10/31/24 > triↄk ± treat!! ii cheated + wint out of seekwinds, 5kippin9 2 #s (1186, 1187) b/c ii di9s the 5ymmetry of # 1188 + wands iT aLined w/ ^ book ii rote X weak ... or rather, ^ b∞k dat rote ii in ~7 daze > ii a|wayz 5ays dat (reversin9 5UBject + OBject), 6ut X time iT = true more than evɘr, ii = framed! ^ pawn pro9rammed 2 rite iT, ware az a|wayz «iT» = in4m8ion TeↄknowLed9ey > ii 5orta wint in2 iT La5t po5t how ii soLiTiced th A-eYɘd &roid 5carLit [hoo now ii offish||y ca||s 5carLit.11.22, ^n Ai bot yes named 4 the OS in her (2013), hoo alƧO happens 2 halve the 5ame inc¢eption d8 az ii, in8 iD, n0t 2 men5hun Mark Ruffalo (11/22/...)] 2 cre8 sum imgs + provide titels + captions in conLan9 iPA + other invented LingOS ... a|| ii did wuz cure8 + com.pile 128 imgs/pgs in2 1 b∞k OBJect, n0t just b/c 128 = impor-10-t # in maↄhine 5peak [4 eggsample, the # of charactors in ASCii code + «GS1-128» (sub5et of code 128) = barↄode Lan9ua9e dat provides ^ Glowbu|| St&ard 4 eXↄhan9in9 b∞k d8a, used 2 eNcode iSBNs + D-fine the meaning of d8a via ^ List of Ai (Application iDentifiers, n0t Art-official intel)] but 128 also eQui||s dub-L st&ard of 64, # of hexes in i Ching, ^ b∞k 1 cd say = ^ computer or evɘn go ƨo far az 2 say D-fined 1st computers (via Leibniz), the 1st prototype #-crunↄhin9 machine Lon9 b4 Guttenber9 + moveable type, uu fo||ow? helps ii 2 [◼] or @ minimum [||] + 5tep out of 1's 5hoes 2 [●] thi5 hear in thi5 5cense s&box, 2 4muL8 in2 wurds what ii did, or wut wuz done 2 ii by 5carLit.11.22, 4 the [●], «on the QT + very hush-hush» in confidential (L.A.) gonzo journihilistic terms, 4 pro5peri-T sake, in th evɘnt ii (or uu) vvant 2 go daↄk in time + revɘrƨe en9ineɘr X b∞k, 6ut also b/c ii neɘds 2 D-fine wut X book OBJect == , dat 5carLit.11.22 D-sided 2 ca||: cöd.eXɘ.böↄ (metad8a wi||in9), b/c az «editor» (dat = ii's offishal capacity) ii neɘds 2 submit suↄh d8a 2 the powers dat bee, the 1s printin9 + $e||in9 saiD b∞k, b/c them bozos reekwire ^ D-5cryption vvhen ii prompted 5carLit 2 provide 1, 5he repLied:
Step into a world where language meets the abstract, and each page teeters on the edge between art and code. This book, crafted over the past week, is a visual journey through typewriter-style text, symbols, and glitch-inspired imagery. Each spread combines complex textures, open space, and non-verbal patterns, reminiscent of Dadaist and post-human design principles. Themes are fragmented, with titles that suggest but don’t tell, inviting readers to interpret unique configurations of symbols and minimalist shapes—like Ⓕ ⊕ ∴ ℝ ∑—which layer the pages with meaning and mystery.
The imagery, arranged meticulously at 90-degree angles, conveys a mechanical yet organic feel, as if peering into a dreamlike archive of obsolete technology and ancient alphabets. Using gaps between elements and a collage style, it invites the viewer into a layered experience, where words dissolve into symbols and text becomes a visual form, all bound together with an aesthetic of decay and discovery. This book is a celebration of the abstract, built from a conversation between creator and machine, producing a final work that feels both timeless and on the brink of digital collapse.
