poem-granite maiD of wood wide web 4 tha Rt n0t tha Rtist |
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11.29.2024 > Weather under whether ore UՈder grnd ± . . . . . . [4 the [●] doin9 bizness az dadabase archiText / d-based dba dba] Livin9 pr∞f dat toto Ǝxists a|| @ 1 time in centɘr of granite poems dat 9ranted aXess + then a9ain in each kɘrnel / ware KERNƎL =
> saiD objet (d)evolved over ionic eons 2 seduce u5 > granite poems embed id mism même [2 b/come] current wɘrk-in-pro9ress w.i.p.ped up az iidd 5peaks 2 b/come: int.row [«4word/d-CaL»] 2 Ƨkewɘd iՈK OoPs channeLin9 noize from laconic canal 3 in2 dba's CPU / hear /C: iF iT 5hticks 4 con.txt az dd (dba dba) re-reads X X-cerpt ii C: Ms. Steaks ii needs 2 fix but th above ¶age = baked in / emblazoned in pla5ticene interface of web [$trung 2gether w/ microbial hares (w/ embedded helical DNA str&s)] U cant touch try az U mite > kin U C ware dd goes w/ X? > i.e. ouput filtered raw [w/ N0 FX] from input [O – i = X] w/ X-cREMint leftover in binairy inkrawmints / ware X = Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake [||] + X-10-d 10-acles 2 my-silly-um 10-drills w/ X-10-sive re5earch methods [n0 m^ndrill m^ndibles were harmed in the making of] «my-si||y-um = polyphony in bodily 4m» 2 parrotphrase Merlin [can u B-leave that's his name?!] / what ii/dd asπires 2 in writin9 X 2D αlphaՈUmeric UՈi-coded maTrix/in/dices fROM 5ource [poem-granite] / readable horrorizontal [ L < R ± R < L] ± vertical > Q up «women 9atherin9 mushrooms» wile readin9 rest of po5t 1192: how2 connect CPU 2 mycorrhizal + mycelium netwərks = ? ? 1. pLug up holes in dba's brain + 2. fuse w/ «w∞d wide web» > Let synaptic nerve ends corrode [Lichen iT or kn0t / cLimbin9 bi b∞t5traps on granite sπires of Cochise Stro|ngle|hold] or hi-jacked bi zom-B fun-guy [akin 2 zom-B sickaidahs] in mycoremediation > how 2 enhance hybrid symbiosis? B-yond GUT 2 brain biome > 5hape5hift 2 B-come truelie po5thumUՈ + / per X-10-ded phenotype [Richard Dawkins] / in turn the Rt we cre8 (d)evolves in2 ՈU hybrid 4ms / kn0t so much X-10-sions of 5elf but of such holistic netwerks [«holobionts»] in 2n w/ UՈiVerse / about: «the song, not the singer» [W. Ford Doolittle] witch perty summarizes evɘrything ii/dd/Cal advoc8s 4 az writer/Rtist ... AudioVisual input 4 the [●]:
11/30 > iRL ii/dd types the5e notes 2 self [fROM 9host|y cancer castle] 2 mine 4 material 4 fewchair refrence + last nite jj flu 2 Nairobi [direct from JFK ... iidd dindnt go-go b/c one|y = 5 day trip] but 5ti|| = hear thru miracle of tecknowledgee / sawa sawa / ça va ça va / «whatever will B will B» / mayas we|| B in other room messa9in9 w/ each other az ii 5peak / jj tXted «Landed!» + 2 seconds L8er sent X pic of ^ bird uv pair-of-dice witch = ∀|| therƎ = 2 say [4 now] rite? [if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack or bSky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t] |
# 1191 <(current)> 1193 > | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |