po5t-OP sirjury prompt: watt uu 9et 4 diƧObeyin9 maↄhine malfunↄtion


ii = 100% curtain

10/18/24 aint n0 vvizard hear, ju5t ii, in8 iD, the prime8/ape pooㄥin9 the $trin9s of Ↄalamari Arↄhive + [●]in9 (by h&, n0t Ai, FYi, DiY) B-hind the 5cenes hear on 5cense ... tho 4 the next ra66it pooㄥed from the hat ii's thinkin9 of creditin9 ten5or e11even az «author» ... or mayB ten5or e11even = b∞k tietel? i.R.ㄥ. the tru b∞k ^Rtist = ∀ i (proNounsed «4 a|| i», fROM i = 1 to 8,137,363,864) > theyre Ǝxist az m^ny 10-di9it iSBNs az peephole on the planit, n0 wonder they up9raded 2 i5BN-13! hoo = Bowker (the ppl dat h& out i5BN #s) = hole nether 5tory ... ii nose th antswear (in re4earching ii's other nvr-endin9 b∞k-in-pro9ress, iSBN) > mayB every b∞k shd ju5t halve th i5BN # az tietel? tho 100% curtain them Amazonian Bozos wood reject iT (ware iT = in4mation Teↄknowledgee) thinkin9 ii maid ^ Ms. Steak > dib ii rite X or bid Ai? we|| did uu, punk? Bozos wands 2 n0 4 «re5earch» purpisses haha but ii dunno ... how ^bout ii ca||s X b∞k 978-1-940853-33-8, ^ # in the Ↄalamari i5BN Lo9 b∞k seekwinds ii 5kipped 2 keɘp oPen 4 suↄh ^ reiny day > uu mite n0t B-leave ii butt watↄh ii prompt ∀i 2 rite ^ 122 pg b∞k in 1 day! «ii'|| C: iT when ii B-ㄥeave iT» uu 5ay, touché > @ the r8 ii rites, ii takes ovɘr 12 hrs 2 rite 1 (8x8") pg of txt ∴ ii vvont B fini5hed w/ NEST OF TENS teㄥ hoo nose vvhen, ∴ Y n0t tru5t maↄhines? az jj sin9s on «U + i = 3.1415926535897» (track 5 on TiME5 ƎĐiT), takin9 ^ Q from Brautigan:

i.e. ㄥet ∀i ri9ht 4 u, az ^ sorta interim 5top 9ap? hear's sum 5ample p9s ii's personaㄥ computer 5pit out, prompted bi vvhat ii = vvritin9, az iF transL8ed in2 maↄhine ↄode (then rot8ed az GiFs):

«badbLin9 9idberish» uu 5ay, but mu5t of ment sumpin9 2 thi5 machine, n0? aNY ↄarbone-ba5ed life-4m halve aNY clue waht landgauge X = in, lettuce no (1 kin re5pond 2 the5e po5ts via sub5tack) > hoo kneads ^Rtists after ∀||? ∀ i can due iT bedder, 4get blondes or even nurses ...

ii vvants ^ T-shirt that st8s: «∀i does iT bedder!» > butt can ∀i n0t make ¢ents w/out comin9 off az r&umb? purpiss|y inject 6u9s in2 the ↄode 4 n0 ^pparent reɘson, 2 self-sabota9e iT5elf? can siliↄon aↄt bi-i||ogicu||y?

> aNY 1 cd halve maid X pre-5cribed b∞k (even 1 in 1,000,000 MONKEYS that WRiTE, aka New York Times) but ii wi||, undermined CTRL ... n0t dat ii has the 5Li9htest inkLin9 vvhat X meɘns > 5tay 2ned

> iRL, ii = Ↄal ^ Mari, ^ b∞k-makin9 maↄhine on auto-π-Lit, perhaps 9one haywire > 4thcomin9 = Lisa 2, v1.0, witch n0 doubt ii's 5till under the 5pe|| of, kin uu teL?

next up in the werks = For disobeying by sasha hawkins ... hevvy b∞k 2 werk on, uu'|| C: Y iF/when uu reɘd iT, iT 5pins off Marlon Br&o's ro|| in Last Tango in Paris, az ^ V-uckle 2 eXorcize her D-mons that cant B putt in wurds, in ^ str8 4word m^nner @ NE r8 > hear's 1 line 2 wet yr beak>

     «kids are a crap shoot»

+ hear's ^ po-10-tial ↄover:

... 5ti|| D-b8in9 tho, aLƧO di9 thi5 iMG B-Lo, mayB wheel use in interrior?