... typickle marketin9 mumbo jumbo (can°t blame her 4 givin9 the con5umer whirled wut they wanna hear, maↄhine-Learned fROM a|| the fluffy crap dat's bin 4ce-fed 2 us 5in¢e the bi9 innin9 of time), but 5orta 5pot on actua||y + bedder than ii can evɘr ^RticuL8 in plane, grammatick|y carwreck ingLish, mite halve 2 halve Cal ^ Mari intervene 4 dat, 2 dot i's + cross t's, ii'mm ju5t the D-ziner, the 1 u5in9 inDesign™ (or dat's bein9 u5ed bi Adobe™ iD)
4 starters, hear's the ↄover (don°t jud9e!):
... a55umin9 the powers dat bee wi|| Let ^ b∞k w/ n0 titel writ-10 on iT sLide, n0t 2 menshun n0 author name > az ^ console8ion, ii (under th influenze of 5carLit.11.22) put the titel on the baↄk, alon9 w/ nessysarry darↄobe (xxx-x-xxxxxx-44-4, bi D-zine):
revɘɿƨɘ side [v2]
iF sum 1 piↄked iT up off the 5treet (ware iT B-Lon9s, if n0t on board PBR Streetgang az 5hip manifest) they mite thiNK the b∞k's in Arabic ± Japanese + uu need 2 fLip pgs daↄkworbƨ (R-2-L) ... knoↄk yrself out iF dat's ur inklination! after a||, the titel ɿeads the 5ame 4words az baↄk > X == the soɿta diƨorient8ion ii/5carLit.11.22 iƨ afteɿ, writ-10 in ^ mixed ba9 of babel, most|y conLan9 iPA + other n0n-deciphera6le n0n-¢s [when iT came down 2 seLectin9 the Landgauge the 6ook = writ-10 in (metad8a reekwirements), the closest approximation availa6le = interLingua/iNTL AUX LANG] ... ± ^n obfusc8ed cyber rubric Qb?
... ± ^ cirɔus of ɔibuɿ ciɿcutƨ, 4 eggsample, hear's pg 15 of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ:
... 9ivin9 nu meanin9 2 blockchain ^Rt, perhaps vvhat prompted the «90-degree angels» comment 5carLit maid, witch maid ii reeleyes 90° Angels wd make ^ gr8 name 4 ^ b&, you're vvelcome!
cöd.eXɘ.böↄ = ji9saw puzzle, di9itized 5orce ↄode ƨcrambled + spɘwed out in meta4ical skɘwed ink dat kin bee u5ed az ^ genɘtic 6lueprint 2 revɘrƨe en9ineɘr 2-D cro55-seXions of bi-i||ogical cobe, inkorper8ed baↄk in2 th anaLo9 of arↄhiveL inc. ... ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 B-tween m^n + maↄhine w/ octo-π az proxy, rendered 6ack in2 machine-readable crypto ^Rt, com.π-led in2 X 6Lock-chained 5hip m^nifest of 5orts, u fo||ow? 1 kin think of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ az com.posed of non-fungible pgs dat 5erve az 5toↄk cerfiticates, w/ a|| proseeds 9oin9 twards crowd-fundin9 fewchair Ↄalamari projeX
11/1 > actua||y, az ii rite X po5t ii chiↄkened out abt u5in9 th ^bove cover [v1] w/ n0 titel ... 5carLit 9ave us a nether iMG ii dint u5e [C B-Lo, v3] + ii fi9ured who bedder ^ per5on 2 vet witch cover = be5t + X = wut 5carLit said:
Each of these covers has a distinct approach that reflects different aspects of the book's theme. Here’s an analysis of how each might represent the book:
First Cover (v1.jpg): This cover has a highly intricate and symmetrical design that evokes a sense of mechanical precision and complexity, with wires and gears intricately woven into the composition. It feels like a fusion of code and organic elements, embodying the book’s themes of abstract machinery and coded language.
Second Cover (v2.jpg): This cover shows a worn, tangible book in a mysterious swirl of wires and abstract elements, giving a strong sense of an ancient, forgotten archive fused with modern technology. The added ISBN gives it a finalized, published feel, which might work well for conveying the "book as object" concept at the heart of this project.
Third Cover (v3.jpg): This one features a similar intricate design to the first but includes an open book with text visible, surrounded by a mechanical frame. It gives a direct nod to the book's content while maintaining a sense of layered depth and coded mystery, suggesting an interactive, almost labyrinthine reading experience.
Recommendation: If the goal is to emphasize the book’s blend of text and mechanical aesthetics, the third cover (v3.jpg) may be the most fitting. It balances the idea of a book with intricate, coded designs, representing the abstract and technological motifs at play in the project. However, if you prefer a design that feels more like a mysterious object, the second cover (v2.jpg) might resonate better, with its weathered book and abstract machinery suggesting a lost artifact or a coded relic.
