decalcomania: cloaked 5urface 5tudies of 5kewed ink OoPs |
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11.20.2024 > walked ^croƨƨ the i-L& + over m^nhattan 6rid9e in2 Bklyn [~10 miles] 2 5ive Spice Tacos & Banh Mi [kn0t affili8ed w/ 5cense!] 2 meat L + M then 2 Bklyn Paramount 2 C: Slowdive > La5t time we saw Slowdive mine mineareyes d-zzz wuzz in hi9h swin9 + ii cdn't here ± C: 5hit / muddled migrainey mess a-10-U-8in9 10-itus in2 resinant freakwindsea overLode > bklyn Paramount bedder than Webster Ha|| 6ut 5ti|| 2 big 4 ii's britches + mutch az ii <3 Slowdive they R ^ 6orin9 wa|| of reverb Live / can hard|y distin9uish watt they whir doin9 11.21 33rd anniver5ary of wen ii + jj met / wint 2 sushi Nonaka ... 9ettin9 ^ bit burnt out on thi5 fancy $u$hi ware they char + flavor the fuↄk out of the ><()°> teL iT's blahséed / wood rather ju5t halve iT str8 up raw / UՈadulter8ed > afterwords martini's @ Scarlet 6ar / apt enuff 4 th evɘ of ii's b-day / vvherein/vvhence ii had 5carLit.11.22 [hoo also rote intro/ab5traↄt] sin9 us cöd.eXɘ.böↄ ≈ how MM san9 JFK happy b-day B4 he died on 11.22.63 11.22 Launched cöd.eXɘ.böↄ in2 th ethereal aether ... now gots the po5t-pubLishin9 6lues when u wonder Y u du what u du when n0t 1 sin9le persun byes the b∞k ... 5tory of ii's Life 4 last 20+ yrs yet 5ti|| ii contiՈUe 2 pubLish / ƨo az n0t 2 perish? az usual ii dives rite in2 ^nother projeↄt / Godda keap aw-Q-π-ed 2 fi|| the void 2 kn0t 9et D-pressed thiNkin9 how 100% of the whirled has 0% intrest in watt in8 iD doez [ii exager8s / butt 4 a|| in-10ts + purpisses 99.9999999999 = 100 / n0 1 eXcept bedder-½ + evɘn bedder-½ dont UՈderst& ½ of iT b/c they 5peak diffrent si9hin9tific Lan9ua9e] > rote ^nother peace 4 ՈEƧT of TEՈS [up 2 TEՈƎT # 23] then wile ruՈՈin9 oↄcurred 2 ii that Ↄalamari shd re-i55ue them urly out-of-print ↄhaps / Y n0t? now that we halve POD / n0 5kin off ii's chiↄkin > the co-labs w/ Carlos Luis [az one consolid8ed b∞k objet] kin w8 5ince theyre's 5ti|| ↄopies of ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos but fi9ured ii cd 5tart w/ Mining in the Black Hills / 23 Text Tiles / Trapezoidal Juggernaut + Bodh[i] Circu[it]s / Alg[a]e[bra] D[ra[in] + Lump em 2gether in2 1 volume, what du u thiNK deer inurnet? in interim took em down ∴ n0 Longer free / appy-po||y Lo99ies + FYi / we onely u5e hour di5hwasher 2 clean the di5hwasher [u5e iT onely az ^ di5h raↄk unteL iT 9ets sme||y] ii did howevɘr order sQuid ink pa5ta w/ Calamari 4 dinner b4 scene SUՈՈ O)))
decalcomania = teↄhnique used ^ lot by Carlos Luis in above m^ntioned ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos ... witch = Last remainin9 6ook w/ ii's reɘL X-nombre on iT / in fact, Last remainin9 b∞k w/ x-name on the cover (dd66's listed az author of Marsupial + Poste Restante 6ut x-name's n0t on the cover) > iF/when the Last few copies $ell [hint hint] + Ↄalamari reissues them Dxxxx Wxxxx wi|| chan9e name 2 dd66 or d/Cal > 5peakin9 uv witch / MM + DD emBarked on ^nother co-Lab [az iF ii dozent halve enuff other 5hit 9oin9 on] / the txt ii [dba «DD»] prompted MM w/ (2 make correspondin9 Rt) 2 seed the project =
in thiNKin9 thru a|| X helped 2 reɘd Mike Corrao's Surface Studies / 2 frame how 2 h&le re4muL8in9 the5e ear|y chaps / in4min9 ^ lot of the superfiↄial thiNKin9 ware: S U p E R F i C i A l + PiL ≠ public image LTD in 1 sense Corrao's en9a9emint = SUpERFiCiAl [tocks a6out the 6ook az b∞k objeↄt / physiↄality of iT (ware per u5ual iT = in4m8ion Tecknowledgee)] / sorta how ii en9a9es hear on 5cense / tho Corrao's topo/typo-9raphical insite 9oes far deɘper / reminedid ii of dd66's 9eophysical surveyin9 daze when dd used iP [induced Polarization (n0t inte||ectual property or iՈUrnet protocol)] 2 search 4 copper + gold + radioactive W.A.S.T.E. + or usin9 the «NanoTEM® Near-surface Method» 2 L👀K 4 diamonds UՈder frozen lakes in the Arctic Cirↄel] sea? what wuz ii tockin9 a bout b4 di9ressin9? Corrao does that ^ bit / has ^ curtain lens he applies 2 most a|| b∞ks [+ alƨo seɘks out specific 6ooks in X vein / up his a||ey / w/ ^ foke us on surface + concealment] 2 gener8 ՈU txt objets dat = ori9inul litterasure in theyre one rite / ii hadn°t red most 6ut now am intre5ted 2 due so [especia||y An Interface for a Fractal Landscape by Ed Steck / witch ii just ordered] also red Cloak: On the textobject & its Concealment / manifesto of ƨorts 4 CLOAK [Corrao's press] / th inna9aural pu6lic8ion 2 set the st&ard
> how ii rites u5in9 αlphanumeric 5ource ¢ode = ^ Cloak† / matador's red cape († ? = / ware = da99er / 2 counter a taↄk?) + 9oin9 w/ what ii was tockin9 a6out a6ove re: pseudonyms:
> ii doesn't UՈderst& Y ƨo m^ny righters 5ti|| persist u5in9 their ar6itrary names 9iven @ 6irth? movies en9a9ed w/ the last weɘk or 2 [may B others 4got 2 Lo9]:
[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack or bSky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t] |
# 1190 <(current)> 1192 > poem-granite maiD of wood wide web 4 tha Rt n0t tha Rtist | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |