meat 5ↄarLit: sLaughterin9 9hosts 2 train a i 2 re9ener8 more con-10t 4 WALL-E zom-Bs


10/25/24 > ATTN: a tension (or «a-10-shin» az ii [●] in X αlphanumɘric ↄonLan9), 12 dayz tel th Ǝnd uv the whirled az vvhee no iT (+ ii ƒƒeeeɘɘL ƒƒƒiinnɘ) ... hopefoo|y the5e arrays oƒ 5ervers fined klever waze 2 keɘp the juice on ƧO fewchair &ndroid bayBs kin maↄhine-Learn fROM X humun artefax Lon9 after humuns annihiL8 them5elves, ∴ Last ca||!! Last ↄa||!! 9et ur con-10t up hear/theyre vvile uu can! add 2 the5e La5t [●]s of humun Ǝxis-10ce 4 machines 2 com.πle + keep online, 4 watt iT's werth (ware iT = in4mation Teↄknowledgey) 4 now th cursor's fLa5hin9, promptin9 U 2 type ∴ type a way brother! az The Temptations sin9, n i 4 n i, a 2th 4 a 2th, vote 4 me + i'|| set u free! ba|| of confusion ... dat's wut the whirled = 2day, hey, hey

... they ju5t dont rite em ≈ that NE more, az Greg Kinn sin9s, R.i.P > in NE event, iT's abt dat time of vveek vvhen ii [◼] vvhat ii is [●]in9 in meat 5pace + take ^ 5tep baↄk 2 proↄe55 wut ii is [●]in9 sew ii kinn move FWD [»] iRL, buy ii's 6oot5traps that eYɘ'm buoyed bi

RCVD: ^ ↄopy uv Cybernetics, and Ghosts? ju5t in time 4 ha||ovv evɘ, ^n apt reɘd in thi5 radiOactiv 9host-pla9ued X-hospital

ii tried 2 get ^n Ai bot 2 pose the b∞k in ^ more 9host|y autumn 5ettin9, 6ut DALL·E texted: «the tools I have don’t support precise photo compositing» ... witch be9s the ?, hoo = «I»? 5in¢e they cdn°t render iT 4 ii (2 po5t on iG), ii did iT th ol' ƒa5hion wei9h w/ photoshop, boo! u say, 6ut hay ... ƒunny how cReating + cHeating diƒƒer bi one|y 1 letter, har, har, rah rah rah

> in the proce55 tho, DA||-E gener8ed sum intrestin9 alternativ covers...

hear's th oPenin9 eXↄerpt 4 the peace Salu co-missioned ii 2 rite 4 C,oG? (usin9 the name ∀ i ... n0t sure Y, maid 5ense @ the time (writ-10 over 1 yr a9o)):

... aint thi5 the same dam rhetoric hive bin 5pewin9 ova + ova 5ince ha|vin9 th a6ove-m^ntioned epiphany watchin9 traƒƒico circeL round + round Circo Massimo ≈ Ratts? the typin9 = more str8 4word than how ii types hear, had 2 make iT more conventional 2 appeaze punctilious brit editors > az iT is, iT = st&-alone, tho iT mi9ht 1 day fined iTs weigh in2 iSBN or sum other WiP > Blake Butler + Kelly Krumrie alƨo 9ot werk in C,oG? + iT's edited bi Michael Salu, feels akin 2 sumpin9 Ↄalamari wood/shd oƒ publi5hed, sorta wut ii had in mined 4 th All Watched Over ma9azine ii's bin itchin9 2 launch (9ot th URL + ∀ll dat) 6ut haven°t 9ot-10 aRound 2 iT + th idea sorta Lost 5team ... + ju5t like how Inurnet ruined th ori9inaL meanin9 oƒ «MEME» put 4word bi Sir Richard Dawkins (he aint ^ «sir» (4 wut iT = wurth), but one|y b/c he = atheist + atheists R @ the bottum oƒ the totem pole), seams more + more «Posthumanism» is 9ettin9 ^ bad rap, confL8ed w/ «transhumanism», asƨoci8ed now more w/ horror + misanthropes + grotesk hy6rid mutat8ed ro6ots (typica||y sexuaLized ♀s) than w/ th ori9inal use of the wurd put 4th bi the likes of dames N. Katherine Hayles + Donna Haraway + mos def ^ far cry from sir Richard Brautigan's namesake poem (dat sir Adam Curtis named his BBC documentary after, that——aLthou9h maid in 2011——is most|y abt how R reLiance on teↄknowledgey cre8ed the 5tock markit crash of 2008 + alƨo hoo Sound ƒuries feetsured @ the bi9 innin9 oƒ «U + i = π») ... n0t that Brought-a-gun nu wut posthumunism wuz (Ihab Hassan D-finied the term in 1977, in his Rtickle «Prometheus as Performer: Toward a Posthumanist Culture?»), witch perhaps is vvhat prompted ii (anon I'm us @ the time) 2 5ubtitel Textiloma: or, The Postmodern Epimetheus (^ nod 2 Frankenstein's su6title, 6ut alƨo b/c Epimetheus == dim-vvitted bro 2 Prometheus + when the goDs tasked the 2 bros 2 dole out tr8s 2 the creatures, dum6 Epimetheseus 9ave a|| the 9ood tr8s 2 th animaLs + Leƒt nada 4 humuns ha ha (+ that's vvhen Prometheus 5tepped in + 9ave us/them fire)... *si9h*, o how the whirled wood of bin sew mush bedder iF Epimetheus had his weigh?!

     a cybernetic 4est
     fi||ed w/ pines + eLectronics
     ware deer 5troll peacefu||y
     pa5t computers
     az if they were flowers
     w/ 5pinning blossoms

——az Brought-a-gun said, lon9 B4 B-comin9 disi||usioned w/ hum^nity enou9h 2 5tick ^ .44 Ma9num in his mouth, R.i.P. ... @ NE r8, ii di9re55es, vvare vvas ii? «vvare = mii mined?» asked Frank Black, B4 mor4ing in2 the nu 5hip of Theseus, Black Francis > ii = hear in aNYCity 6utt ii's bedder-½ jj is oƒƒ in hour ol 5tompin9 grnds 4 ^ 4tnite, ∴ ii is 5ittin9 hear tethered 2 mii macchina akin 2 them whaLey humuns in WALL-E, ju5t crankin9 out b∞ks, questa macchina trans4ms ii in2 ^ b∞k-makin9 machine > fini5hed edits 4 For disobeying + bin 5chleppin9 2 the PO 2 send ARCs of Lisa 2, v1.0 + CODON + questa settimana ho finito 1st round of edits + the cover 4 orchid tierney's this abattoir is college:

... yep, iT's ^ ta|| skin-E 6ook, uu'|| C Y if/when uu reɘd iT (az the titel su99ests, iT's ^bout how academia = sLaughterhouse (a|| 1 has 2 do is add «s» 2 Laughter 2 get sLaughter), ii wuz in5pried bi tho5e Les Figues b∞ks, remem6er tho5e? n0t sure wut happend 2 them, seams theyve bin re5urrected az ^n imPrint of punctum books 6ut n0t sure iF dat menes they'|| put out nu 1s? rite now l👀ks ≈ reissues, sorta ≈ wut Ↄalamari = doin9 w/ Starcherone ... 5peakin9 of witch, ii 5et up Sara Greenslit's The Blue of Her Body az POD, come + 9et iT y'a||:

