Tributary #15: «Ogeechee»—2 come up w/ a new form of currency | post |
17 Sept 2021 | Bologna >
Stream #15 off Tributaries = «Ogeechee» > «Ogeechee» starts w/ a clipped out loop from a 1986 jam session w/ these 2 goth/industrial guys we used to play w/ Pete (drums) + Les (bass) (if we remembered their last names we'd give them credit) + we played drums + guitar (w/ drumsticks) @ same time, here's the full clip (recorded w/ a Walkman): > 2 this atonal noise we added a chord progression more or less as follows (w/ drop-D tuning, tho think we also played it on Mandolin (bottom 4 strings tuned same as guitar)): + to this we added lyrics, about the Ogeechee river, which we lived near when we lived in Savannah in 1997 + we worked as a land surveyor (tho most of the land was more like swamps) > we were both fresh out of college + saddled w/ debt, right after our brother died + had no idea what we were doing w/ our lives but it didn't matter, spose that's what the song is about Ogeechee to begin, begin again
when it rained we din't fret
up to our ears in debt
wild-type refugees
to begin, begin again
we landed on them swampy banks
don't stand in 1 place too long
the cottonmouth takes hold
cut your losses, split the scene
> hear's the video: > Stream #16: «Rom» |
# 924 <(current)> 926 > Hopscotch «4 selfless ½-alien ideas 2 dv8 + adapt, enlist 1 owl 4 poem file soon» | ||
[ (ɔ)om.posted 2021 anon I'm us | calamari archive ] |