^ 5oup nazi meaƨure uv mu||igatawny, waterㄥo99ed in ^ butterflyed hurrycane in Haiti


> ^nother weak in revu, deer inurnet, 09/29/24 > ii (+ ii's OS jj) 5chlepped 2 X-lar9e ro||er ba9s on the 2 J St, 2 the Bk|yn Book Fest > even tho ii repeated|y rekwested 2 B next 2 Black Sun + Ellipsis (≈≈ last year), they put Ↄalamari next 2 «Sisters of Crime» (uu can one|y ima9ine ... NYC chapter uv sum crime 9enre club (or vanity pre55 5cam?)) > from 9–3 iT wuz ^ complete wa5h — litteruley — even tho vve had ^ coverd 10-t/booth the rei9n came in sidewayƨ + 9ot b∞ks vvet/vvarped + vve 5tood in puddled vvater th eNtire day ... pertty mizerable :( > @ 3 or ƨo iT cleared up ^ 6it + sum ppl came buy, thx 2 a|| that braved the rein + 5peakin9 uv rain + climate vveek, last weak sure ended w/ ^ 6an9, n0? jj's 80-yr-old parents had their trailer home in NC D-stroyed 6y Helene + need 2 come 5helter @ the Ↄalamari HQ b/c they halve nada + n0ware Ls 2 go, ∴ any Ↄalamari pur¢hase helps 2 support their cause + alƨo makes more room (^ few dayz a9o ii instaGrammed thi5 pic uv R 6athroom (a.k.a. «get-high-off-the supp|y room») w/ ^ link 2 bundle options):

> communic8ions R 5potty, ƨo hard 2 teㄥ what's waht sti||, «there is no connection available» az Fontaines D.C. say (Q this up wile reading the rest uv thi5 po5t)

> ㄥast vveek ii alƨo bㄥo99ed a6out how may-B ii needs 2 go 2 ^ Pu6lishers Anonymous 12-step meatin9 b/c ii has ^ hard time sayin' n0 2 m^nuscripts that come across mii desk even tho ii has pㄥenty else in the Q, vve||, vve|come ^nother aboard, ^ Elodie Hollant ... + ii 5ti|| hasn°t cot up w/ readin9 5ubmissions, there mi9ht even bee a nother or 2 ii has ^ hard time sane n0 2

> 4 pleazure, red Dream Haiti 6y Kamau Brathwaite, 5peaking uv Haiti (ware Elodie Hollant hails from) + hurrycanes (Brathwaite's archives 9ot D-stroyed bi Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 (+ after Jamaica, «Gilbattery» continued on 2 batter Yucatan, ware ii happyend 2 B, @ age 22, smack dab in the eye, on islas Mujeres) ... ƨo m^ny para||e|s + commun thReads, what 5cense = about, 2 make 5ense + proce55 ... Brathwaite alƨo wuz on mii mined wile editin9/D-zinin9 Nicholas Rombes Lisa 2, v1.0 (witch ii has copies uv in house (see 'em a6ove?) if NE fancies ^n ARC) b/c just how (in Lisa 2, v1.0) Lisa 1 (narr8or's wife) wuz po55essed bi ^n Apple Lisa 2 computer 2 vvrite her scrypts/plays, Brathwaite wuz posse55ed 2 start vvritin9 in his si9nature Sycorax video style by ^ Macintosh (c. 1990),

«with its winking io hiding in its margins which, as you know, are not really margins, but electronic accesses to Random Memory and the Cosmos and the lwa»,

az ii already quoted in post 1105 > Dream Haiti is ^ 5hort h&-bound b∞klet/chap, that Black Rock B∞ks $ent me gratis from Barbados b/c ii ordered $um other$ that n0 1 eㄥse has anyvvhere, sined even!

(but yes, used, vvater-ㄥo99ed)

> the b∞k is deadic8ed 2 Alex Haley (amon9st other ppl), vvho dyed the day Dream Haiti == born > the prota9anist uv the 5tory/poem rites abored ^ US Coast Guard 5hip, ≈≈ Haley, vvho spent 20 yrs in th US Coast Guard B4 vvritin9 Roots

+ hear's ware the narr8or («n0body») sez he hadn°t writ-10 nada serioso 5ince Hurrycane Gilbert in '88:

> in case uu're vvonderin9, the font/style = «New Vienna postcrash stylewriter+ version w/ New York variations»...very urly Apple rite?

