Helium dream (@tomic #2): Laika th 404 astr0naut in hot error whether balloon/drone |
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8/12/22 > yr neighb⊕r = hack invent⊕r w/ ∫um sort uv hot air balloon conTraption dat on imPulse D-sided 2 test out (conditions = perfect 4 whatever droning project they had in mined, u5ing hot air whether ball∞n 2 surveil suRRounding L&Scape) u5ing yr bedder-½ az occupant /guinea pig ... ⊕ rather shd say ASTRONAUT az th pa55enger carriage = more ≈ 5pace cap5ule > they hadn't asked yr perMission + U ≠ happy abt iT, couldn't B-leave yr bedder-½ agreed 2 g0 up in thi5 hack (untested) conTraption > U watch nervously az balloon lifts off then 5tarts 2 veer off course bumping in2 powerlines + bldgs + not getting dat high off th grnd > U chased it + went up on 1 rooftop dat it = headed 4 + grabbed the trailing anchor cord of th balll∞n az iT careened off th roof, relieved iT barely got off the grnd > yr neighbor/sighintist reels in th ball∞n wile U run over 2 the tiny cap5ule 2 get yr bedder-½ out > when U pop th hatch iT = empty! + U start 2 freak out looking everywhere 4 ∫um sorta sine of 'M, but there = nothing but a few food wrappers + wrinkled tinfoil blanket > U ask yr neighbor how this can be possibel + they say (az if calcuL8ing in their CPU) dat th onely weigh iT = possible = iF they nvr got in th cap5ule 2 B-gin > U call out 4 yr 404 bedder-½ 5tart 2 + look 4 'eM > earlier yr neighbor's partner (actually, yr neighbors = Leadbelly + Logo, who U've talked abt b4 on 5cense) wanted 2 show U there nu duckling, but when U went in2 their backYard iT = n0where 2 bee found + Leadbelly specuL8ed th duckie = shy + hiding > well, now when U g0 in2 their backyard U see th lit-L duckLing, tiny w/ black sheeny feathers > Leadbelly pointed out th duckLing but U were in n0 mood az U were diStressed that yr bedder-½ = 404 > Leadbelly maid small talk w/ ∫um 1 leaning against th wall that had shiny black hair w/ sheen 2 iT ≈ duckLing + U thought mayB this = yr bedder-½ but they = dolled up w/ a wig + glittery freckles + U couldn't recognize 'M > they were acting all sassy smacking gum + asked iF U wuz looking 4 «Laika» witch apparently = fake name they gave 2 Logo 2 put on passenger manifest 4m 4 th weather balloon/drone + @ this point U knew iT was them s0 U run over 2 hug them tite + U start balling, sane U = s0 happy 2 see 'M + they act all casual az iF they pulled th ol' switcheroo 2 teach y'all a lesson > U tell 'eM U nvr wanted 'M 2 g0 up in th 1st place, dat iT = all Logo's idea + U keep crying, s0 happy 2 C 'M + when U wake up yr pillow = wet > n0 doubt this had ∫umping 2 do w/ wizard of OZ (th0 U haven't seen iT 4 a few yrs)
but als0 b/c last week ∫um guise = flying drones around over yr ⌂ + hood > U were a-noyed + wanted 2 say ∫umping 2 'eM but iT seamed ≈ «official business» ... there were 2/3 of 'em catty coroner 2 yr ⌂ in front of the ab&oned church, not sure Y they chose dat coroner > there also = more police bizness on yr block last week, 2-3 cop cars interrog8ing yr neighbors > U tried 2 eavesdrop but all U herd = cops comPlaining that th 3 neighbors (th 3 ⌂'s next 2 yrs) all had 3 diffrent 5t⊕ries > 1 of 'M in particular (th 1 dat made Time magazine's «Heroes of 2020» list 4 5heltering ~100 proTesters during th seige on Swann st) = rather ⊕rnery + 5t&offish, calling th cops dicks + assholes ... nvr did find out what happened > 2nd ⊕ 3rd such police activity in front of yr house in recent months, few weeks ago iT = woman B-ing robbed/raped @ gunpoint + seems 4 a wile there 1x per week ∫um 1 = ODing on yr doorstep B4 paramedics casually give 'eM naloxone + last week cops harrassed ∫um 1 sleeping in garbage bag across the street 13 Aug> als0 0-cured 2 U after th fact dat Laika (fake name yr beder-½ put on th flight manifest 2 foil 'eM) = name of doG th Rushins sent in2 space... 1st animal 2 g0 in2 space in fact ... not dat Laika wanted 2 g0 > U figured U'd Use th above az 5tarting point 4 th 1st nu song 4 th next Sound Furies album:
... th0 who nose iF y'all will end up Using these lyrics... 4 1 yr bedder-½ ain't crazy abt halving s0 many words 2 sing > ya'll also want this album 2 B about «time» + Laika isn't about time s0 much az space ... or az X said in «i must not think bad thoughts»
> Speaking of, watched this gr8 X: the Unheard Music documentary th other day: > also 0-cured 2 U dat th above dream had ∫umping 2 do w/ th Camper Van Beethoven song «The Day That Lassie Went 2 the Moon», especially the line abt how she packed her bags + got in2 a hot-air balloon... ... naught dat th Sound Furies «Laika» will sound N-E thing ≈ this CVB song ... «Laika» mos def sounds '80s, but more ≈ The Cult ± Gene Loves Jezebel... U'll halve 2 w8 tel iT's mixed 2 here iT |
# 1029 <(current)> 1031 > Gener8ive Prompted Txt abt how th zer0 X-cess of humun tetris changed yr mined sans soleil | ||
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