ce||ular boundaries @ thɘ ɘnd of the ㄥine 2 B ^ b∞k 5lave + save the wails


09/14/24 > took the train 2 th Ǝnd of thɘ ㄥine in The Bronx, 242nd st/Van CortL& Park > in the Maphattan projeↄt ^ deckaid ago we cro55ed the Broadway Brid9e in2 Marble Hill but didn°t venture az far up north az 242nd st ... diffrent mundo up yonder, yo, 5trip ma||s, box 5tores, ppl drivin9 cars, etc. > walked bɒɔk aɔɿoƨƨ the Bdwy 6rid9e, skirtin9 alon9 Muscota Marsh in2 Inwood Park L👀kin9 ^cross Spuyten Duyvil (4 witch the fe||ow press = named) @ C cliff (named 4 Columbia), ware yun9 Jim Carroll (Leotardo DiCaprio) jumps off in Basketball Diaries (Inwood beeing Carroll's hood, ware a|| the ppl who died died), thru Inwood Park witch = the wildest in M^nhattan, FYi, feels az iF ur actua||y out in «nature»! waht th i-L& of M^nhattan L👀ked like B4 white m^n ^rrived, ^cross Dyckm^n + then in2 4t Tryon park up (ㄥots of 5teps!) pa5t the Cloisters, views of the mi9hty river, down thru Hudson/Washington Heights, 8 Thai @ sum hole in the wa||, ~9 miles in a||


end of the ㄥine



9/15 > walked east + then down along the turbulent East river a|| the way down 2 the East vi||age + 8 @ Raku (10 miles)


かにまぜうどん («kani maze» cold udon w/ crab roe, butter, Q-cumber, yuzu, toasted C-weed)


9/16 > last nite sum uni4med park ran9er type/climate sighingtist colleague of jj brot home sum sorta ded bay-B whale + sed they did everythin9 they cd but cdn°t save it + ii said (takin9 iT's pulse) iT wuz sti|| aㄥive + we shd put iT baↄk in the H2O pronto + even iF dead/dying iT shd bee baↄk in th oↄean ware other creatures cd eat iT + recyↄle iT's ce||s + this ran9er/sighingtist sed there wuz ^ protocol 4 thi5 + weed halve 2 a5k th proper authorities + ii sed fuↄk that, n0 time 4 suↄh non5ense, ㄥets ju5t put iT baↄk in iT's riteful place, sew ii piↄked iT up (unwield|y 2 say the least) + 5tarted 2 carry the dyin9 bayB wail + the uni4med ran9er said we shd @t ㄥeast docum_nt iT sew ii told him 2 grab ii's fone + he cdn°t find iT + 9rabbed jj's > th ocean wuz rite their when we walked out the door 6ut the 9uy said we had 2 go 2 ^ certain 5pot + ii said thi5 wuz az 9ood ^ 5pot az NE + went down 2 the 5hore + the ranger was ㄥike hold on, hold on + wuz 9ettin9 the phone/camraw reddy 2 film the res-Q operation, fussin9 w/ iT, te||in9 jj there wuz ^ messa9e from so + so + readin9 iT 2 her + meanwile ii felt the whale sigh deep|y + 5pasm az if takin9 iT's last 6reath + then iT just D-fL8ed rite in my R-ms + a|| thi5 blud 5tarted oozin9 out + then the ran9er wuz ㄥike OK, OK reddy, cheeze + ii said 4get iT, iT's 2 L8 + put the dead bayB wail down in the surf + ii had blud a|| over my h&s + the seawater was bluddy + ii had n0 ware 2 wa5h iT off

... bin halvin9 weird vioㄥent dreams, L8|y, th ^bove may-B b/c of the RFK whale-head-ㄥoppin9 story in the Daily Noose or 5till recoverin9 from savin9 that gunshot victim's life like Jackie O holding JFK's brains in or mayB b/c wails R 5till fre5h in ii's mined from a|| the 1s we ju5t saw in Cali4nia or mayB b/c ii've bin takin9 dramamine 2 sㄥeep bedder + mayB iT sorta works, hard 2 say 4 sure, 1x sㄥept 4 hrs str8 4 the 1st time in ^ ㄥon9 while, 7-8 hrs wakin9 up onely 2x (whereaz most of the time ii typica||y wake up 3 or 5 times + ㄥay they're awake countin9 ƨdrowkↄɒb or tryin9 in vein 2 think of n0thing 4 hrs) > ii wake up ^ bit 9ro99y, 6ut n0t diz-Z > n0t ^ nite|y solution, 6ut 4 sum nites, e5pecia||y if ii've had sumping 2 drink wurth ^ 5hot > 9iven up on melatonin, doesn°t due much + tried THC/CBD edi6les (5pecifica||y 4 sㄥeep, indica) + they dint do jack, 2 the contrary felt more amped/awake

9/17 > released Tonalamatl ayerday, trying 2 pimp S-O, + 5ending out ARCs 4 Lisa 2, v1.0 (any 1 wantin9 ^ copy lettuce no)

