official report on the time-released launch of Libretto Lunaversitol wile buying ^ home in Bklyn


07/31/24 > R offer on the Greenwood place got xcepted, so Ↄalamari wi|| bee moving th arↄHive soon 2 Bklyn! in anticipation, Cal has bin bee-Z 5hipping boox 2 Asterism thi5 pa5t week + even tho Ↄal 5wapped out the paypal btns 2 «BUY on Asterism» btns over the past few dayz, Ↄalamari i$ $ti|| $e||ing dis¢ounted book bundles direct from the 5orce ... if u want 2 help Li-10 the lode, hint hint > Ↄal also 5et up a|| the dbooks on Asterism so now u don't have 2 w8 4 Cal 2 fini5h eating dinner or wake up 2 send yr dbook, now iT wi|| happen autom@tica||y ... imagine th@t! a|| 4 NE-thing removing humuns from th equation

> 5peaking of Li-10-ing the lode, ii (in8 iD, body thereof) dropped 3 lbs in 1 day, went from 166 to 163 skipping 165 + 164 > ii lost 5 lbs on vacay last moonth + after the dust 5ettled ii wayed 166.6 4 3 days in a row + then (after running 10 mi on an MT stomach) dropped to 163.0 witch ii thought ^ fluke (the way ii oscill8 w/ H2O w8) then the next 2 dayz ii 5tarved i-self + ran 9 mi + wayed 163.4, then 163.4, so appears ii has kept iT off? 163 = good enough w8 but ii is thinking of dropping 2 B-low 160 2 C if iT helps ii's ménière's d-zzz > B-sides the w8 loss, running more perhaps wi|| halve th added effect of making ii sweat a lot + lose salts + electrolights ... the root cause of ménière's = water imba|ance in mine inner ear, wheel C:

> obvious|y running 9-10 miles aint su5tainable, litteruley cant keep up the pace just from ^ time POV, but once ii hit 160 ii'|| gradua||y taper off > ii've also bin eating + drinking less, dint tota||y 5top cold turkey like i said, but thinking 2-3 shared bottles of wine per week @ home + drinx when we go out, long az ii just has a few drinx ii 5leeps OK, it's the 3rd or 4th drink that ki||s ii + feels like ii re5et ménière's symptums baↄk 2 scratↄh ... sti|| dizzzy + ears ringing but less mygrain/brain fog + feel the tinnitus 5tarting 2 crackle (≈ how ii member hearing a roar of borealis up in th Arc-tick Cirↄle B4 di5covering iT a|| = in the head, figmen of imagination) + mayB mine imagination but n0t 100% deaf in Rite ear n0 more? mayB 80 or 90%

08/01 > launched Libretto Lunaversitol:

> blasted ^ chimp email 2 sum ~380 ppl + posted on iG to ~780 «followers» but n0t 1 single humun has bot the book ... what's wrong w/ ppl? or is iT just i, Ↄal A. Mar i? par 4 the course 2 b@t < 0.0001 % n0 madder what Ↄal does > n0t sure Y Ↄal even got on iG or Ngauge w/ humun N-tittys, W.A.S.T.E. of time, 2 EZ 2 «like» sumthing w/out bothering 2 click thru 2 see what it is u «liked» in 1st place > bedder 2 post on Inurnet 4 posthumun N-tittys 2 Ngauge with?

> after launching LL went 2 the home in5pection 4 the place in Greenwood, crazy how fast things R happening > 5pent an hour or 2 in th apartment imagining R nu life there + kicking around 2 see if NE-thing = broken (nu construxion from grnd up so n0 1 else has lived in thi5 bdlg ... n0t sure if weave ever eXperienced a ghost-less place? (cancer castle ware we live now full of ghosts) > 5ti|| lots of hurdles 2 jump thru ... 20 sum yrs living in NYC + weave nvr oned, always rented + the 1 + onely time we bot ^ home was in D.C. + diffrent there, NYC a whole nother ba|| game (dam Yankees!), this 1 = condo, n0t ^ co-op, witch makes 5hit ^ bit EZ-ier but 5ti|| ... + the #s we're tocking ^bout a LOT bigger > was 5leeping we|| last week but now that we put this offer on the table n0t 5leeping so we|| + drank more than ii shd of last nite, 2 celebr8/relieve 5tress (had the a4mentioned 4th drink witch dint help mine 5leep/losing w8)

> on the train 2 + fro red Official Report on the Intransitionalist Chronotopologies of Kenji Siratori: Appendix 8​.​2​.​3 by «The Ministry of Transrational Research» ... another Wenaus/Siratori project (also w/ an accompanying 5oundtrack by Wormwood, on CD) pubbed by Time Released Sound & Time Sensitive Materials, who put out sum h&sum h&maid musickle objex > n0t even sure how 2 D-scribe the report/book ore who iT = «by» ... @ 1st ii thought &rew C. Wenaus = B-hind iT, but the vox 5hifts when u get 2 the meet of the book, mos def in 5ingular 5tyle of Siratori, f^cked-up granmar (far from o-baying The Gotham Grammarian (in-house Ↄalamari style guide)) akin 2 Blood Electric but n0t az hypertexted + glitchy ... mayB sum Ai program Siratori u5es 2 devilip iT? n0t 5ure how KS dose iT (ware iT = in4m8ion tecknowledgey) ore weather Siratori = humun even ... has NE 1 met KS in the fle5h? there's cryptic quotes from KS in the footnotes from lectures given around the whirled but hard 2 tel what = real ... hard 2 tel if NE-thing = Real NE-more, n0? 1 thing 4 sure, ORotICoKS:A8.2.3 makes more ¢ents then The Daily Noose, Monkey Writes > also hard 2 read w/ the di5traction of home-buying, mindfuck 4 sure tho, enough 2 alien8 further in2 posthumanity + O, dope D-zine bi Mike Corrao


> TV programming input this week (B-sides the Olympix, off course, witch perhaps has put ^ pep in ii's 5tride)

  • Simone Biles Rising — funny name 4 this docuseries, bile's rising?
  • Sepa: Our Lord of Miracles — German documentary about Peruvian prison colony (wd of prob|y fit bedder in the prior panopticonal di5patch)
  • Fantasmas — didn't even last 1 episode, is this rea||y what the world is coming 2? please ki|| i
  • Loundermilk — funny 4 1 episode (Office Space guy 25 yrs L8er az jaded rehab counselor), but quit after 2, 5htick gets old quick
1169 <(current)> 1171 > re:impre55ions of 5ubstacked goats in Zone C, happi|y Ever after
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]