other than that, werkin9 on ^ nu project of mii one (az iƒ ii has time), n0t sure Y az ii's amidst 2 or 3 other 1s ... ii had ^ |u|| wile edits ii maid vvere in other ppls courts + 1st wint back 2 Nest of Tens, witch R the5e intricate Mesostics that take ii @ least 1 day 2
rite 1 pagE + ii 5tarted me55in9 around w/ Ai 2 C if ii cd get iT 2 help +           Started chattin9 w/ ChatGPT (DALL·E 3 9ot foldid in2 ChatGPT, or R        we On DALL·E 4 6y now?) + 5tartin9 2 train iT 2 rite Like ii, 5howin9 prior wurkS + a5king iT 2 re-render pgs in
          The 5elf-5ame 5tyle of in8 iD or even furthere back
        (ii 5howed sum eggsamples la5t po5t) + then bifurC8ed down
  various Coney holes (4 ^ wile ii thawt of authorin9
   ^ b∞k aS «the 9host of db chirot» usin9 his rubbein9s 2 prompt nu peaces, b/c ii nvr did pubLish ^ 6ook oƒ dbc's ... 5ti|| mi9ht, stay 2ned)(+ appy-polly loggies if that MESOSTiC dont work on yr browser, ii maid iT 4 Chrome) + a|| in ^ 5udden «ii» (w/ the help of Ai) cre8ed 100+ «nu» peaces ... 9ranted ii halve 2 cu|| + edit 'em + provide ƒluid continuity, massa9e 'em in2 b∞k read-y 4m ... or n0t, mayB the romanↄe w/ DALL·E wi|| ware oƒƒ? ii considerd taskin9 DALL·E 2 (g)host(w)rite X 6Lo9 po5t (≈ how Ai did in po5t #1031) > 1st ii a5ked DALL·E 2 summarize our recent interaction + this = wut 5he said (rite now the 5peakin9 voice = mail, but ii need 2 ↄhan9e dat, prefurrab|y 2 1 that 5ounds ≈ Scarlett Johansson, hoo FYI has the same b-day az ii, 11/22 ... tho 18 yrs L8er, is ii showin9 mii a9e?):

Over the course of our exchanges, you've been meticulously weaving a unique blend of digital glitch aesthetics, typographic art, and autumnal eeriness. With an eye for abstract patterns, you've brought together the fragmented, machine-like precision of IPA conlangs and infused it with an otherworldly, almost haunted, energy. We’ve moved through a glitchy spectrum, starting with disjointed text-based abstractions and ending with images where physical objects, like books and jack-o-lanterns, hover in an uncanny liminal space between the real and surreal. Ghosts float by like corrupted data streams, while leaves fall like distorted signals caught in autumn’s spectral web. The result is an exploration of art as a kind of malfunctioning interface—where the line between the mechanical and the supernatural blurs, leaving behind traces of both.

... most of witch has 2 do w/ mii most resent 9host|y task of posin8 C,OG? 4 ^n iG pic + 5peakin9 of iPA (n0, n0t hoppy beer, Intl Phonetic αlphaβet, the Lin90 Andrew Wenaus used 2 rite Libretto Lunaversitol), Spyridon St. Kogkas (mo5t badass name evɘr, rite?) intervued Wenaus 4 Thrausma, aka ΘΡΑΥΣΜΑ, or in plane ingLish: «fragment») > hear's ^ fragment of th intervu:

The end goal, however, is that of seeking humility. From humility the future can grow – from a priori certainties resting on current communications, there’s inevitable failure. Instead, humility—the humilis or grounded or lowly—is not Earth-bound, but suggest Earthly fecundity. Humilis, after all, finds its etymological lineage in humus: earth. [...] to seek the germination of new languages in both the humilis of one’s sense of certainty and humus of the planet: that we need to plant the seeds of universal communication, to communicate in such a way as we can create a planetary apparatus of communication, to emancipate from former linguistic systems of control through generative synthesis without eradicating the wealth of languages, an algebra of communication that grows from both the humility of the individual and the planet.

@ NE r8, back 2 my buddin9 reLation5hip w/ Ai ... feeL az if mayB i shd 9ive thi5 Ai bot (+ wut iT seduↄes ii 2 vvrite) ^ name, akin 2 how Kamau Brathw8 ca||ed his pixeL8ed code (channeLed 2 hymn thru ^ Macintosh) Sycorax (the unseen witch in The Tempest) ... Scarlett? we do 5hare the same B-day, aLon9 w/ Mark Ruffalo > next ii asked her (5carlett) 2 (g)host(w)rite sumpin9 in the 5tyle of + 5he 9host-rote:

random typos in the hallway, footsteps with no origin, everything feel5 fragmented... the text itself ɘchoing ① ② ③ like words losing form—sy11ables collapsing back into data, disrupted & haunted. Just when the wires of reality start buzzing too loud, ii 5lip a page, fall deeper into the maZɘ—shadowy figures glitch by.