> if uu fancy ^ copy uv yr one, try Black Rock Books in Barbados

9/30 > maid this trailer 4 Genesis, ∴ uu kin read the hole book in 1:21, uur vvelcome (2 muzic from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, witch ii's ƧO fond uv ii re9istered www.lifeinthebushofghosts.com m^ny moons a9o, tho 5ti|| aint sure vvhat ii'|| use iT 4, 4 now iT circles baↄk 2 hear)

> ii norma||y don°t fo||ow recipes or keep traↄk uv vvhat ii do vvhen ii cook, 6ut ii maid ^ habanero-sa9e punkin soup ㄥast nite that vvas delicioso ∴ gna document vvhat ii did 4 future refrence ... ii does ^ variation uv thi5 soup ^ ㄥot this time ^ year, usua||y w/ acorn or 6utternut squash (punkins R usua||y 2 6ig/unwield|y, but found ^ sma|| 1) + nvr B4 w/ fre5h sa9e (ii ca||s thi5 «mulli9atawny» tho ii has the sli9htest clue how 2 make mu||igatawny, just goes off memary from soup nazi dayz vvhen ii vvorked near the ori9inal soup nazi 5hop on 55th st) + alƨo ins-π-red from readin9 sum Ben Okri book vvhere he D-scribed ^ hot pepper pot soup, vvitch ii've nvr had legit, 6ut can on|y ima9ine how iT tastes from Ben Okri's D-scription > 5tarted w/ 6roth maid from ^ chiↄkin ii roasted last vveek (vve had ^ dinner 9uest over that didn°t eat carbs), meanvvhile sauteed 9arlic, oñions, mushrooms, celery, carruts, 2 kinds uv red peppers + whatever ve9eta6le wuz ㄥurkin9 in R frid9e, alon9 w/ the punkin + 2 habaneros (or 5cotch 6onnets? homegrown, that ㄥ brot us 2 the bookfair 2 X-change in kind 4 b∞ks) > the punkin seeds ii 5pooned out + roa5ted ... R kitchen vvas 9ettin9 vvicked hot b/c iT's ƨo sma|| + unvented, best n0t 2 do on ^ hot day, FYi > added the broth, juice uv ^ lemon + ½ ^ 6a9 uv that Bob's Red Mi|| (R.i.P.) soup mix (ㄥentils, 6arley, 5plit P's, etc.) + vvhatever chiↄkin ii cd 5crape off them bones + ㄥeftover roasted peppers + carruts, s-π-ced w/ tarra9on, turmeric, 6asil, paprika, salt, pepper, etc. + served w/ fre5h parsley (had ^ 6unch 2 use up) + kale + aru9ula + punkin seeds + 6uffalo mozz 2 smooth iT out > vvashed down w/ n0n-alcoholic 6eer (vveeknite), «Best Day Kolsch» — n0t ½ bad

10/2 > launched No Measure yestrday, maid it meazurable in 5pace + time

+ movies watched thi5 past weak or 2, 5ince ii's bin ㄥa99in9:

  • The Chase (2nd time, cla55ic Br&o)
  • Weirckmesiter Harmonies –– 1 uv the more accessible Bela Tarr flix (+ n0 animal cruelty thank Do9, eXcept ^ rea||y fake lookin9 dead wail), 5tunned az usual by Tarr
  • Silence of the Lambs –– 4 mayB 10th time
  • The Man Who Wasn't There –– mayB saw this 1x B4... n0t memorable, but OK, tho uu got 2 stair @ Bi||y Bob ^ lot
  • Control –– for 2nd or 3rd time, 1 uv the few muƨic biopix ware uu Rnt botherd that they don't go in2 how they 9ot their sound, b/c iT's rea||y about Curtis's life, what ^ tra9edy 2 mary so youn9 + have ^ kid, that wuz his downfa|| (B-sides th epilepsy)
  • His Three Daughters –– n0t az good az Goodtimeskid, but gr8 actin9, tho the ending blew iT, they shd of nvr shone the dyin9 dad


1180 <(current)> 1182 > tock tock tock til ii lose mii vox sin9in9 more son9s abt bldgs + food on 10-tacle 2sday
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]