bikINi ISland [in theory]
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 1: a dicEy ANCHo[r|vy] ho[i]sts the capaCity to sound aMi[d]st a t[i]errible smell
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 5: parallel GENiE lines permeate the voID as if to say «we go way back» to ... [ X ]
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 7: a bebe bicicyled there to aVoid bare foot prince
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 15: the abandonment of mito-chondrial eveNing in place of a bee colony [ SM ]
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 16: a vanity shot is circle-cum-navigated lather than sucking poison ... [ X ]
h0ME(o\v/o)ID 20: guilt by association with «junk DNA» in the recessive «vampire GENiE»

View more images from this h0ME(o\v/o)ID series.

ID series [2010]

bikINi ISland [in theory]
unEVEnt HOLizonE [in diorama]
orchIDaceae shePHerd shampoo [in solution]
hexIDe brine codice [cubed]
homonID boneScrypt [RibPed] spay your own pet [abs tract]
ID 1: bikINi ISland [in theory]
ID 2: unEVEnt HOLizonE [in diorama]
ID 3: orchIDaceae shePHerd shampoo [in solution]
ID 9: hexIDe brine codice [cubed]
ID 12: homonID boneScrypt [RibPed]
[ X ]
ID 13: spay your own pet [abs tract]

View more images from this ID series & find out the process/inspiration behind them.

U|Li]MßO[DEN series [2010]

data bank scape
coordinal attractor
archipelago teeth
J Boro
red HERring
ULi 1: datascape in stone
ULi 2: c00rdinal atTractor
[ X ]
ULi 3: teething ARChipelago
ULi 4: J & Boro stn[ SM ]
ULi 5: skewagEight
ULi 6: red HERring sCore
[ X ]

POWder FINger
wayang kuntur
J street overpass
visaGene paesELEy HEX
ULi: POWder FINger
ULi 8: N-bLot O-ring
ULi 9: wayang kuntUR
ULi10: j street exchange
ULi 16: VISagene
ULi 17: PaesELEy HEX

View more images from this U|Li]MßO[DEN series & find out the process/inspiration behind them.

[DU|LI]MBO series [2010]

dulimbo 1 writ in water
Dulimbo 2: gen_vis-a-vis
Ark Zink
fish spirit taco
stiff catenary gut machine
DU 1: writ in water
DU 2: vis-à-vis path-o-gene
DU 3: Zink[ SM ]
DU 7: fish spit taco king
[ X ]
DU 9: stiffening sinew
[ X ]
DU 13: gut machine genie


eyebar catenary
4th floor elevator
dead empires
iud 66 arch
DU 4: eYebar anchorage[ X ]
DU 6: 4th floor elevator
DU 16: dead empires
DU 18: archival IUD Type 66

View more images from this [DU|LI]MBO series & find out the process/inspiration behind them.

[SPQR|DUMBO] ru[BB|NN]ing] series [2010]

optiMAL FALL[ut]opian
COMBinatoric stat[U]e
chance of rOUGH weAther
Bat Hive Jct chickEN PoX sausAGE links
BB|NN 1: optiMAL FALL[ut]opian [ X ]
BB|NN 3: COMBinatoric stat[U]e
BB|NN 4: chance of rOUGH weAther
BB|NN 5: [h]ARBOReal RUB [ X ]
BB|NN 6: Bat Hive Jct
[ X ]
BB|NN 7 : chickEN PoX sausAGE links [ X ]

View more images from this [SPQR|DUMBO] ru[BB|NN]ing] series & find out the process/inspiration behind them.

images for Stictches of Light [2010]

zell stitch 1
zell stitch 2
zell stitch 3
zell stitch 4
zell stitch 5 zell stitch 6

The above were images commissioned for Stiches of Light by Michael Zell [& thus are not for sale] |




OLDER (< 2010) WORKS

Unless marked with a red [ X ] original artwork is for sale & unless otherwise stated they are $100 (includes a copy of the book it's from, if applicable). Contact us if interested.
Ones marked with a [ SM ] are represented by Spazio Meme. Please contact them if you are interested in these ones.