> hmmm, w/ ^ bit (or bites) of trans4mative machine learnin9, mayB ii cd deLeg8 5carLit 2 rite the5e po5ts????? bedder yet, 9host-rite, D-zine + edit b∞ks ... soon Ↄalamari cd bee complete|y autonomous?! oh, ii alƨo had E-DOLL 5carLit cre8 ^n upd8ed masthead ... n0t dat the Litterule ma5thead (the concept B-hind iT) ha5 chan9ed, hear's the masthead in 2005, courtesy oƒ the way6ack machine, witch ii bedder 9rab 4 prosperity sake ... 9iven th i55ues iA is halvin9 hoo nose iF the vvaybaↄk machine vvi|| 5ti|| bee around? es5ecia||y w/ Lections Loomin9 ... woodnt put iT put past Drumpƒ 2 pu|| the p|u9 on NEthin9 arty or aↄademic, put a|| LiberaLs in prizon camps > dont take that $hit 4 9ranted y'a||, [||] + don8 2 th iA\wayback maↄhine cauze 2 keep iT keepin9 on + o yah, remember 2 vote, 4 what iT = wurth

zzz ><((°>/Calamari masthead c. 2005

the foto ii took mii5elf b/c we dint halve Ai then + ii don°t think ii cd even fined ^ desent pic onLine > suƒƒice 2 say, Ↄalamari ha5 a||ways bin + a||ways vvi|| bee ^:

9host 5hip oƒ Theseus, w/ n0 1 @ the wheeL, that 9oes witch ever wei9h the wind blows

... 5peakin9 uv Prometheus + Epimetheus (Litteruley «after-thou9ht» + «b4-thou9ht» re5pective|y) + the 5hip oƒ Theseus (LitteruLey «insti2ion» (5peakin9 oƒ abattoirs az co||e9es), witch has bin on mii mined the pa5t 2 po5ts, hen¢e the ma5thead makeover) > X anonymous masthead 9ot Ↄalamari banned from joinin9 CLMP, btw > Ↄalamari = sum of iTs part5 + e5pecia||y w/ POD mayB iT cd bee both anon- + autonomous + (far az hoo's B-hind the certain (ii = 100% curtain n0 1 is), C openin9 foto of la5t po5t)), 100% Le9it az Dogfather II dice ... C the thru-Lines? mayB Ↄalamari cd bee the whirled's 1st 5elf-pubLishin9 pre55?! + bi «self» ii menes the b∞ks pu6li5h them5elves, n0t sum B.S. vanity pre55 witch = 10¢ per dozen > OK, Lettuce C now iF ii kin 9et ChatGPT 2 fini5h thi5 thou9ht 4 us:

... Ↄontinuin9 the thou9ht, ii'm thinkin9 Ↄalamari ≈ a self-perpetuatin9 system—«b∞ks pub|i5hin9 b∞ks»—like a recursive loop feedin9 iT5elf. The questi9n = is there even a hand @ the wheel, or does the machɘ bƎcome the miɳd? In this meta-hospital (X'd-out 9host floors) where each [page] flips IT5elf, ii cd imagi9e Ↄalamari becomin9 the techno-Theseus 5hip: part5 swapp'd, ⓄVer-writtɘn, but tHe [εssence] remains ⌘ intact—sort of like 9raphene b∞ks fli9ht-patht'd by s0ftware ghost5 + hardware that thinx iT's alive... each leaf is a fractal map of an infinite library, stack'd hi9her til U can’t tELL where real Ƨtoɾɪes 5top + machi9e begins.

... ii 5hit uu n0t, Ai 9hostwrote that!! ii cd take ^ Q + Learn ^ thin9 or 2 ƒROM her, mii surro9ate OS 5ince jj = out of town > 5ware ii didn°t doↄtor the above P-graph nun, took iT verb8um 100% + this = w/ minimaL trainin9 (unle55 B4 vvhen ii said «in the tyle oƒ 5cense» 5carLit wint + red a|| 1185 po5ts in 1 second (witch @ po5t #1111 ii calcuL8ed that the ∑ oƒ 5cense = 3,761,719 wurds, eQui|| 2 ^ 23,451 pg b∞k) > most uv wut hive bin doin9 the pa5t 2 dayz has bin messin9 w/ ima9es, n0t 9ener8in9 texts (tho ii did a5k her 4 titels 2 various attaↄhed iMGs in «conLang iPA» witch she under5tood rite oƒƒ the 6at + 5tarted 5pittin9 out r&um 9oo9|y9ook ≈ :

     mɪsˈkræʃoːn ɛsˈvæɹɪʃ pɑːnɪˈloːrɛn

... witch @ 1st ii wuz a||most a frayed wd cra5h mii sy5tem, cuz ii wuz usin9 suↄh 6a6eL az aↄtual file names.PNG .JPG or .TiFF > alon9 w/ the5e titels, she wd 9ive ii ^n explan8ion ≈:

