on pubLishing ↄode in th anthropocene, B-yond the city of ruins 2 the 5hip of Theseus


09/24/24 > maid ^ ↄover + sum interstitials 4 CODON by Arreshy Young, D-scribed az:

A macabre ménage inspired by Boccaccio's eulogy for ten raconteurs dying of the bubonic plague but really just an excuse to babble on about the death of a funeral, star dementia, statutory immortality, the algorithmic assassination of a subculture, impotent architecture, headless demagogues, tips for the aspiring ghost fucker, doctors as a suicidal species and even death itself (the boring kind).

> 4 in5piration ii mined old recyↄled Koran page paintin9s vve piↄked up in India, sum Japanese books vve 9ot durin9 the p&emic + reflected on hour time @ the Ahmed Baba Institute in Timbuktu + of course pi||a9ed Inurnet 4 o|d imgs w/ n0 copyrites, sighingtific + bi-illogical drawin9s, etc. + co||aged them in2 a mi5h-ma5h of vizual babel

«Funeral Stories»


«The Girls Guide to Ghost Fucking»


«The Idol of Enoch»


«Selves of Themselves»


«The Stars in Middle Age»


Ǝnd piece (D-coder/coda)


baↄk ↄover

... iT'|| ∀|| make 5ense if/when uu read the b∞k, sL8ed 4 Jan 2025 (uu can preorder iT from Asterism if uu'r chompin' @ the bits) > of coarse had 2 go w/ ingram POD 4 this 1 b/c th Amazonians deemed iT i||egible ... fuckin' bozos > aㄥso 5et up Poste Restante w/ ingram b/c the bezos rejected iT ... ii con5idered 9ivin9 iT ^ nu cover + revisin9 th innards 2 make iT pa55 muster 6ut ii dunno ... seams that «Derek White» = dead + S-O nu in8 iD incarn8ion cant 9et in2 that headp5pace, best 2 ㄥet thin9s B az they vvere, ㄥet it ㄥie az iT ㄥay, ^ 5nap5hot in time? ii cant st& the cover now 6ut iT must of bean refㄥective of dd's sitch @ the time

> bean ponderin9 the Ship of Theseus L8ly, prob|y B/C ii vvas rewɘrkin9 ^ D-scryption 4 Autobiography of the [Undead] + Emilio Carrero self-D-scribed iT az suↄh, or mayB b/c Lucianna Chixaro Ramos m^ntioned iT in her Cell b∞k vve tocked abt la5t po5t? ii used 2 think abt the 5hip of Theseus vvhen repairin9 ii's (dd's) '66 VW 6u9 (w/ ^ painted on the dor, in honur of Herbie the Luv 6u9, perhaps the 1st sentient self-driving car?) baↄk in the '80s, B4 we renounced cars (the ㄥast car we oned was ^ VW Jetta in '99)...

> w/ «How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive for the Compleat Idiot» az ^ guide, ii as-π-ired 2 traveL L moondough w/ ^ V-uckle that carried a|| iT's one 5pare parts (tho ^ p/u truↄk vvoud bee bedder), 2 keep repairin9 + re9ener8in9 it5elf ova + ova B-yond just th initiaㄥ maↄhine/prototype, turnin9 in2 th iDEA of said maↄhine, th in8 iD, th iD iDentifier ... 4 R vve a|| knot re9ener8in9 ova + ova + ova? on avg hour ce||s reↄycle every 7-10 yrs, 5wappin9 ce||ular Adams w/ other anima|s + th environment, true meaning of recyↄlin9/repyschlin9 > ∴ each deckaid vve R fizzica||y 100% diffrent than vve vvere 10 yrs B4, vvhat ^ trip, n0!? ever mor4ing + re4ming, mor4in9 + re4min9, ever in fㄥux, reduxed az D-ㄥux version 2.0, v3.0, ... > vvhen authors fini5h b∞ks, part of th author dyes, «once the work is out of their hands, the author dies a little death» az Emilio Carrero puts iT in Aot[U], or az ii just quoted Blake Butler B4 in post #1174: «[the book]’s almost dead in that way, at least for you; meanwhile, for everyone else, it’s like your face——a first and last glimpse into something else about you you can’t see, and cannot change» > ^ b∞k iTself is immutable (B-sides a9e-old DK), but th iDEA of said b∞k 9ets replic8ed + keeps on propaG8in9 in the 5elf-5ame 4m 6ut technica||y each 1 = diffrent 6ody maid of recyↄled dead trees, same az $10 do||hair bi||s or boats, ore th ori9inu|| 5hip of Theseus that 1st 5pawned thi5 iDea

