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T + U in a new light to turn over a new leaf | post |
8 Nov 2020> Popped some prosecco w/ our neighbors last night on our stoop then went to bed early cuz was tired, haven't been sleeping well + thought maybe we'd sleep well last night, but woke up at midnight when fireworks went off feeling like we had just taken a nap + couldn't get back into deep sleep. Got up this morning, another beautiful day so figured we'd do another walk, this time east on U, thru the U street corridor after a Saturday of celebration, then looped back on T, which must say, takes the cake as far as nicest streets in D.C. (besides ours of course), especially the eastern section that goes thru Le Droit Park. Again, we were able to stop for a pit stop since T passes a block from our house, drank some coffee + ate a scone (homemade) then continued west on T til we hit Kalorama, then across Rock Creek + thru Whitehaven Park, stopped at the Georgetown flea market + got 2 Nepalese masks then did the short sections of T + U in Georgetown then back across the Mass ave bridge + thru Kalorama, saw 6 more embassies mostly in the Kalorama area: Algeria, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Mauritania + Sri Lanka. Also passed Obama's house as well as Ivanka Trump... was hoping we'd see her in her yard so we could say haha. U street
Le Droit Park
Le Droit
trail we've probly run 100s of times when we lived in Georgetown
U street in Georgetown, far cry from U street corridor
Holy Rood Cemetary
Equatorial Guinea embassy
books we scored along the way
# 803 <(current)> 805> Boots across America, tromping Drumpf 4 years after the fact, mark our words | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Postd 2020 anon I'm us | calamari archive ] |