witch due uu ㄥike bedder, deer inurnet? 5pose ii shd uv re[▶]ed LTiP butt cant bare 2 now noin9 the baↄk5tory of the butter 5cene (th impetus dat 5purned the vvritin9 of for disobeying) > vve did re[▶] Godfather I + II tho (that time of yr) + alƨo Let the Right One In, Rosemary's Baby + Pyscho II ... kin uu teㄥ? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, bedder run, run, run, run, run, run, run away, oh, oh, oh, oh, ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya, ooh > uu 5tart ^ conversation, uu cant even fini5h iT > ur tockin9 ^ ㄥot 6ut ur n0t sane N-E-thin9 > when ii halve n0thin9 2 say, mii ㄥips R 5ealed > say sumthin9 x 1, Y say iT a9ain?

> 4 th mo5t part, ii = in ^ funk b/c seams the hole whirled is 9oin9 haywire, unrave||in9 @ th seems, 2 heㄥㄥ in ^ h&basket, unhin9ed > jj (ii's bedder-½) = off in D.C. ... onely 4 ^ few daze 6ut then 5he's onely baↄk 4 2 nites b4 jettin9 off 2 iT-L-E + n0t baↄk teL after the L-ection, :( ... feeLin9 dRead abt the fewchair, iF uu aint, we||, uu == in D-Nile > yestrday = 35 yr anniversery of Loma Prieta Earthquake + ii 9ot 2 thinkin9 abt th false iDea of 5tability, how sumpin9 uu take 4 granted can ƨo EZi|y B taken a wei9h + how uu 9ot 2 appreci8 a|| the times vvhen th earth aint quakin9 or hurrycanes wa5hin9 away yr home (in-ㄥaws down in NC R baↄk on their feet, case uu're vvonderin9) > Njoy every s&witch az Zevon said

+ BTW, case u dint notiss, ii's baↄk 2 usin9 the 5ame fㄥa5hin9 prompt ii used 6rief|y on 5cense in 2020, vvhen ii wuz werkin9 on thRiver meme (witch ii 5tarted 2 rite durin9 th p&emic, then ab&oned, 5elf-cannonba||izin9 iT 2 repurpiss az i5BN, or whatever uu ca|| waht ii werks on now, B-sides U/X + NEST OF TENS (witch is on front burner, if/when ii evɘr wi|| 9et baↄk 2 ii's one writin9 in5tead of B-in9 Ↄal ^ Mari evɘry wakin9 our)

> sad thin9 is ^ ㄥot of Thriver meme (witch ii cerealized onㄥine) hin9ed on the fact that the waybaↄk machine wood provide version CTRL, a||ow users 2 sea edits + ju5t how ii always a55umed the GRND = 5table, ii a55umed the way6ack maↄhine wood alwayƨ B their ... we||, sad|y thi5 mi9ht n0t bee the case y'a|| > ima9ine mii di5may vvhen ^ few dayz a9o ii ㄥo99ed on2 archive.org + iT had gone 404! ends up iT wuz temperrory, inurnet Arↄhive is baↄk onLine, sorta, after ^ DDoS cyberattack + data breach brot down iA's digital liebury + Wayback Machine

... seams 31,000,000 u-nique user records 9ot 5tolen (inkㄥootin9 mine, Ↄalamari don8s evry yr) ... wanna bet Hachette or 1 of them eviㄥ pubㄥishers wuz B-hind iT?

> hear's ^ ? that vvi|| make yr head hurt——does the wayback maↄhine 5tore verƨions of iTself on the waybaↄk machine? wi|| th a6ove pa9e B captured, or wi|| iT B [●]ed onely b/c ii shift-⌘-4'ed iT + put iT hear on 5cense.com? alƨo mind-num6in9 2 think th Wayback Machine has 916,000,000,000 pgs ... that's almost 1,000 pgs 4 every 1 humun on the planit! ii aㄥone account for 1184 + countin9, countin9 ju5t the5e po5ts on 5cense, that R 6acked up hoo nose how of-10 > alƨo, 5tran9e coinsidedance that iA = Ai baↄkwords, dumb
ㄥuↄk or bi D-zine? & NE r8, iA did ㄥose the ㄥawsuit 2 them 6i9
pubㄥishers + had 2 pooㄥ 500,000+ b∞ks, sum 1 shd take ^ hatchet 2 Hachette > ㄥiber8 in4mation or dye!

[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack, or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]

1183 <(current)> 1185 > meat 5ↄarLit: sLaughterin9 9hosts 2 train a i 2 re9ener8 more con-10t 4 WALL-E zom-Bs
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]