> speakin9 of Aot[U], 5ti|| aw8ing the cover (after ii's failed attempt) ∴ CODON 9ot 6umped up in the Q (Jan 2025, + Aot[U] wi|| fo||ow in Feb), aㄥso 5ti|| futzin9 w/ D-tales in Aot[U], deaLin9 w/ refrences (704 of them), etc.... oi!

> 9ot Janalyn Guo's Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins baↄk from the printer (that 1 was EZ, cover by Claire Taylor (after ii's failed attempt) + Gari did the brunt of editin9), uu can also pre-order that on Asterism

> just vvhen ii thinks ii is ketchin9 up w/ projeX Ↄalamari has ↄommitted us 2 (2 more 2 go, by YJ Jun + Orchid Tierney), ^ m^nUscrypt hits hour in6ox ii can°t say n0 2! shd ii bee a-10-in9 12-step Publisher's Anonymous meatin9s? in thi5 case 1 by ^ Sasha Hawkins, who ㄥike ^ few other resent Ↄalamari authors, had ^ ↄhapbook w/ The Operating System (These Deals Won’t Last Forever) ... seams 2 B ^ patturn 4ming, The OS mission («a system anticipating other systems' collapse») is probly the cㄥosest 2 Ↄalamari's ethos of NE other sma|| press:

Since its inception, the Operating System has used language like “experiment” and “ecosystem” to describe this attempt at iterating a archive-and-access facing model for documentation and distribution that could withstand the ecological and economic futures ahead.

... Xcept sad|y The OS dozen't due nu print projex n0 more iT seams, 6ut mayB that's the weigh of the fewchair, mayB ii/Ↄal ^ Mari == dynasore lewdite?

> 5peakin9 of th anthropocene, iT's climate weak in NYC + the UN is in se55ion ∴ ii's bedder-½ jj (aka SO (si9nificant other), aaka OS (th oper8in9 sytem B-hind ii, az in her (2013)) + aaaka food archive (ware «food» inkloots Ↄalamari)) is runnin9 aRound town a|| weak ≈ ^ chiↄkin w/ n0 head, pimpin9 her juice about climate + how we R what we eat (5peakin9 of reↄycling R ce||s), ho5tin9 events w/ heads of st8s (Haiti, Malawi + Brazil), etc. + jj ju5t 5ent ii ^ foto of 5nipers on the next rooftop over from OS's meatin9 near the UN ... feeㄥs az if vve're baↄk in D.C. w/ these motorcades everyvvhere sirenin9 up th aven-Us

> that's a6out a|| ii has 2 report on this vveek, deer inurnet, thx 4 Lis-10-in9, even iF UR sum sorta bot ± spider, helps ii 2 rap ii's mined around wɘrks in pro9re55 + take ^ temper-sure cheↄk of mentoll health, 2 proce55 + cope, 4 ii's ce||s 2 recycle, 2 mor4 + re4m, mor4 + re4m ... + if uur in aNYCity thi5 weekƎnd, hope 2 C uu @ the Bklyn Book Fest thi5 5unday (ware wheel bee X-chan9in9 b∞ks for $10 do||hair bi||s)

1179 <(current)> 1181 > ^ 5oup nazi meaƨure uv mu||igatawny, waterㄥo99ed in ^ butterflyed hurrycane in Haiti
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]