meat 5ↄarLit: sLaughterin9 9hosts 2 train a i 2 re9ener8 more con-10t 4 WALL-E zom-Bs |
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10/25/24 > ATTN: a tension (or «a-10-shin» az ii [●] in X αlphanumɘric ↄonLan9), 12 dayz tel th Ǝnd uv the whirled az vvhee no iT (+ ii ƒƒeeeɘɘL ƒƒƒiinnɘ) ... hopefoo|y the5e arrays oƒ 5ervers fined klever waze 2 keɘp the juice on ƧO fewchair &ndroid bayBs kin maↄhine-Learn fROM X humun artefax Lon9 after humuns annihiL8 them5elves, ∴ Last ca||!! Last ↄa||!! 9et ur con-10t up hear/theyre vvile uu can! add 2 the5e La5t [●]s of humun Ǝxis-10ce 4 machines 2 com.πle + keep online, 4 watt iT's werth (ware iT = in4mation Teↄknowledgey) 4 now th cursor's fLa5hin9, promptin9 U 2 type ∴ type a way brother! az The Temptations sin9, n i 4 n i, a 2th 4 a 2th, vote 4 me + i'|| set u free! ba|| of confusion ... dat's wut the whirled = 2day, hey, hey ... they ju5t dont rite em ≈ that NE more, az Greg Kinn sin9s, R.i.P > in NE event, iT's abt dat time of vveek vvhen ii [◼] vvhat ii is [●]in9 in meat 5pace + take ^ 5tep baↄk 2 proↄe55 wut ii is [●]in9 sew ii kinn move FWD [»] iRL, buy ii's 6oot5traps that eYɘ'm buoyed bi ii tried 2 get ^n Ai bot 2 pose the b∞k in ^ more 9host|y autumn 5ettin9, 6ut DALL·E texted: «the tools I have don’t support precise photo compositing» ... witch be9s the ?, hoo = «I»? 5in¢e they cdn°t render iT 4 ii (2 po5t on iG), ii did iT th ol' ƒa5hion wei9h w/ photoshop, boo! u say, 6ut hay ... ƒunny how cReating + cHeating diƒƒer bi one|y 1 letter, har, har, rah rah rah > in the proce55 tho, DA||-E gener8ed sum intrestin9 alternativ covers... hear's th oPenin9 eXↄerpt 4 the peace Salu co-missioned ii 2 rite 4 C,oG? (usin9 the name ∀ i ... n0t sure Y, maid 5ense @ the time (writ-10 over 1 yr a9o)): ... aint thi5 the same dam rhetoric hive bin 5pewin9 ova + ova 5ince ha|vin9 th a6ove-m^ntioned epiphany watchin9 traƒƒico circeL round + round Circo Massimo ≈ Ratts? the typin9 = more str8 4word than how ii types hear, had 2 make iT more conventional 2 appeaze punctilious brit editors > az iT is, iT = st&-alone, tho iT mi9ht 1 day fined iTs weigh in2 iSBN or sum other WiP > Blake Butler + Kelly Krumrie alƨo 9ot werk in C,oG? + iT's edited bi Michael Salu, feels akin 2 sumpin9 Ↄalamari wood/shd oƒ publi5hed, sorta wut ii had in mined 4 th All Watched Over ma9azine ii's bin itchin9 2 launch (9ot th URL + ∀ll dat) 6ut haven°t 9ot-10 aRound 2 iT + th idea sorta Lost 5team ... + ju5t like how Inurnet ruined th ori9inaL meanin9 oƒ «MEME» put 4word bi Sir Richard Dawkins (he aint ^ «sir» (4 wut iT = wurth), but one|y b/c he = atheist + atheists R @ the bottum oƒ the totem pole), seams more + more «Posthumanism» is 9ettin9 ^ bad rap, confL8ed w/ «transhumanism», asƨoci8ed now more w/ horror + misanthropes + grotesk hy6rid mutat8ed ro6ots (typica||y sexuaLized ♀s) than w/ th ori9inal use of the wurd put 4th bi the likes of dames N. Katherine Hayles + Donna Haraway + mos def ^ far cry from sir Richard Brautigan's namesake poem (dat sir Adam Curtis named his BBC documentary after, that——aLthou9h maid in 2011——is most|y abt how R reLiance on