dead mu5icians reb∞ting a numeric Xtension 2 micr0cosmic DC 4 Steinian arrangements V-a 1st + 2nd st | post |
2021/12/26> bin wa1king a 1ot 4 eXorcise sew d-sided 2 reb∞t R micr0cosmic DC project + tag on #ed streets 2 ad 2 th St8- + 1etter-named streets we a1readE traversed 2 giv R wa1k5 order/purpose > a1readE did 1st st SE + SW but we din't do #s Byond dat so 2-day we did 2nd St SE + SW.... now, when we say «South» we mean south of S st... technica1-E we did a g∞d dea1 of 2nd st NE + NW 2 > we als0 ain't gonna B 2 X-act about it, m0re of 1∞se guide 2 give us N Xcuse 2 wa1k, this 1 abt 11 mi1es: + we ref1ected on th # 2 th ho1e wile (4 starter5 it takes 2 2 tang0) > came h0me + 8 eggp1ant parm/1a5agna dat R bedder-½ maid (speaking of th #2... R bedder-½ w/ whom we'R joined in Union 4 1ife, 2 dayz ag0 celebr8ing R 25th rev01ution round th sun 2-gether as 1 binar-E star Unit) then saw Barton Fink (★★★★★) 4 mayB the 5th ⊕ 6th time 12/27> Saw Bladerunner (Fina1 Cut)(★★★★★) 4 mayB th 10th ⊕ 12th time... definit1y 1 of best fi1ms ever maid, 4 sure best post-humun f1ick > then saw The Great Gatsby (1974)(★) wich possib1y = worst movie ever maid... tho mayB th 2013 version = eveN worse... + Y's everE 1 s0 sweatE in everE scene, cdn't they a-ford AC? 12/28> continued 1st st north since we din't go north of S st 1ast time... tho th go1f course makes it difficu1t 2 get past + past it 1st st is a bit 5poradic N-E-way + again, we ain't gonna go 2 craz-E > only ~6 mi1es 2day > + we ref1ected on th # 1 th ho1e wi1e (tho we've waxed p1entE on th #1 on 5cense, in fact it formed th baysis 4 1ast yrs iiiiiiiiiii by No One)... tho no 1 ones th # 1 ≈ Getrude Stein, who weave bin reading a 1ot of 1ately, 4 eggsamp1e: > bin reading from 2 antho10gies (1 a 2-vol set, so 2-gether dat makes 3 b∞ks) sum 1 1eft in R 1iebury b∞x > Stein has a way of channe1ing her aut0bi0graphE thru othr pp1, thru her port-traits of th 1ikes of Picass0 ⊕ her 1over Alice B. Toklas > The Making of Americans a1s0 ob5e55e5 0ver th #1 + how we ∀11 a-cumu-18 in 1 another + how each word/sen-10s/p-graph/pg/ch = fracta1 of h01e b∞k > a1s0 bin reading a 27-pg paper Kelly Krumrie (author of Math Class, 4th-coming from Ca1amari) rote on «Gertrude Stein's Semiotics of Numbers» > ∀11 thi5 informs/reinforces R one thinking regarding th writing of ISBN 978-1-940853-22-2 > 4 eggsample, Krumrie says thi5 regarding Stein + «mathematica1 writing»:
> we'R treating R one I5BN az N X-act sighence, a techn0txt/code dat when input in2 sum 1 Lsis I's wi11 reca1cu-18 x-act 5ame re5u1t a-nu 12/28> saw Pig (★★★★★) witch far az we'R cuncerned D-serves th Oscar @ least 4 Nic Cage, tho we dint understand dat fight c1ub digression where pp1 pay 2 watch chefs get beateN up by dwarfs? then we watched a few of those John Wilson things wich we can't d-side yet if they're bri11iant ⊕ naught, we'R az far az th 1 dat g0es in2 Y pp1 cover their furniture in p1astic > then 1ater in th nite (⊕ thi5 AM) R bedder-½ worked az a sorta f1oral D-ziner/artist (mixing in othr L-ements) dat made arrangements 4 Jimi Hendrix (eveN tho Jimi = dead) + we made a1bum covers 4 o1d music by dead mu5icians a1readE recorded in the '60-70s using fotografs 5um 1 Ls t∞k of b1dgs + arkitexture > we din't no who = R M-p1oyer ⊕ what = Economic viabi1i-T of thi5 work ⊕ Y we did it ⊕ 4 whom |
# 970 <(current)> 972 > 2021 residuals: ↄompi1ing a Σequential ream of dreams ∀11 in 1 place | ||
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