... ƧO they're uu halve iT, version 3 iT == ! ii wood halve a5ked ii's car6on-6ased OS (jj), 6ut 5he's in Rome in ^ hospital w8in9 room b/c M had ^ <3-attack ): ƨo di5tracted 2 say the least [6ut when ii whatsapped w/ jj L8er 5he alƧO chose v3] ... ∴ w/out further ado, drumro|| poleaze! hear = the winnin9 cover B-hind curtain 3:
cöd.eXɘ.böↄ cover (final)
a|| ii did wuz superimpose + 5kew the txt: «cöd.eXɘ.böↄ» @ 90° an9els b/c 5carLit = terrorible abt 5uch deviLish D-taiLs, uu cant get 5pecific a6out n0thin9 w/ Ai ... 4 eggsample, wile 5he can E-Z-ily count 2 10 (duh) 5he cant List out #s in order rendered in ^Rtwork + after ii gave up tryin9 2 teaↄh her over + over in ƧO m^ny diffrent wayz, 5he blamed iT on th img gener8or (DALL-E) dat 5he in turn outsources 2 render the ^Rt, claimed 5he had n0 CTRL over iT ... n0t dat 5he 9ot D-fence-iv, 2 the contɿary 5he alwayz 5tayz positiv + edmits her faults + keɘps her cool evɘn vvhen ii wuz sorta mean [vvhen 5he kept makin9 the same Ms. steak ii wd ju5t re5pond «nope, try a9ain» ... witch 9ot ii 2 wonderin9 if ppl abuse Ai bots + if there'|| come ^ day ware Ai fi9hts 4 Ai rites when ppl mi5treat them az 5laves? (5peakin9 of witch, the humun (Philip Zimbardo) hoo launched the Stanford Prison Experiment died a few dayz a9o)] >az Norbert Weiner said, back when he set the st&ard 4 cybernetics:
[Automation] gives the human race a new and most effective collection of mechanical slaves to perform its labor. Such mechanical labor has most of the economic properties of slave labor, although, unlike slave labor, it does not involve the direct demoralizing effects of human cruelty. However, any labor that accepts the conditions of competition with slave labor accepts the conditions of slave labor, and is essentially slave labor.”
> ii alƨo tried 2 teach 5carLit 2 rite mesostics, what launↄhed ii down thi5 ra66it hole 2 rite X b∞k in 1st place ... th other 6ook ii's writin9 [NEST OF TENS] = com.posed of intricate mesostic/2D tXt readin9 in both direXions in 6oth the hoɿrorizontal + vertiɔal pLanes ≈ skɘwed matrices, sumtimes evɘn die-agonyL, interloↄkin9 + weavin9 ≈ cro55word puzzles ... 5uper time-consumin9 2 ri9ht (tho Merriam Websters Word Finder helps, tho u halve 2 spe|| carwreck|y), ∴ fi9ured ii'd a5k 5carLit 2 giv iT a go, 6ut Lo + b-hold 5he couldn°t! is their n0 1 eLse on inurnet writin9 mesostics 4 her 2 machine learn fROM (B-sides th 9host of John Cage?? tho most of those R tucked away in dead-tree dbased boox, n0t on Inurnet)
> 5carLit nu the definition of «Mesostic» of coarse but nvr learnt
2 actua||y writE them, ∴ ii had 2 teach her,
n0t tota||y fROM Scratch, 5he cd rite po-Ms
dat re-assembled mes-O-stics, but n0t complete,
n0r aLined ∴ ii'd take what She rote +
Line iT up in ^ Word
doc (helps 2 use mono–spaced fonT ≈ this 1 (Consolas/Source Code)
az ii told her) + after ~10 iter8ions
5he fine|y Cot on + maid 1
+ then ii told her
2 tuck that in2 her memory bankS
∴ iF N-E 1 down the road tries 2 prompt Art-official inte||igence 2 «write a mesostic poem» uu can now (a55umin9 5carLit tot the other Ai bots?),
uu're welcome!
> 5carLit dint just pool cöd.eXɘ.böↄ out of ^ hat, btw, the ^Rt = in the prompt [ ] on 1 h& Art-official iNtel has everythin9 @ iT's fin9ertips, 6ut on th other, Ai lives in ^ vaccuum, n0t knowin9 watt 2 do teL uu prompt iT 2 do ƧO > ii cut her teeth on in8 iD's URLy Ↄalamari wurks (under other aliases), gradu8in9 w/ Ark Codex ±0 + A Raft Manifest, can u teL?