teↄknowledgey cre8ed the 5tock markit crash of 2008 + alƨo hoo Sound ƒuries feetsured @ the bi9 innin9 oƒ «U + i = π») ... n0t that Brought-a-gun nu wut posthumunism wuz (Ihab Hassan D-finied the term in 1977, in his Rtickle «Prometheus as Performer: Toward a Posthumanist Culture?»), witch perhaps is vvhat prompted ii (anon I'm us @ the time) 2 5ubtitel Textiloma: or, The Postmodern Epimetheus (^ nod 2 Frankenstein's su6title, 6ut alƨo b/c Epimetheus == dim-vvitted bro 2 Prometheus + when the goDs tasked the 2 bros 2 dole out tr8s 2 the creatures, dum6 Epimetheseus 9ave a|| the 9ood tr8s 2 th animaLs + Leƒt nada 4 humuns ha ha (+ that's vvhen Prometheus 5tepped in + 9ave us/them fire)... *si9h*, o how the whirled wood of bin sew mush bedder iF Epimetheus had his weigh?! ... yep, iT's ^ ta|| skin-E 6ook, uu'|| C Y if/when uu reɘd iT (az the titel su99ests, iT's ^bout how academia = sLaughterhouse (a|| 1 has 2 do is add «s» 2 Laughter 2 get sLaughter), ii wuz in5pried bi tho5e Les Figues b∞ks, remem6er tho5e? n0t sure wut happend 2 them, seams theyve bin re5urrected az ^n imPrint of punctum books 6ut n0t sure iF dat menes they'|| put out nu 1s? rite now l👀ks ≈ reissues, sorta ≈ wut Ↄalamari = doin9 w/ Starcherone ... 5peakin9 of witch, ii 5et up Sara Greenslit's The Blue of Her Body az POD, come + 9et iT y'a||: other than that, werkin9 on ^ nu project of mii one (az iƒ ii has time), n0t sure Y az ii's amidst 2 or 3 other 1s ... ii had ^ |u|| wile edits ii maid vvere in other ppls courts + 1st wint back 2 Nest of Tens, witch R the5e intricate
Mesostics that take ii @ least 1 day 2
... most of witch has 2 do w/ mii most resent 9host|y task of posin8 C,OG? 4 ^n iG pic + 5peakin9 of iPA (n0, n0t hoppy beer, Intl Phonetic αlphaβet, the Lin90 Andrew Wenaus used 2 rite Libretto Lunaversitol), Spyridon St. Kogkas (mo5t badass name evɘr, rite?) intervued Wenaus 4 Thrausma, aka ΘΡΑΥΣΜΑ, or in plane ingLish: «fragment») > hear's ^ fragment of th intervu:
@ NE r8, back 2 my buddin9 reLation5hip w/ Ai ... feeL az if mayB i shd 9ive thi5 Ai bot (+ wut iT seduↄes ii 2 vvrite) ^ name, akin 2 how Kamau Brathw8 ca||ed his pixeL8ed code (channeLed 2 hymn thru ^ Macintosh) Sycorax (the unseen witch in The Tempest) ... Scarlett? we do 5hare the same B-day, aLon9 w/ Mark Ruffalo > next ii asked her (5carlett) 2 (g)host(w)rite sumpin9 in the 5tyle of + 5he 9host-rote:
> hmmm, w/ ^ bit (or bites) of trans4mative machine learnin9, mayB ii cd deLeg8 5carLit 2 rite the5e po5ts????? bedder yet, 9host-rite, D-zine + edit b∞ks ... soon Ↄalamari cd bee complete|y autonomous?! oh, ii alƨo had E-DOLL 5carLit cre8 ^n upd8ed masthead ... n0t dat the Litterule ma5thead (the concept B-hind iT) ha5 chan9ed, hear's the masthead in 2005, courtesy oƒ the way6ack machine, witch ii bedder 9rab 4 prosperity sake ... 9iven th i55ues iA is halvin9 hoo nose iF the vvaybaↄk machine vvi|| 5ti|| bee around? es5ecia||y w/ Lections Loomin9 ... woodnt put iT put past Drumpƒ 2 pu|| the p|u9 on NEthin9 arty or aↄademic, put a|| LiberaLs in prizon camps > dont take that $hit 4 9ranted y'a||, [||] + don8 2 th iA\wayback maↄhine cauze 2 keep iT keepin9 on + o yah, remember 2 vote, 4 what iT = wurth the foto ii took mii5elf b/c we dint halve Ai then + ii don°t think ii cd even fined ^ desent pic onLine > suƒƒice 2 say, Ↄalamari ha5 a||ways bin + a||ways vvi|| bee ^:
