> 5cense = journihilistic bLo9 of the po5thumUՈ entity co||eↄtive|y none az in8 iD ... in effect, a|| iTs pa5t Lives hear onLine [ware iT (in4mation Teↄknowledgee) = ii's prefurred pronoun] > 5¢ = 5ensory 5andbox, vvherein the various permut8ions of in8 iD en9a9e w/ Rt, books, muƨic, film, travel + n0thin9 in parti¢ular, off-10 a|| in the 5ame breath > ii off-10 method a¢ts hear, ware the voi¢e of the po5t reflex whatevɘr ii's werkin9 on or readin9 @ the time ... in ¢ase u're wonderin9 Y 5hiT sumtimes don°t make ^ Liↄk of ¢ents (ii alƨo suffers fROM Ménière's D-zzz + perhaps cLangin9 diƨorder ± ՈUmeric synesthesia, witch 5kews iTs perspeↄtive) > az founder of Ↄalamari Arↄhive, ii off-10 mu5es a6out projex ii/Ↄal's werkin9 on over their > az writer, Rti5t + musiↄian (½ of Sound furies), ii off-10 regurgit8s material in pro9ress or rumin8s on thou9ht pro¢ess az iT werks thru sumthin9

> in8 iD 5tarted keɘpin9 journals (h&-writ-10) in the mid-80s (inkLootin9 ^ dream Lo9) dat iT retroa¢tive|y tran5cribed in the arↄhives > iT 5tarted bLo99in9 on 5cense.com ¢irca 2003 UՈder various names/plat4ms (iF U're wondering Y 5cense seams ¢obbled 2gether... iT is!) > ii 5tarted 5¢ b4 bLo99in9 5oftware Ǝxisted 2 faciLit8 su¢h thin9s had 2 code bi h& ± w/ haↄk WYSiWYG editors, w/o the benefit of Cas¢adin9 Style Sheɘts + whatn0t > wile iT mite n0t B pertty ± consis-10-t ± EZ 2 navig8, iT reflex the piecemeal evolution of 5¢ (iT's 4evɘr boot5trappin9, makin9 iT up az iT 9oes aLon9) + perƨona||y ii finds 5tuff more intrestin9 vvhen 1's Lost or their's ^ ¢ertain D-greɘ of K-OS + ¢onfusion

> there's ^n index (by subject, people + place) iF u're 5earChin9 4 sumthin9 in parti¢ular, or iF u = visua||y inkLined there's thi5 pa9e dat maps photOS 2 pla¢es (tho ii hasn°t done muↄh trave||in9 5in¢e 2020) > or thi5 field notes pa9e Lists books ii's red mapped 2 ware iT red 'em > ii + ii's bedder–½ jj R avid urban hikers/flâneurers + in re¢ent years they've 5ystematica||y walked evɘry 5treɘt of Bologna, DC, Rome + M^nhattan (+ B-yond), bLo99in9 impre55ions az they go

> 5¢ ≠ substa©k n0r part of ^ bLog cir¢le ... 5¢ = freɘ + there's n0 ads, u'r welↄome > ii has n0 ulterior motives eXcept knowLed9e 4 the sake of knowLed9e, Lan9ua9e 4 the sake of Lan9ua9e, Rt 4 the sake of Rt, + 2 do¢ument in8 iD's Ǝxis-10ce w/ txt, img + sound + off-10 ii inkloots recipes + food-reL8ed bytes (+ ii's bedder–½ jj bLo9s @ Food Archive) > iF u di9 5tuff disↄussed herein please 5upport the Rtists m^ntioned + Ↄalamari Arↄhive) > iF U want 2 B notified of ՈU 5¢ po5ts (~weak|y), sine up hear > thx 4 readin9

in8 iD, anon I'm us

[  (ɔ)om.posted 2003-2025  in8 iD  |  Ↄalamari arɔhive   ]