18 Oct 2020> Walked M street west to Georgetown + back along K + thru Foggy Bottom, also hitting the streets we haven't been on to the west of 15th street (H, I, K + L). Passed 14 embassies on the way that we haven't passed yet: Djibouti, Somalia, Fiji, Qatar, Mongolia, Antigua + Barbuda, Thailand, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, Kosovo + Palau. A bunch of these were just offices in nondescript buildings w/ no flags or signs out front... it's surprising that countries like Liechtenstein + Palau exist, considering they have populations of 38,749 + 17,900 respectively... sounds enticing right about now.

Iceland + Sweden


world bank

yet another dead bird

Not many book boxes on this walk (M + K are main drags, far from residential), but here's 6 more from our todo read pile that we're queuing up to go out in our liebury boox:

- King Lear—like probly a lot of folks,our entire life we've been meaning to read more Shakespeare, but realistically?
- The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.—we love Vonnegut, but he wrote a lot of crap that doesn't stand the test of time
- The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery—we actually read a good deal of this, mostly cuz the other day we saw that stupid Octopus Teacher movie + was thinking we wished it was more sighingtific + more about the octopus then that self-serving idiot + spose this book is a bit more analytic/observational w/ lots of intresting anecdotes but still, it's more about the humuns studying the octopi
- Between the Acts by Virginia Woolf—like her other stuff, we dig the language but what she's writing about is dreadfully dull... specially considering this was the last thing she wrote before filling her pockets w/ stones + wading into the Ouse we figgered maybe it would be more meaningful, but seems like just a petty drama about some stuffy upper class Brits.
- Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig—we dig this movie + thought we might like the book, but seems better to just rewatch the movie (again, for the 3rd or 4th time) since William Hurt is plenty good in it.
- The Republic by Plato—this is another 1 of those 1s like Shakespeare where it's nice to think u might 1 day read it, but life is too short...