    pLane GUAC-a-mole in pen-E R-cade 2 decim8 in2 # 9 on jukebox


8/8/22 > [▶︎]

> 5in¢e AUTOp1ay = 5huff1e, Code–on whee1 uv 4tune
dozent 5kip 1 beat, L&s on #28 (@ 5:15 AM), coRe–
Responding 2 a–me-know aCid CAG > we'11 5pin X [Using MC methud]
in siGh1ens 4 4'33" funLed thru ta1kie–wa1kie voi¢e 5Cramb1er
2 fit in i-urn CAGe w/o reserv8ion, tran5ition 5eam–

Less from prior seXion, whatever d@t may uv
bin [in 3–4th iter8ion, 011 100 harbored oriGinal 1st THriver
chapter, witCH goĐ moved 2 ENĐ ... thO
U keep bit of tite-L] GArden vari-T humUn G–nome
(3523.txt) cunTains 2,238,816 cop–Ez of «CAG» code–on > in pair–

a||eL uniVerse (d8-5tamped by 5cense st&ards) U reseive '28
(19 ⊕ 20?) buffaL0 head kNick-L in chanGe @
Convenien¢e 5tore + 63,924 fi5h rêvere je11y horrorizon from
4-p1y # of ab–0riGinal words 2 find pUr¢hase > X
= One 5ke1etin key, way U knead 2 Trunk8 2

fit decim8ed 5trUCture (2nd psych-L of nender eveninG sAGA)
in foo1-b1own tXt objet, do U objeCt? Nter dada–
5tream V-a 28th whee1 5poke, wi11 we 5peak? 5kip
4 2 #32 2 ketchUp, Climb Crotch 4 oriGin
of spiCes + round th whir1ed in 48 beds

+ 5ti11 wake in fin aGain, ... A11 d@t
Counts = # of words > sQUid arCH of CHrome
5weet hone, fLoodLit from b1abber–hosted farm U
meant bUmped ware cam-L kneads need-L > U C ĐNA
in U1traviviĐ Đ-ta1e + when U Lis-10 2 mU5iC

CUrtain notes CoreRe5pond 2 cuLure freakWind-C, puLs8ing w/ rhythm
> U = 1 tiny bit of interConnected code d@t dozent
just inkLoot humUns but A11 animaLs ... = Code
minG1ed w/ A11 other Cre8ures d@t came b4 2
Re:invent ve5tiGes by witch they drUG bUddhy in 4-headed

hydraLoGiC psych-L (5°-sensing seaPage happens on Nudder p1ain
TBĐ) > U can even C: in2 inAnim8 me5h uv in–
orGanic wor1d + how iT conneX up, th Grid
uv yr ⌂, iLLusion of «wa11s» when really iT
4 most part = void w/ 99% Open 5pace

+ wa11s ha1ve 2 do w/ interAxions of L–ectrons
+ protons in 1's bodE rePe11ed by moLecules in
wa11 + TELEPort8ion seams p1aUsib1e in X frameWork, th0
weed knead 2 den8ure ĐNA ti55ue in proCess, @
humUn bee-in U sub–contraCt pUnky mox, ဪ ဩ ဣ = CUrrent

TiĐE's EĐiT, CHanneLed thru 2-track CAssette deck in R/
L stairi/o–phonic 5ound, hook, Line + 5inker Linked
up V-a trainWreck waxing in2 «LifeLog ⊕ die!» hick
c1ear of charge 2 Đ-comPose 2 innernet by n@taru1e
caUzes + fiend out 4 yr5elf who primed th

pUmp (± P'd in jean pooL (bi11y GoAT?)) on 5Ub–
MArine mi55ion 4 U, every day U bite th
rook d@t feeds, vi5cous psych-L wear in5omnia AGGrAv8s mineareyes
+ verse-vice, feeding off iT-5e1f in2 downWord 5pire-
L, D-biLLit8ing, i's diaL8ed in2 pew–jet 5ound +

fury of A–CumuL8ing 5e1f-justific8ion re5ounding nu dReam MA–
chinG > f1y westWord 2 decent (hint) Lox, in2 aLLowed
word cLouds (cu11ection point #2 in <±0> 5eekWinds) > ⌘+S
> WeGee bored = π-0-nearing waGGing whee1, wha1e TAGs doG
> n0 rite ⊕ rong ant5wear, cre8ed U5ing Đ-vin8ion, top

seekrut ALGAerhythms sO 5mart they reQwire nO humUn interVention
> B d@t az iT may, U soot 5he1f in
foot b/c U can't ⌘+S + reP1ace ⊕ 5how up
in 5earCh inGenes knot 2 B red a11owed 4
s/he seaTe11s ki11er C:train reveres by severed 5a1ted C:5hore

bi kaYak U purse5evere 4 dur8ion of CATnap ≈
Z-nO nvr reach ½ weiGh even iF U take
½ weiGh point it5e1f az destin8ion, 4 d@t m@ter
U rever neach ¼ ⊕ nvr eveN 5tart 2
B-Gin f1eeing 5hips i55ue # 13, inVerse oƒ pre–V–us

HEX. NdurinG init conditions {A–Company Con5onAnt (ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ,
ㅕ ⊕ ㅣ) takes 1st (L) ½ of b1ock
+ voweL whee1 bee rit-N in 2nd ½: ㅂ
+ ㅣ = 비 (bi) ⊕ ㅇ +
ㅏ = 아 (a.i)} > in ALPine 5ti1e U Đ–nude veGe–

Tab1es 2 hike ho1e b1ack 5on > when U reed
± pub1iC U ab5orb in2 ¢ells 2 fuse 5eam–
Less periodica1s = deaf of 5entence ware @ sUm
point in Life U (th fa5hion victim) wander 2
proLonG what 2 wear 2day? Union of 2 ≠

st&sti11/stagn8ion bUtt 1 se1f–cuntaint + renUing moovement oƒ orGanized inteGr8d ho1e, B–Ginning anU @ ever–E dime 5top
do11hair $tore > Ce1estia1 bodies circumambUL8 in fixed ⊕bit based
on 5tock market trENĐs (every 1 has Opinion on
th 5ubject + Loudest a1ways get herd) > cO-opted CommUn–

ists farm naked on is1e/mtn 2 B-whiCH? teach rip–
ping point ware n0 time 2 paws + rif1ect
bowHouse bores > app1ys (Genera1ly 5peaking) in each direXion, every
1 erect, on eQwi11 footing ... Liveng breathing i/0
mAChenes > mediA in = REĐ + mediA out =

WHiTE, after months of deLiber8ions > n0 ALTern8 butt 2
p1ant gRafted sapLings, take notes, put in order, row
th way ke1eton ski + Let carts fa11 az
they Lie 2 horsis > tRai1s + broads ranch off
every witch way but Lost, ma55ive r@ts nest of

hares f1ake tite ... U fiGUre U'd fever mind way
back 2 U-G0 iF U p1ot on s0 hid
basted reTreat > took U 1 year 2 rite 20
pGs + 2day U rite 400 ... th0 how
much of d@t U keep 0ne1y time te11s > more

abt EDiTs then sewing Lines, far cry from bushier
wooing > U ride/wreath from in5ide out in non–
Linear Xpansion ... out of mid-L of nOware (from 5uuann
Lake) fa11Owing Tote Grai1s on Đ-sent duck Lightning 5trikes
> Lite–GivinG power Ndures 4ever, az do C:suns >RE:

1028 <(current)> 1030 > Helium dream (@tomic #2): Laika th 404 astr0naut in hot error whether balloon/drone
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