> 5cense = the journihilistic bLog of the po5thumun entity colleↄtively known as in8 iD ... in effe¢t, all their pa5t lives online > 5¢ = a 5ensory 5andbox, wherein the various permutations of in8 iD engage w/ art, books, mu5ic, film, travel + nothing in parti¢ular, often all in the 5ame breath > they often method a¢t hear, ware the voi¢e of the po5t reflex whatever they're working on or reading @ the time ... in ¢ase U're wondering why sometimes 5hit don't make a liↄk of ¢ents (they also suffer from Ménière's syndrome + perhaps clanging disorder ± numeric synesthesia, witch skews their per5pective) > az founder of Ↄalamari Arↄhive, they often mu5e about projeↄts they're working on over there > az writer, arti5t + musiↄian, they often regurgit8 material in progress or rumin8 on thought pro¢ess az they work thru 5omething

they 5tarted keeping journals (h&-writ-10) in the mid-80s (inklooting a dream log) that they've retroa¢tively tran5cribed in the arↄhives > they 5tarted blogging on 5cense.com ¢irca 2003 under various names/plat4ms (if U're wondering why this 5ite 5eams ¢obbled 2gether... iT is!) > they 5tarted 5¢ b4 there was blogging 5oftware 2 facilit8 such things so had 2 code by h& or w/ hack WYSiWYG editors, w/o the benefit of Cas¢ading Style Sheets + whatnot > while it might not be pretty or ¢onsi5tent or EZ 2 navig8, it reflects the piecemeal evolution of 5¢ (they're 4ever boot5trapping... making it up az they go along) + personally they find 5tuff is more intresting when 1's lost or there's a ¢ertain D-gree of K-OS + ↄonfusion

> there's an index (by subject, people + place) if U're searChing 4 sumthing in parti¢ular, or if U = visually inklined there's thi5 page that maps photos 2 pla¢es (tho they haven't done much travelling 5in¢e 2020) > or this field notes page lists books they've red mapped 2 where they red 'em > they're avid urban hikers/flâneurers + in re¢ent years have 5ystematically walked every street of Bologna, DC, Rome + Manhattan (+ beyond), blogging their impre55ions az they go

> 5¢ ≠ substack nor part of a blog cir¢le ... 5¢ = free + there's no ads > they halve no ulterior motives here eXcept knowledge 4 the sake of knowledge, language 4 the sake of language + 2 do¢ument their Ǝxistence w/ text, image + sound > if U dig 5tuff disↄussed herein please 5upport the artists mentioned + Ↄalamari Arↄhive) > if U want 2 B notified of new 5¢ posts (roughly weekly), use this 4m > thx 4 reading

in8 iD, anon I'm us

[  (ɔ)om.posted 2003-2024  in8 iD  |  Ↄalamari arɔhive   ]