4 Ever le55 than humun po5t, 5ame az the nu bozo boss, the dead queen |
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08/19/24 > Bullet Baker rote another f/u post a6out pubLi5hing Ever w/ Ↄalamari, saying sum nice insiteful 5tuff abt the «nuts + bolts» (from BB's writer|y POV ... 4 publi$hers per$pective see po5t 931) of micro-pre55 pu6Lishing + whatn0t + th importance of keeping ∀|| these gr8 books 4ever ∀Live, once out of th author's h&s:
... glad BB appreci8es the lon9evity/true-2-the-word-ne55 of Ever, even tho iT's probly BB's lea$t popular 6ook ever (Ↄal's fault) > thi5 = how ii (in8 iD, th author of thi5 non-sub5tacked 6Log) feeLs w/ ever-E 6ook that pa5t i's halve ever writ-10, that iT B-comes 4in 2 bi-illogical ii the 2nd iT's ever pubLiched (where iT = in4mation Tecknowledge-E), once pried from th author's gori||a grip > Bullet Baker is 4ever n0 lon9er the Blake Butler that ever pubLished Ever + the «Derek» persun BB refrences n0 longer Ǝxists kneethere ... far az the litterairy whirled is ever con¢erned, «Derek White» dyed sum time after 2008 when Ↄalamari pubLished Marsupial (the last 6ook using dd66's 9iven name, tho n0t on the cover) + renounced 5ocial media > «Blake Butler» has more in¢entive 2 hang on 2 that given name, iT carries more w8, br& recognition, can $ell sub$equent 6ook$ 6ased on that $ame name $ucce$$foo|y used on previou$ book$ + n0, Derek (n0r Ↄal) dozent loathe the word «brand recognition» ... in fact, iT's sumthin9 weave always 5trived 4 (taking ^ Q from early 4AD (D-zined by 23 Envelope), Dischord, Alternative Tentacles, Factory records, etc.), Ↄalamari has always 6een ^ co||ective, ^ archive (BB sti|| ca||s it ^ «Press», ^ word that does offend us, that Ↄalamari 5topped u5ing in 2014), the sum of art contained w/in > but yes, Ↄal seams inklined 2 want 2 br& the 6ooks 2 fit in2 ^ certain aesthetic witch hopefu||y hasn't 6een 2 compromised over the yrs? > Ↄalamari R akin 2 chameleons, who kin camouflage themselves 2 adapt 2 their surroundings, from sophistic8ed lizards 2 camel-lions > az The Chameleons 5ing:
... ^ song Ↄal used 2 make the B-lo video, on Xmas day 2009 (az if ii knew Markson wood die a week L8er?), feetsuring bedder-½ az pa||bearer 4 blue-in-the-face Krishna (Y? maid cents @ the time): ... if Ƨ.O./bedder-½'s ivy League peeps saw thi5 video now wd they halve granted bedder-½ 10-ure? we'R rambLing, but Y n0t, in thi5 whirLed of fake news + ever-E 1 screaming 2 B herd, bedder 2 just make n0n-5cense ± n0t make ¢ents, n0? az ii was sane, Ↄalamari ain't ^ X-prez n0r pre55 > 4 th upcoming Bklyn Book Fest, Ↄal (th entreprenewreal 5ide of Ↄalamari) con$idered halving the$e dum6 custom6 6ook 6ags maid (5peakin9 of br& reco9nition): ... wood u bye ^ book iF it came w/ thi5 ba9? or is thi5 ^ gimicky $e|| out? ^ canal st knock-off of Gian's «double suicide or it wasn't love» tote? then a9ain, is going 2 the Bklyn Book Fest $e||ing out, knowin9 fool we|| iT was organized
buy Liz Koch (yes, of bi||ionaire Koch brothers fame) > ends up Ↄal cant make th a6ove 6ook6ags NE-way, b/c when Ↄal tried 2 order them thru Amazon they censored them, saying they couldn't print em + Ↄal 5cratched 1 of Ↄal's CPUs wondering Y, then changed the wording 2 «a book is a sewerside postponed» + bingo, they let that slide ... so Bozos won't print N-E-thing w/ the word suicide? + iT wouldn't madder if Ↄal wrote iT in french (the ori9inal language EM Cioran wrote this in)——«Un livre est un suicide différé»——b/c suicide is the same in 6oth en9lish + french
> Cioran also said:
... Y does sewerside seam 2 come up in ever-E post ii rites w/ Blake Butler in iT, d8ing back 2 2008? @ NE r8, iT's a|| 1 big hippocrazy, u can either n0t Ǝxist @ ∀ll (witch suits in8 iD ju5t fine) or U can drink the Kool-aid (witch Ↄal feels inklined 2 due, 4 the sake of th other authors) > problem is, Ↄal 5hares the 5ame 6ody w/ in8 iD + dd66, who can't 5tomach the likes of instaGlam ... last weak after po5ting «every post on Instagram supports Zuckerberg thinking Trump is a "Badass"» the co||ective we aint sure what 2 do ... weather 2 swa||ow R pride + ❤-y dose of Kool-aid, same spiked punch that ki||ed 918 of Jim Jones' «followers» ... 918 less books in the whirled ... but in5tead use Emilio Carrero's h& holding the nu book——Autobiography of the [Undead], witch coincidenta||y (th above img/post was in5pired reading Derrida) Carrero had origina||y titled [Archive Fever] when he 1st submitted iT 2 Ↄalamari > Ↄal also wanted 2 make iT resemble ^ tombstone (wi|| make 5ense Y iF/when U read the book): ... pro6lem is, u got 2 fit the title/name on there, so hard 2 halve the mise en abîme refrence iTself infinite|y 2 ∞ (so Ↄal onely 5howed 1 iter8ion) > sew it's baↄk 2 the drawin9 bored, or rather, Ↄal's out5ourcing iT 2 another artist (friend of Emilio's, witch is always best NE wayz), probly 4 the bedder 5ince conceptua||y iT wood halve 5een 2 similar 2 the 6ook Bein9 pu6Lished rite B4 iT (No Measure) + b/c there's so m^ny refrences (... in ^ nut5he|| iT's Carrero's autobiography pieced 2gether bi quoting other books/movies/ppl (700+ references in a||!)) that Amazon KDP rejected iT (they wanted notes of permissions 4 each of these cit8ions), so wheel have 2 run w/ Ingram on this 1 > fucking Bozos strike again + (az The Smiths noted)
> weird ii said we were on ^ Alain Delon kick in the last post (re[▶]ed La Piscine + Purple Noon) + then ^ day or 2 L8er Delon died, R.i.P. > coincidenta||y, Alain Delon is feetsured on the above album that «Bigmouth Strikes Again» is on (that ii thinks Gian also appropri8ed az ^ early NY Tyrant cover (?) but ii can't find evidence of this online, mayB b/c Morrissey (or his label) or Delon threatened litig8ion): > + 5peaking of Gian + Delon, az weave pointed out B4, crazy how much Delon's smile/laugh reminds us of Gian, n0? > last nite we re[▶]ed Rocco + His Brothers + this past week also re/[▶]ed:
xoxo, |
# 1173 <(current)> 1175 > para||e| proce55in9 (@ 1/8mm rezoolution) of Lisa 2, v1.0 | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |