meat me ½ weigh w/ a RT tick iT ware therƎ = NEWS (knot a noose) in th NoiSE, 50/50 4 4 keeps | post |
11/29/22> 5till Đ-b8ing R P.O./Vox + weather 2 divurge iSBN from U/X ⊕ keep/combine az 1 book, 1 + th same ... halve U/i passed th point of n0 <return>? > ⊕ do i/U eveN halve N-E semblance of CTRL? U/i = User innerface, a sorta humun/MAchine hybrid, callous huM/AchiNe > therƎ = humming MAN in MAchiNe, here iT (ware i = in4m8ion + T = tecknowledgey)? 5wapping CAT–GUT $trings 4 000s + 111s ... in a sort uv high-bred ɔode, a.k.a. iSO/iEC 10646 ⊕ versal Ↄoded Ↄharacter 5et > hard 2 transL8 hear in HTML (even w/ wiz-E-wig (WYSiWYG) ap) az how iT LꙨꙨks = deependant on whatever browser U th User use 2 vu X 2 raise i-browse, witchtever Đ-fault font > i/U rite U/X in Letter Gothic, a font originally Đ-zined 4 iBM type-riders, similar 2 Consolas (fixed-width/mono-5pace), but 4 whatever reason @ th time U/i opted 2 use Letter Gothic (unfortun8 in dat Letter Gothic dozen't halve th zer0 charactor w/ slash thru iT ≈ Cons0las, so i/U halve 2 manually superimpose th / + unlike Letter Gothic, Consolas = system font dat = available on most browsers (what U/i Used in 1st ½ of 2016 tel iT B-came 2 unsitely) > iF i/U = 5mart U/i'd Use Menlo az it's mono-spaced + contains every Unicode ɔharactor none 2 humani-T, i/U just don't dig th LꙨꙨk of both Menlo (th0 R MA = born in Menlo Park) + Consolas ⊕ how Consolas handles th Ls (in Letter Gothic th lower-case l = identical to #1) > @ N-E r8, U/i've already embarked down th Letter Gothic road, n0 going back now > i/U finished laying th 1st 2 sexions (of 8), ¼ of th book , FYi + U/i halve text 4 th next ¼ (sexions 3 + 4), ware X-sexion = cross- ⊕ inter-sexion, 1 + the same > all d@t m@ters @ end of day (in regard 2 getting message across) = underLying MAchine ɔode ... dat's what = @ th root of iT ∀ll ... ∀ll these font's + icode charactors just make it EZier 4 i/U 2 communic8 w/ MAchines, rather than onely using 0s +1s, could U imagine? eveN more difficult than parsing CAT GUTs from R humun G-nome (U/i keep 3523.txt (text of chromosome X) on R desktop 4 a rainy day ≈ how i/U kept Finnegans Wake on R nighst& 4 years az undergradu8 in versi-T, th0 i/U couldn't make 1 Li¢k of cense of iT @ th time
(ware ∄ = U+2204 in ɔode) .... witch menes « i » Đ.N.Ǝ, FYi > n0 i on iTs one, @ mini-mum, takes 2 2 tang0, y0 > meat me ½ weigh w/ a roundtrip ticket 2 sumwhere i/U can eat ⊕ ricci (i.e C urchin), feel meme? adhear 2 ɔode > trust us, therƎ = NEWS in th NoiSE, Đ-spite R past plugging 4 The Daily Noose, in th name of good journihilism > @ N-E r8, X ∀ll = housekeeping ... i/U R getting all R ducks in 1 row b4 we 5plit town + live out of a suitcase 4 th next month ⊕ 2, witch menes Đ-tourmining what 2 work on txt-wise + whatever else U/i need a large monitor 4 due b4 > i/U finished th 14th song (witch perhaps will B th 1st on th 4th-coming album, Time's Edit) > hear's th lyrics U/i penned yesterday:
> U th ƎNĐ User will halve 2 w8 til 2023 2 here th aɔtual song > input-wise, 5tarted 2 read Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness by Rupert Sheldrake, Terrence McKenna + Ralph Abraham ... U/i got iT b/c i/U dig Terrence McKenna + Ralph Abraham (who U/i took classes w/ @ UCSC + wanted hym 2 B R thesis advisor (in mathematics) in th L8 '80s but he was on sabbatical ≈ how R bedder–½ = now > i/U lasted about 5 pgs b/c th book is in N A-noying 4mat w/ th 3 in pretensious new agey dialog, witch mayB wood of bin N intresting 3-way interview 2 ⌚ but dozen't transL8 well on th written page > in N-E event, therƎ = NEWS in th NoiSE az i/U st8ed earlier ... good weigh 2 summarize Abraham + th UCSC Chaos Cabal's findings about K-OS/theory (a.k.a. dynamical systems) > TV/movie-wise, in th past week we ⌚ed:
# 1050 <(current)> 1052 > Flying to Fiumicino in Hurricane Season to lose i to become U in Tuscany | ||
[ (ɔ)om.posted 2022 ∀/non i'm us | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |