The Gr8 Rock'n'Lit $windle part ii: reviving Blood Electric w/ ^ Poem Rocket of punked glitchcraft |
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09/04/24 > ㄥucky #1177, cheↄk, ↄheck > Poem Rocket rocked iT last nite @ Mercury Lounge, bin ^ vaast # of yrs 5ince weave seen Michael Peters (author of Vaast Bin) in the flesh + 1st time ever seein9 Poem Rocket az they haven°t playd live in the ~20 yrs 5ince we've none Mike, chk, rock iT! > they have ^ nu EP (Lend-Lease) out or 4thcoming (from Silver Girl records) ... we||, «new» 6ut old [●]ed material from the '90s that was lost + [»] now found + etched in2 vinyl 4 pro5perity sake, in case electrici-T-based tecknowledgy ki||s it5elf off + us w/ iT (ware iT = in4mation Tecknolwedgey) @ least aliens mite find the5e vinyl objects + B able 2 play 'em w/ those h&-cranked phono9raphs ... so muↄh 9ood muzic from b&s relative|y unnone + then u here about ppl makin9 mi||ions from fake b&s + muzac cr8ed bi Ai (+ there's gna B ^ Fyre Festival II?!?!)... 6ut Poem Rocket + Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death R reassurin9 testimony that there R sti|| Reel ppl out there that roↄk, that [●] + lay down trax on wax usin9 RRReal instrawments + n0 auto-2n B.S. 09/05 > walked down 2 Chelsea (NYC, n0t London) 2 go 2 Printed Matter + the closin9 reception of th «Untitled Summer» XZbit @ the Chelsea Walls gallery, feetsuring ^ bunch of Rtists inklooting 1 (Amanda Srge Lindsay) who co||ects her P in jars (like Howard Hughes) + calls iT Rt (like Piero Manzoni, onely Lindsay's P is reel (if u take her word 4 iT)) + R ol' friend Richard Louderback, who we just saw in L.A. + oh, we had the pleasure of meating Tammi Littlenut (Jerri Blank's luv-intrest in Strangers with Candy) in the fle5h! > afterwords 8 @ Mermaid Inn then got martinis @ the new-fangled Chelsea hotel ... far cry from ware Sid killed Nancy 09/06 > officia||y relaunched Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric 2day, had 2 D-lay relaunↄh b/c the initial 6atch sent 2 Asterism 9ot eaten up 6y pre-orders, @ NE r8, now iT's hear! here ye, baↄk from the dead! ... + 5peakin9 of 5cams + dupe-licit rackets (last week we lamented our NYC real S-t8 woes (... also speakin9 of «real» thin9s (vs. fake))), Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric is yet ^nother victim of ^ gr& litterairy 5cam > n0t onely is Ↄalamari Arↄhive akin 2 ^ n0-kill 5helter, 6ut most of the5e res-Q-ed 6ooks RePublished this year halve 6een punked 6y litterairy fraudsters: Yuxin Zhao's The Moons + Steven Alvarez's Tonalamatl were both re55urected casualties of The Great [Pank] Swindle + wile the hole Subito fiasco wazn't rea||y ^ sc&alous «scam» per say (qualifies more az 5heer negligence + ineptitude), there's bin 2 X-Subito titles weave res-Q-ed + 9iven nu life 2 (New New Animals + the 4thcoming (11/1) Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins by Janalyn Guo, witch we reveiled the cover 4 la5t po5t) > the baↄk 5tory B-hind Blood Electric, tho, takes the cake ... 1st published by Creation Books in 2002, B4 the owner/publisher/con-artist James Williamson fled 2 Bangkok 2 S-cape lawsuits, the FB-eye + ∀ll th authors he nvr paid royalties 2, inklootin9: Lydia Lunch, Adam Webb, Matthew Stokoe, Tim Mitchell, Dennis Morris (speakin9 of The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle, Morris's book was Destroy: A Photographic Archive of the Sex Pistols 1977), Jane Giles, Adam Gorightly, Dr. Nevill Drury, Alan G. Parker (author of [Sid] Vicious: Too Fast To Live), Terence Sellers, David Flint, Thomas B.W. Bailey, Agnès Pierron, Boyd Rice & Brian M. Clark, Andy Boot, Ben Cobb, Mark Spitzer (+ the est8 of Georges Bataille), Simon Whitechapel, Lisa B. Falour, Kenji Siratori + so on ... there's even ^ website dedic8ed 2 the Creation Books fraud ... writers + Rtists B-ware! + 5peakin9 of Kenji Siratori, red Glitch Poetics 6y Nathan Allen Jones ... naught sure waht credentials Jones has 2 right 5uch ^ 6ook, 6ut Jones dozent even mention Siratori? tho 9oes on a bout the likes of Tao Lin, who ii nvr wood of ima9ined 2 B «Glitch»? X-cept may-B Lin's early bit-mapped Rtwerk, then a9ain, what do ii no, ii is a^ out5ider, ii aint n0 academic that labels thin9s n0r is paid 2 rite suck boohs (prezoomab|y ^n X-10-sion of sum PhD wurk Jones did that he wanted 2 ¢apitalize on 2 boo$t his name az $um $orta eXpert in the field) > ii rare|y sees the point of such 6ooks, 6ut ii fi9ured ii'd 9et iT b/c ii didn't nO muↄh a6out 9litch poetix til ii herd Siratori throw the term ^round > ^ccordin9 2 Jones:
... 6y this definition ii wood con5ider ii's one werk 2 B 9litchy + in faↄt our mothership Ↄalamari ^Rↄhive is sew named b/c lapsus calami litteruley menes «5lips of the pen» (az opposed 2 5lips of the tongue (lapsus linguae)) > 20 yrs a9o most of the froidean slippage + printin9 airs Ↄalamari pu6lished mirrored analo9 ink smeres, tho in re5ent yrs weave evolved 2 inkloot sum digital glitch-craft, stay 2ned 4 moss |
# 1176 <(current)> 1178 > OoPs! ^ $helf life of ^ b∞kkherder servin9 ^ ㄥife sent-10s of b∞kended 5ent-10-ces | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |