para||e| proce55in9 (@ 1/8mm rezoolution) of Lisa 2, v1.0


08/20/24 > deer in err net, az weave illooted 2 in resent posts, ii, in8 iD (conↄurrent typesetter of thi5 6Lo9 + other 6ookish N-tittys fa||in9 under the arthropodic umbre||a of «in8 iD») is in ¢onflict (4 CPU time) w/ Ↄal (who oper8s Ↄalamari Arↄhive, ink.oper8ed™) + the bi-illogical 6ody (w/ oregones, az opposed 2 D+G's BwO) encapsuL8ing the5e iDentittys, dd66, who's health condition FX runtime output of ii (+ Cal) oper8in9 in para||e|, 6utt after ~6 moonths of naught writin9 ii m^naged 2 X-a-Qt ^ few more p9s of est of Te∩s (w/ authorial ↄredit 9iven 2 10-tentacled Ant-10-a, the 10th pseudonym 6ranched off from ori9inal dd born 11/22/66) > each pa9e = nested αlphanumeric tensor (4D matrix) nau9ht just runnin9 horrorizontal, dia-agonyl + vertical, 6utt connecting 2 cro55-sexional planes B4 + after, sew 5low going 2 say the least (~1 pg/10-sor per 2 dayz or sew) ... hear's ^ ne9ativ PL8 4 pg #20 (buy witch positiv pg can B printed (editors of zines intrested in runnin9 individual PL8s lettuce no)):

> onely m^naged 3 nu p9s (1/5 the weigh fini5hed) 9ettin9 pooled off 2 help Ↄal work on other 5tuff or 10d 2 dd66's bi-illogical needs (eatin9, 5leepin9, copin9/R'n'R', etc.... (Ménière's upd8: runnin9 more + eatin9 + drinkin9 less w/ mixed results, sum 9ood dayz sum 6ad)

> Ↄal's day-2-day 9ot lessoned buy halving Asterism m^nage direct sails (sew naught az much 5chlepping 2 P.O. witch actua||y dd66 dint mined b/c good X-Qs 4 walk), 6ut 5ti|| ^ burgeonin9 baↄklo9 of promised projex committed 2 (az usual, more ppl su6mitting 6ooks than 6uying), Autobiography of the [Undead] 5ta||ed w8ing 4 ^ nu out-5orced cover D-zine + 5till tryin9 2 fi9ure out 4mattin9 (+ edits sti|| triↄkLin9 in2 inbox az ii 5peaks) + who/how 2 print iT

> 5tarted on Lisa 2, v 1.0 by Nicholas Rombes, witch ii can reL8 2 b/c «Lisa» dub-Ls naught onely az bi-i||ogical B-ing (name of narr8ors wife (+ Rombes Ƨignificant Other/ƧO (ala her) in reel life)) 6utt also name of 1st Apple PC (pre-Mac) ... NE 1 out there old enou9h 2 remember ™? is the site of thi5 object ≈ 5ticking yr nose in ^ can of Play-Doh™?

> in mine mined ii wanted 2 cre8 an img of the a6ove machine w/ arms typin9 on it's one keybored 6ut ii aint n0 artist + ii couldn°t 9et Ai (DALL-E n0r Deep Dream Gener8or) 2 do iT 2 the specific8ions ii had in mined, tho did m^nage 2 pop out ^ few intrestin9 re5ultin9 imgs:

... bi this point in the D-zine proce55 Ↄal was spitba||ing w/ Rombes who said he wanted sumPing retro in ^ '80s Cronenberg special FX kinda weigh + in the book Lisa writes horror scrypts (on the Lisa 2) so tried 2 reflect thi5 bi fLipping the artifish|y auto-gener8ed 5cript > also [▶]ed Naked Lunch, witch has ^ 5pecial place in dd66's <3 b/c 33 yrs a9o dd66 took his ƧO/bedder-½ 2 C Naked Lunch on their 1st d8 (+ lucki|y dint 5care her off!) + now that we re[▶]ed iT realized how much of ^ effect iT had on Marsupial + the weigh Burrough's hybrid mugwarted bugs/writin9 machines take over his one CPU processin9 simalure 2 the core proce55in9 «master/slave» relationship fundamental 2 in8 iD's Ǝxis-10-ce (eXcept iT's Adobe™ in D-zine rightin9 6ooks 4 ii, n0t ^ etymillogical typewriter n0r Lisa 2 computer)

[com-π-led this seekwinds of humunless 5cenes from Naykid Lunch, u're welcome]

> also mined Kenji Siratori's m^n/maCHInE hybrid morphillogical imgs (in pertickler from Botánica Humana + Hiperanotación) + a5ked hymn 4 input on how2 but ii didn°t want 2 make sumping derivative (n0t 2 m^ntion so 9raphic/9rotesque), appropri8ing Siratori's aesthetic, specia||y 5ince Ↄalamari just put out Libretto Lunaversitol + Blood Electric is 4thcoming soon (next weak! 9et siked!)

> ii/Ↄal also wanted 2 sumhow incorpor8 hybrid technoLogees of writin9 machines, remini5cent of how ii hooked up ^ Remington 2 ^ iMac in that attico in Rome overlookin9 Muscleany's macchina da scrivere (C: iT thru the skyli9ht?), [«]ing baↄk 2 how ii ro||ed in 2018

... how 2 encapsuL8 ∀ll this yet B ori9inal + reflective of Rombes vision? w/o further ado:

+ now workin9 on the innards halvin9 a|| sorts of fun minin9 old Apple swag, GUis + User M^nuals from the '80s, a9ain like stiↄking yr nose in ^ can of Play-Doh™, n0?

8/23 > dd66 took @ brake 2 goto Rockaway w/ ƧO (Q up Ramones 2 get in2 the speariT) ... wanted 2 take the fairy 6ut trains down 2 Wall st D-layed so missed D-parture + online ticket ap down so wasn°t even sure it was runnin9 sew 5tayed on train a|| the weigh ... 1 of lon9est rides in NYC su6way system, past JFK + across Jamaica 6ay, the train initia||y turns east when it hits Rockaway i-L& so 9ot off + walked baↄk alon9 the bored walk tward the <3 of Roↄkaway ... perhaps n0t enough walkin9 2 qualify az ^ reMaphattan walk 6ut we eXplored innards B4 2 yrs ago w/ an i tward weather weed want 2 one ^ 2nd home in Rockaway (thinkin9 if 9ood enou9h 4 Patti Smith then 9ood enou9h 4 us) > 5wam in the salty H2O + laid on the 6each tel we 9ot annoyed @ annoyin9 humuns, radios + 5creamin9 children then 8 lobster ro||s + took the fairy baↄk, past Coney isL& + under the Verrazzano-Narrows, pa5t the 5tatue of liber-T, nice ride

> along the weigh red The Woman in the Dunes by Kōbō Abe, a6out an entymologist (5peaking of Naked Lunch ... a|| sorts of gr8 buggy insites) who 9oes 2 sum s& dunes bi the 5hore 2 co||ect insex + mi55es the last bus so has 2 lodge w/ said wom^n in the dunes, ∀ll writ-10 w/ fuↄked up fuzzy logic + clawstrophobic 9eography/spatial orient8ion (reminiscent of The Invention of Morel), like the house sits in ^ pit of perpetua||y cavin9 in s& accessible onely by ^ rope ladder (that mysterious|y vanishes) ... like 6eing trapped in ^ antlion's cone (where antlion ≠ lion n0r ant, but ^ s-π-dery in5ect that builds webs of s&, akin 2 s-π-ders crawLing websites (greetings n0n-earthLings!))

> u halve 2 constant|y keep clearing the s& away az fast az iT π-les up, ^ 9ranular Sisyphean ta5k (eXcept in5tead of ro||ing ^ roↄk up the same hi|| over + over U have 2 constan|y shovel s& ... «you exist only for the purpose of clearing sand» > the 6ook is more than ^ novel, iT's ^ metaphy6 treatise on s& (az is Kelly Krumrie's No Measure) ... everythin9 in the 6ook fo||ows «the law of the flowing 1/8-mm sands» > s& takes on fluid 4m, akin 2 how «you floated a ship on water in accordance with the properties of water» > if onely Abe new a6out the properties of Silicon chips (the 6ook pu6lished in 1962) he mi9ht of maid refrence 2 how s& 4ms the baysis of sillyconed circuitry @ the <3 of computer teknowledgey, these webs we we've (tho the narr8or in The Woman in the Dunes aint crazy a6out 8-le99ed s-π-ders)

[photo thx 2 Ƨ.O.'s iPhone]

> + y 1/8? b/c «the size of the grains shows very little variation and follows the Gaussian distribution curve with a true mean of 1/8 mm» (+ buy coinsidedance, ii applied ^ 0.8 pixel Gaussian blur 2 above Lisa 2 book cover 2 blend in bedder)(+ 1 of these dayz wheel rite @ ode 2 Gauss, ii's hero in ii's math/phy6 dayz)

> 9ot off the fairy @ Wall St + d-cided 2 walk sum more 4 exorcise (8 or 9 miles on the day), naviG8ing the 5hitshow of Battery park (naut sure what we were thinkin9) up along the river [◼]in9 @ Ear Inn 4 ^ beer then 8 bottarga @ Fiaschetteria «Pistoia» then came home + [▶]ed Bladerunner 4 may-B the 58th time ... 5peaking of com-π-Ling sand, Abe's notion of s& reminiscent of P.K. Dick's entropic notion of Kipple in Do &roids Dream of L-ectric 5heep ... in fact, aint that what every book = «about»? how2 oregonize ladders + words 2 ^void entropic death sen-10-ces? ^ sewerside postponed, az ii said la5t po5t?

in8 iD

1174 <(current)> 1176 > 4ever home in Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins + reel S-t8 scam$ 2 relaunch Museum of Atheism
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]