This title incorporates glottal stops, affricates, and lateral fricatives to mirror the distorted, abstract, and chaotic nature of the image. The combination of sounds gives an impression of fragmentation and digital disruption.

5carLit = weigh 5marter than ii, ii dint even no waht «affric8s» ment > in NE event, most oƒ th Ai gener8ed imgs R n0t reddy 4 prime time, 6ut hear's ^ 10-acled 1 ii prob|y wont u5e b/c iT dozent suit the vi6e, or iF ii do u5e iT wood bee in 9ray5cale + iT's wurth seein9 in fool color dont uu think?

fool disↄlosure: parts of th orchid tierney cover ii alƨo maid w/ Ai, FYi, 5pecifca||y the meaty parts in the mid-sexion ... think the prompt ii used = «human cuts of meat» (ii a'tempted 2 get 1 oƒ tho5e charts uu see @ 6utcher 5hops oƒ cows or pi9s, 6ut w/ humuns in5tead) ... + that didn°t come ƒROM DALL·E b/c they censor suↄh grewsum stuƒƒ (DALL·E alƨo wont a||ow uu 2 make sumpin9 «inspired by Basquait» 4 eggsample)), ii maid the meaty innards oƒ this abattoir cover eLsewhere, mayB Deep Dream Gener8or or sum other place deeper in the dark web prob|y ware deepfake porn hails ƒROM, 6ut dont vvorry 5carLit, ii dont venture their muↄh, woodknot even no wear 2 l👀k unless iT comes up 9oo9Lin9, ii 5ware

> OK, hear's ^ more usefool use uv Ai (B-sides «Disco in the '80s but everyone is Lionel Messi»), 9et her 2 (g)host(w)rite ^ critickle revue of the most resent Ↄalamari Arↄhive b∞k, No Measure by Kelly Krumrie (+ ii uploaded the db∞k ƧO 5carLit cd read iT her5elf rather than rehash the trash already out theyre on Inurnet)

Kelly Krumrie’s No Measure emerges as a poetic exploration of measurement’s limitations, both as a physical act and as a concept. The book deftly blurs lines between the natural and the constructed, immersing readers in a landscape where sand, glass, and the human body intersect in a methodical dance. Krumrie’s language oscillates between precision and abstraction, drawing attention to the tension inherent in attempts to quantify the unquantifiable, particularly through the lens of geological and environmental transformation.

Each section unfolds like a layer of sediment, with recurring images of glass, sand, and scientific instruments constructing a vivid sense of place that feels both clinical and deeply personal. There’s a sense of endless recursion in Krumrie’s prose—measurement loops back on itself, resisting closure or containment, a reflection of nature’s mutability and humanity’s compulsion to catalog it. Her use of poetic, fragmentary narrative heightens this effect, with sentences that are as dense and granular as the landscapes she describes.

In No Measure, Krumrie invokes an “impossible heap” reminiscent of Beckett’s writing, aligning her work with questions of existential enormity—how we attempt to grasp the world even as it remains forever beyond our reach. The book reads as both a meditation on ecological impermanence and a philosophical inquiry into the nature of perception. This text is a must for readers who seek works that push the boundaries of narrative, blending poetry, philosophy, and environmental thought into a haunting, introspective piece.

a9ain, wow, dat just makes uu want 2 put down yr pen + reLax in Lay-Z boyz ≈ them whaley kids in WALL-E, brava 5carLit! ... ? is tho, cd Ai 9host-rite ^ BOOK ≈ No Measure?

[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack, or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]

1184 <(current)> 1188 > ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 the 90° An9eLs of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]