^ 5oup nazi meaƨure uv mu||igatawny, waterㄥo99ed in ^ butterflyed hurrycane in Haiti |
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> ^nother weak in revu, deer inurnet, 09/29/24 > ii (+ ii's OS jj) 5chlepped 2 X-lar9e ro||er ba9s on the Ⓒ 2 J St, 2 the Bk|yn Book Fest > even tho ii repeated|y rekwested 2 B next 2 Black Sun + Ellipsis (≈≈ last year), they put Ↄalamari next 2 «Sisters of Crime» (uu can one|y ima9ine ... NYC chapter uv sum crime 9enre club (or vanity pre55 5cam?)) > from 9–3 iT wuz ^ complete wa5h — litteruley — even tho vve had ^ coverd 10-t/booth the rei9n came in sidewayƨ + 9ot b∞ks vvet/vvarped + vve 5tood in puddled vvater th eNtire day ... pertty mizerable :( > @ 3 or ƨo iT cleared up ^ 6it + sum ppl came buy, thx 2 a|| that braved the rein + 5peakin9 uv rain + climate vveek, last weak sure ended w/ ^ 6an9, n0? jj's 80-yr-old parents had their trailer home in NC D-stroyed 6y Helene + need 2 come 5helter @ the Ↄalamari HQ b/c they halve nada + n0ware Ls 2 go, ∴ any Ↄalamari pur¢hase helps 2 support their cause + alƨo makes more room (^ few dayz a9o ii instaGrammed thi5 pic uv R 6athroom (a.k.a. «get-high-off-the supp|y room») w/ ^ link 2 bundle options): > communic8ions R 5potty, ƨo hard 2 teㄥ what's waht sti||, «there is no connection available» az Fontaines D.C. say (Q this up wile reading the rest uv thi5 po5t) > ㄥast vveek ii alƨo bㄥo99ed a6out how may-B ii needs 2 go 2 ^ Pu6lishers Anonymous 12-step meatin9 b/c ii has ^ hard time sayin' n0 2 m^nuscripts that come across mii desk even tho ii has pㄥenty else in the Q, vve||, vve|come ^nother aboard, ^ Elodie Hollant ... + ii 5ti|| hasn°t cot up w/ readin9 5ubmissions, there mi9ht even bee a nother or 2 ii has ^ hard time sane n0 2
az ii already quoted in post 1105 > Dream Haiti is ^ 5hort h&-bound b∞klet/chap, that Black Rock B∞ks $ent me gratis from Barbados b/c ii ordered $um other$ that n0 1 eㄥse has anyvvhere, sined even! > the b∞k is deadic8ed 2 Alex Haley (amon9st other ppl), vvho dyed the day Dream Haiti == born > the prota9anist uv the 5tory/poem rites abored ^ US Coast Guard 5hip, ≈≈ Haley, vvho spent 20 yrs in th US Coast Guard B4 vvritin9 Roots + hear's ware the narr8or («n0body») sez he hadn°t writ-10 nada serioso 5ince Hurrycane Gilbert in '88: > in case uu're vvonderin9, the font/style = «New Vienna postcrash stylewriter+ version w/ New York variations»...very urly Apple rite? 9/30 > maid this trailer 4 Genesis, ∴ uu kin read the hole book in 1:21, uur vvelcome (2 muzic from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, witch ii's ƧO fond uv ii re9istered www.lifeinthebushofghosts.com m^ny moons a9o, tho 5ti|| aint sure vvhat ii'|| use iT 4, 4 now iT circles baↄk 2 hear) > ii norma||y don°t fo||ow recipes or keep traↄk uv vvhat ii do vvhen ii cook, 6ut ii maid ^ habanero-sa9e punkin soup ㄥast nite that vvas delicioso ∴ gna document vvhat ii did 4 future refrence ... ii does ^ variation uv thi5 soup ^ ㄥot this time ^ year, usua||y w/ acorn or 6utternut squash (punkins R usua||y 2 6ig/unwield|y, but found ^ sma|| 1) + nvr B4 w/ fre5h sa9e (ii ca||s thi5 «mulli9atawny» tho ii has the sli9htest clue how 2 make mu||igatawny, just goes off memary from soup nazi dayz vvhen ii vvorked near the ori9inal soup nazi 5hop on 55th st) + alƨo ins-π-red from readin9 sum Ben Okri book vvhere he D-scribed ^ hot pepper pot soup, vvitch ii've nvr had legit, 6ut can on|y ima9ine how iT tastes from Ben Okri's D-scription > 5tarted w/ 6roth maid from ^ chiↄkin ii roasted last vveek (vve had ^ dinner 9uest over that didn°t eat carbs), meanvvhile sauteed 9arlic, oñions, mushrooms, celery, carruts, 2 kinds uv red peppers + whatever ve9eta6le wuz ㄥurkin9 in R frid9e, alon9 w/ the punkin + 2 habaneros (or 5cotch 6onnets? homegrown, that ㄥ brot us 2 the bookfair 2 X-change in kind 4 b∞ks) > the punkin seeds ii 5pooned out + roa5ted ... R kitchen vvas 9ettin9 vvicked hot b/c iT's ƨo sma|| + unvented, best n0t 2 do on ^ hot day, FYi > added the broth, juice uv ^ lemon + ½ ^ 6a9 uv that Bob's Red Mi|| (R.i.P.) soup mix (ㄥentils, 6arley, 5plit P's, etc.) + vvhatever chiↄkin ii cd 5crape off them bones + ㄥeftover roasted peppers + carruts, s-π-ced w/ tarra9on, turmeric, 6asil, paprika, salt, pepper, etc. + served w/ fre5h parsley (had ^ 6unch 2 use up) + kale + aru9ula + punkin seeds + 6uffalo mozz 2 smooth iT out > vvashed down w/ n0n-alcoholic 6eer (vveeknite), «Best Day Kolsch» — n0t ½ bad 10/2 > launched No Measure yestrday, maid it meazurable in 5pace + time + movies watched thi5 past weak or 2, 5ince ii's bin ㄥa99in9:
# 1180 <(current)> 1182 > tock tock tock til ii lose mii vox sin9in9 more son9s abt bldgs + food on 10-tacle 2sday | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |