Castiglione gate: the accidental velvety underground beneath the dune @ 6 o'clock | post |
20 Oct 2021> our niece died today in a sad + tragic accident > she was thrown from the the backseat of a car that went off the road + plunged into a lake > we didn't know her too well since she lived on the other side of the world > she was 16 + returning from a graduation party, so much potential... the elder grandmother last year, the youngest of the 2nd generation lineage this year 21 Oct 2021> saw 3 apartments 2day, good practise w/ Italian... these real estate agents like 2 talk a lot + it's also a good way 2 get 2 now Bologna since each was in a diffrent part of the city, 1 outside the walls in the hills > Alec Baldwin accidentally shot sum 1 on a film set that involved an accidental shooting... so much tragedy in the world 22 Oct> saw 2 more apartments while also doing Porta Castiglione, the gate @ 6 o'clock of our perumbulating porticos project (hence why our path doesn't resemble much of a pie slice) > there was also sum overlap w/ the area between Castiglione + San Mamolo (which we did last time)... seams cleaner 2 just do the area between the gates going fwd > weave walked these streets plenty before, Castiglione in particular we walk/ran every morning when we lived near the 2 towers + wd go running in the giardino > got 2 thinking what a waste of space all these churches are... every time u walk into 1 they are empty, @ best they are only used 1x a week > these prepossessing spaces that cd be restraunts or bars or homes... then again, maybe they're bedder just being beautiful wasted space, but @ least they shd be converted to agnostic places so those that don't subscribe 2 the pre-scribed faith can enjoy them w/o feeling feeling they are standing in a massive 3D billboard ad 4 sum antiquated religion
> a few weird things about our neice's death... a week b4 sum guy died after taking off all his clothes + jumping in2 the same lake + when we were looking thru the above linked post from 2013 the caption on the photo (below) read «(legend has it that UFOs landed on the mountain in distance & abducted people)» + that mtn is where the accident took place (+ that's her on the raft on the lake) > there were 3 ppl in the car when it went off the cliff but initially they only found 2 (who both survived) in the lake but couldn't find our niece til they scoured the mountainside... seams like an episode of The Leftovers or X-files... maybe she didn't die but was abducted + will sum day be returned |
# 941 <(current)> 943 > viewing communist propaganda + fotos of food while perambulating the porticos of Santo Stefano | ||
[ (ɔ)om.posted 2021 anon I'm us | calamari archive ] |