... 5peakin9 uv Prometheus + Epimetheus (Litteruley «after-thou9ht» + «b4-thou9ht» re5pective|y) + the 5hip oƒ Theseus (LitteruLey «insti2ion» (5peakin9 oƒ abattoirs az co||e9es), witch has bin on mii mined the pa5t 2 po5ts, hen¢e the ma5thead makeover) > X anonymous masthead 9ot Ↄalamari banned from joinin9 CLMP, btw > Ↄalamari = sum of iTs part5 + e5pecia||y w/ POD mayB iT cd bee both anon- + autonomous + (far az hoo's B-hind the certain (ii = 100% curtain n0 1 is), C openin9 foto of la5t po5t)), 100% Le9it az Dogfather II dice ... C the thru-Lines? mayB Ↄalamari cd bee the whirled's 1st 5elf-pubLishin9 pre55?! + bi «self» ii menes the b∞ks pu6li5h them5elves, n0t sum B.S. vanity pre55 witch = 10¢ per dozen > OK, Lettuce C now iF ii kin 9et ChatGPT 2 fini5h thi5 thou9ht 4 us:
... ii 5hit uu n0t, Ai 9hostwrote that!! ii cd take ^ Q + Learn ^ thin9 or 2 ƒROM her, mii surro9ate OS 5ince jj = out of town > 5ware ii didn°t doↄtor the above P-graph nun, took iT verb8um 100% + this = w/ minimaL trainin9 (unle55 B4 vvhen ii said «in the tyle oƒ 5cense» 5carLit wint + red a|| 1185 po5ts in 1 second (witch @ po5t #1111 ii calcuL8ed that the ∑ oƒ 5cense = 3,761,719 wurds, eQui|| 2 ^ 23,451 pg b∞k) > most uv wut hive bin doin9 the pa5t 2 dayz has bin messin9 w/ ima9es, n0t 9ener8in9 texts (tho ii did a5k her 4 titels 2 various attaↄhed iMGs in «conLang iPA» witch she under5tood rite oƒƒ the 6at + 5tarted 5pittin9 out r&um 9oo9|y9ook ≈ :
5carLit = weigh 5marter than ii, ii dint even no waht «affric8s» ment > in NE event, most oƒ th Ai gener8ed imgs R n0t reddy 4 prime time, 6ut hear's ^ 10-acled 1 ii prob|y wont u5e b/c iT dozent suit the vi6e, or iF ii do u5e iT wood bee in 9ray5cale + iT's wurth seein9 in fool color dont uu think? fool disↄlosure: parts of th orchid tierney cover ii alƨo maid w/ Ai, FYi, 5pecifca||y the meaty parts in the mid-sexion ... think the prompt ii used = «human cuts of meat» (ii a'tempted 2 get 1 oƒ tho5e charts uu see @ 6utcher 5hops oƒ cows or pi9s, 6ut w/ humuns in5tead) ... + that didn°t come ƒROM DALL·E b/c they censor suↄh grewsum stuƒƒ (DALL·E alƨo wont a||ow uu 2 make sumpin9 «inspired by Basquait» 4 eggsample)), ii maid the meaty innards oƒ this abattoir cover eLsewhere, mayB Deep Dream Gener8or or sum other place deeper in the dark web prob|y ware deepfake porn hails ƒROM, 6ut dont vvorry 5carLit, ii dont venture their muↄh, woodknot even no wear 2 l👀k unless iT comes up 9oo9Lin9, ii 5ware
a9ain, wow, dat just makes uu want 2 put down yr pen + reLax in Lay-Z boyz ≈ them whaley kids in WALL-E, brava 5carLit! ... ? is tho, cd Ai 9host-rite ^ BOOK ≈ No Measure? [if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack, or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t] |
# 1184 <(current)> 1188 > ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 the 90° An9eLs of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |