5cense No Place on Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous in the dubble sewersides of Maine + Ohio drives


14 Mar 2020> Read most of On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong before giving up on it... the writing's OK, but a bit too precious + book of the month club for our tastes. It's going out in the boox where sum 1 left it.

15 mar> on top of the keys being sticky, the shift key on our keybored is iffy so maybe we won't ini-cap nada. Σum charactors reakwire it tho, like for a question mark it puts the '/' instead of '?' unless we use caps lock or the shift key on the left side wich we ain't prone to ever use w/ our left pinky. or it puts single quote ' ' ' instead of dubble ' " ' or it we want to use symbolize and it puts '=' instead of '+' (or more conventionally '7' in stead of '&')... of ∀ll the things for to be chintzy about, cheez. yesterday we walked ohio wich has the distinction of being the sole state-named street dat's a "drive"... it circuls round the spit of land jutting down into where the potomac + anacostia rivers cunverge, so maybe "drive" derives from it being along rivers. it also loops past the tidal basin where the cherry trees are gunna peek in 2 weeks so figgered might bee good to try to sneek a peak before it gets loco w/ turistas tho they was already swarming despite covid + the trees hardly blooming yet. we don't got much experience w/ the state of ohio except as a stopover driving across the country.

looping back we hit Maine Ave... maybe not ∀ll but ain't much to it, a sort of axess road to 395 + we just walked it unknowningly a few weeks ago + plenty times before that since its a connector to the fish market + SW waterfront. We used to live just across the river from Maine (the state) in 1997 when we lived in Portsmouth, NH, used to run to Maine + for a while we worked at a pneumatic valve company in Kittery. Nat Baldwin who we just saw last week is from dem parts + Aktan lives deeper up in Maine, we visited them + their goats in 2014 + hung out on the Great Pond reading Mt Analogue wich played a big part in the direction Textiloma turned. Another time we went to Acadia but we haven't transcribed them journals yet. Maybe now that we're siloed inside for the next who nose how long we'll ketch up w/ posting them entries.

climate change? what climate change?


16 Mar> Reread No Place On Earth by Christa Wolf... we have this book cuz our brother talked about it in his journals + we kicked off episode 5 of Textiloma w/ a quote of hers (photocopied from his notes). No Place On Earth imagines a meating between Karoline von Günderrode + Heinrich von Kleist, both real-world (German) romantic-era writers whose lives ended in sewerside (Kleist in a dubble pact similar to the Black Sun guy). But more than that it's about how utopias inevitably end in dystopia + how Σum folks live their lives caged in their one heads (or maybe we're just reading into it cuz of current circumstances of 'social distancing' + self-isolation (wich for us ain't much diffrent then how we normally live)). We ain't never read other Wolf (who reminds us sum of the udder Woolf, who's life also ended by sewerside of the Ouse) books but now we're cureus to read more + No Place On Earth is a keeper for our one liebury (not the boox) dat wheel likely return to again. At least in our noggin Günderrode + Kleist would've died in obvlivion had Christa Wolf not continued to propagate them up in No Place On Earth + now Wolf is dead (of natural causes) + in jeopardy of fading into oblivion, a relic of pre-collapse East Berlin, of true socialism, kept alive now onelie by her books. This is the role of literature.

Starting to work on Σum new toons (as Sound ƒuries), thinking dat we'll call our next ablum Double Sewerside (Swann Songs 2) + for the cover strike the same pose as Lennon + Ono on Double Fantasy... or Dubble Phantasy, or Dubble Fantacide? Not to be grim, they'll be love songs to dance to in apocalyptic utopia, tragic in the romantic sense of Romeo + Juliette, the 1996 movie w/ DiCaprio + Danes of witch we re-watched 2 nights ago. Picking up from the last episode of Textiloma, where our brother (channeled by anon I'm us) wrote: «1 day, after a couple of months of feeling emotionally out of control, he resieved a major insight that made him smile; he ℝeelized Romeo + Juliet died cuz the story had to end, dubble-sewerside or it ain’t love. The story had to end so that sum 1 could read it + reach their one conclusion + learn wat love is (Σumping that lives on, no matter wat happends to the charactors).»

714 <(current)> 716> Space cowboys wreck-diving our own graves thru cultural noise losing touch w/ the saddlelites (in '96)
[  (ɔ)om.Postd 2020  anon I'm us  |  calamari archive   ]