+ now workin9 on CODON (the next Ↄalamari bi Arreshy Young) ... that's pertty muↄh a|| ii does 12 hrs ^ day, B-sides run/walk, eat, sㄥeep (or lain they're trying 2) + watↄh movies, B ^n 8-armed sQuid sㄥave, Ↄal ^ Mari, the plight of the b∞kkherder continues, akin 2 Schindler w/ his list, hopefooly ju5t ^ temp 5top gap 2 make up 4 lost time (2025 wi|| B none az the year Ↄal pubLiches 12 b∞ks + aↄquired ^n imprint) + n0t ^ perm^nent thin9, n0 time 4 ii's one books or Sound Furies, haven°t touↄhed ^ 9uitar 5ince livin9 in the cancer castle ... wuz the dyin9 wail ^ meta4 4 thi5? tryin9 2 res-Q b∞ks, keep 'em alive when iT's natural 4 them 2 die or nvr B alive in the 1st place? ii feels that wei9h ^bout humuns, that there replic8in9 @ ^n unsu5tainable r8, L mundo wood bee bedder off w/ ½ az m^ny, n0? Y is iT n0t the same w/ b∞ks? R they 9arba9e, humun W.A.S.T.E? after a||, their maid of dead trees, shdn°t they DK in2 compost ㄥike a|| the other ㄥeaves come fa||, «In his autumn before the winter comes mans last mad surge of youth» says the fuddy duddy (quotin9 Sophocles) in Two Sisters from Boston (1946), 2 witch his mum re5ponds «what on earth are you tockin9 about?!» ... n0t that weave 5cene the movie 1st h&, but The Chameleons sampled iT az th intro 2 «Don't Fall»

9/18 > Ↄalamari Arↄhive is + has always bean ^ micro 1-m^n operation + ii (Ↄal) has aㄥways done thin9s 4 the ㄥove of ㄥitterasure + Rt alone ... th other day (when jj wuz tockin9 a6out the freedoms acamedics halve) ii wuz tockin9 a6out how ii is 4tunate that ii halve n0 other motive (ecomonic o udderwise) 2 bow down 2, Ↄalamari's soul ↄriteria is that ii di9 iT + that iT’s fun + of the 100+ b∞ks ii's dun, ii (Ↄal)'s 4tunate there wuz one|y 1 sitch ware ii thou9ht, this is «N0 FUN» (When All Our Days Are Numbered Marching Bands Will Fill the Streets & We Will Not Hear Them Because We Will Be Upstairs in the Clouds) + termin8ed the projeↄt cuz th author wuz ^ precious brat ungr8ful that Ↄalamari wuz brin9in9 his book baↄk in print, ^nother reason 2 knot halve bindin9 contrax

> 6ut ii did a9ain come ↄlose thi5 pa5t year, sum of the5e projeX R ^ peace of cake, others ^ㄥot of tedious thankㄥess wurk ... mayB ii is feeㄥin9 sorry 4 ii-self b/c 2 dayz after reㄥeasin9 Tonalamatl --(cual fue un piece of cake 2 publish, Alvarez did todo L trabajo) postin9 a6out iT + sendin9 ^ mail chimp blast 2 ~350 ppl, etc. -- haven°t $old 1 sin9le copy > 6ut do ii re9ret iT? he||'s n0! n0t 4 1 2nd > la cosa importante S K S-tOes libros Ǝxist-n in L mundo, cant 9et bummed out b/c peephole R slaves 2 they're phony fones + a|| these pendejos kin muster 2 do is click the dam ❤️ btn over + over, n0t actua||y read the b∞ks they say they ️ > NE-waze, misma queja K siempre, borin9 ii-self, ii'll just keep my knows 2 the grind5tone + keep ↄrankin9 out more b∞ks 2 fi|| the get-high-off-the-supp|y r∞m > ii aint a5king 4 pity, ii's ju5t askin9 u 2 get off yr phony fone + bye libros u di9 so the likes of Ↄalamari kin keep on keepin9 on

> aint scarce|y enou9h time 2 in9est otro ㄥibros, perro did m^nage 2 read Cells buy Lucianna Chixaro Ramos, witch is ins-π-ring az ii D-zine CODON (may-B wheeㄥ reveil sum imgs from that next po5t)


perhaps reL8in9 2 waht ii wuz sane a6ove

> movies we pressed [▶] + input thi5 pa5t week or 2:

  • 32 Sounds –– intrestin9 docum^ntary abt audio [●]ing 2 the X-tent they a5k U 2 wear hedphones 2 appreci8 the fool FX of the film ... ^ bit D-pressin9 tho b/c iT maid ii realeyes ii can onely hear in 1 ear, n0 stairi/o FX + even that 1 competin9 w/ nvr-endin9 tinnitus + head 5pinnin9, etc. whereaz in ii (dd66)'s youth dd66 wuz weigh in2 field [●]in9 + Cage, Glass, Anderson, etc. a|| feetsured in the film + 5peakin9 of Laurie &erson, her nu album Amelia (^bout Amelia 👂️) is awe-inspirin9 ... kin onely hope ii/dd66 is doin9 the same @ age 77
  • Blood + Black Lace –– classic Giallo w/ gr8 colurs + set D-zine
  • Rosso Profondo –– 6est theme son9 ever 4 ^ movie (bi Goblin) + David Hemmings (voice dubbed over) is also in iT (seems Italian directors (Argento, Antonioni) du9 hymn) ... the ㄥast time we saw Deep Red was ^ 5hitty bit-torrented version π-rated in Rome + dont think iT was compㄥete or in the rite order, 1st time seeing the ㄥegit version
  • Nadie es inocente (Nobody is Innocent) -- Sarah Minter movie abt mierdas punx in Mexico D.F. from the same time period we lived in nearby Guadalajara
  • The Taking –– provokin9 docum_ntary about the expㄥoitation of Monum_nt Va||ey (fresh in hour minds) + how the more ppl see iT + TAKE pics, the more iT's diminished, am_n


1178 <(current)> 1180 > on pubLishing ↄode in th anthropocene, B-yond the city of ruins 2 the 5hip of Theseus
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]