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The boox-pillaging book-bag-lady dawdling down Dial-a-where St. |
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01/01/2020 04:40> A new year. A new decade. Major slape whiting. Creating a new «20» folder to store post 696. As usual we slept rite thru New Years. Ate fondue + rewatched Apocalypse Now for probly the 20th time + drank our last bottle of Cava for a spell. Gunna stop drinking alcohole til 4/30/2020—our brother's 55th berthday + launch date of Textiloma. Or at least til the end of January, when the the 2nd ½ of season 6 of Bojack Horseman airs... in solidarity w/ his rehab. We don't normally do resolutions, so dare's dat. We also ain't gonna eat no mammals. Not that we do now, maybe once a month + the last time was probly back in October or November, don't even remember when. Even birds we ain't gunna eat so often, maybe once a month, whenever you're at a restraunt + there ain't nuttin' else. Just plant-based stuff + fish, shellfish... bottom of food chain. Can also afford to lose 5-10 lbs. We way 166+ rite now (the (+) cuz our wait fluctuates a few pounds on any given day, probly from water wait). We gunna fast every day til past 12:00 + maybe 1x a week fast 24 hours. Not drinking will also cut out sum exsses calories, specially as when u drink u tend to linger longer over yr food. H2O retention probly gots sumping to do w/ our mineareyes d-zzz, witch ain't bin so bad this past month. Our last series of bouts was around Thanksgiving. That's the big reason to stop alcohole, cuz it fucks w/ our sleep, even 1-2 glasses. So, wheel sea, deer diarhea. Vamos a ver.
05:50> 1 of the books we got in return in our box is Beauty and Sadness by Yasunari Kawabata. We started to read it, but ain't sure we'll finish it. It's about how a married 30-yr old dood knocked up a 15-yr old girl + then the baby died + then 24 yrs later when he's 54 (+ still married w/ a dotter of his one) goes back to Kyoto to stock this girl he knocked up (now 39), trying to make it seem all romantic + literary... how he wants to hear the New Year's Bells w/ her + has high hopes of rekindling their romance + there's all these new younger geishas involved... dunno, maybe folks rolled dat way back then or in Japan, but just ain't intresting to us. A book to put back in the boox for sum other middle-aged dood to read + feed his fantasies. Watched Who's That Knocking at My Door (1967) the other night + felt the same way, just a bunch of loser bras hanging out expecting girls to be chaiste + pure except the broads they fuck + beat up.
> This 1's a keeper... does this make us the hoarder? Herein lies the problema... if we keep the book for our personal liebury it keeps other folks from reading it. Score of the day [just checked our boox] is Find Me by André Aciman, the follow-up to Call Me by My Name... chiunque l'abbia lasciato! New Years Day walk 1/2/2020 05:20> Since y'erday was the 1st day of the year/decade, for our Microcosm DC proeject figgered we'd knock off Dial-a-where, the 1st state of the U.S. But 1st we needed to finish the rest of Florida Ave cuz last time we axidentally veered off before we was done. Looped over to Rock Creek + past the Lincoln Memorial + the Southwest Waterfront where we ate at Kith/Kin... perty good but pricey. Then over to Delaware Ave SW, 1 of them areas that's got a high concentration of dots on murder maps. Also where Marvin Gaye spent sum of his childhood. Found the other piece of Delaware Ave running right into Union Station + up til we ran back into Florida, this time payin' close attention cuz it's tricky, disappears+ takes weird sudden turns. Probly the most circular route we've taken thus far, over a ½-marathon of walking (13.3 miles). Scored Fast Food Nation + Kavalier & Clay for our boox, left sum of our one behind. Not a lot of booxes on this route tho. At 1 point saw a cop pull a car over + then precede to overheat, smoke billowing out from the cop's car! Quite amusing, the look on the cop's face. The only association we got w/ Dial-a-where (the state) was going there once for the Punkin Chunkin festival. Florida, well, we're going next week. We even saw Florida Project for the occassion, but dunno, we wasn't so impressed, just found it annoying, just not the type of folks we want to spend 2 hours watching. The whirled wd be bedder off w/o such degenerates. off Florida in Kalorama
Randall Jr High (soon to be a museum)
liebury of congress
supreme court
night club?
# 695 <(current)> 697 > Foreign Objets launched as Textiloma + projected as The Door onto a door | ||
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