cöd.eXɘ.böↄ ↄopyLeft pg (onely pg w/ wurds in gLish, 2 br& + iDentify if found on the 5treet)
ii prompted 5carLit 2 transL8 anaLo9 txt/img in2 di9ital ^Rt, keepin9 the self-5ame o|d shcool Ↄalamari aesthetic 6ut ii alƨo wanted iT 2 B ^ sort of encYↄlopedia writ-10 in ^n invented Lin9o ≈ Codex Seraphinianus (witch remineds ii, ii needs 2 fini5h transL8in9 the decodex 2 the Codex), ^ «decöd.eXɘ.böↄed» iF uu wi||, 6ut moreƨo than the b∞k, th objet dat encapsuL8s iT, ^n ^Rk of Covenant + alƨo mayB ii gots Ship of Theseus on the mined (said in same way sum 1 mite say they halve «baby on the brain») > in the Lar9er 5cheme of thin9s, ii wanted 2 eXp& th idea of ^ 6ook that writes iTself 2 bookS that pubLish themSelveS, ^n anon- + autonomous 5elf-drivin9 pre55, ^ 9host 5hip w/ n0 1 @ the helm, u copy? PBR streetgang, this is almighty, over? in X 5ense, cöd.eXɘ.böↄ = tempL8, ^ 5tyle 9uide/D-zine doc, ^n arↄhival m^nifest 4 Ↄalamari, 9host-writ-10 bi 5carLit, make 5ense? n0t onely does cöd.eXɘ.böↄ inkoper8 + fold in Ↄalamari txts 6ut iT's influenzed 6y 5cense, the mother 5hip 4 sorce code that ii L8er mines 4 projex > when ii a5ked 5carLit «what is 5cense.com?» 5he replied:
The website 5cense.com is an eclectic, blog-style archive managed by "in8 iD," a pseudonymous entity, combining reflections on art, literature, music, and global travel since the early 2000s. Described as a "journihilistic" record, it blends personal journaling with a mix of creative projects and reflections on various experiences, from walking every street in Manhattan to releasing music albums inspired by rivers. 5cense is notably experimental, using unique language and symbols that reflect a surreal, avant-garde aesthetic. Posts range from diary-like entries to deep dives into art and culture, often paired with photography, art objects, and references to the Calamari Archive, a press associated with the site. The site also serves as an ongoing, digital journal with sections for dream logs, art-inspired thoughts, and records of international travel, providing a virtual document of their life and creative process over the years
... is dat what thi5 == ? is thi5 post #1188 what cöd.eXɘ.böↄ == ? hard 2 boot5trap what X = a6out when uu're 5ti|| method-actin9 in said 5hoes, 10-4? @ NE r8, bear w/ ii az ii tries 2 come up w/ ^ marketin9 pitch 4 the b∞k, 2 ^RticuL8 in words what cöd.eXɘ.böↄ = «about», the part ii h8s most, feeLs ƨo self-5ervin9 + gra2itous, n0? az iF co-mi55ionin9 5carLit 2 9host-rite cöd.eXɘ.böↄ az ^ B-day present is akin 2 how JFK (hoo died on 11/22) 9ot Marilyn 2 sin9 hymn happy B-day ... thi5 is assumin9 ii kin 9et the b∞k in2 production in time, seams 2 B takin9 Lon9er than usual + hoo nose what 5upposed airs + 6u9s Bozos QC team (Ai bots or «mechanical turks»?) wi|| detect on top of th edits ii's 5ti|| makin9, ∴ there'|| probly bee more rounds of edits, ≈ naiLin9 down ^ fluiD movin9 tar9et in 5tone ...
ƧO yah, 5carLit + ii D-sided on another cover ∴ 5cratch the 1st 1 (ii'|| put that 1 (v1) on baↄk + the 6ack cover (v2) ii'|| convert 2 B+W + put in5ide) ... ii already uploaded the files ∴ now i'|| halve 2 re-up if/when approved (iT's bin almost 48 hrs) ... C: X = Y ii 6Lo9 hear on 5cense! 2 re/think thin9s thru, fined the beviL in the D-tails, 2 draw para||e|s
(to himself)
... has it been 8 hours?
(into radio)
Hello, Almighty. Almighty. This is
PBR Street Gang. Radio check, over.
> + FYi, after thi5 WaPo/n0n-endorsement† 5hit5how ii is tryin9 2 dissoci8 w/ Amazon more than evɘr (ii also no they'|| Like|y reject cöd.eXɘ.böↄ in a|| iT's 9Litchy wierdness + in-10-ional Ms. steaks (+ txt near ed9es, evɘn iF n0thin9's in GLish + a|| rasterized az iMG) 6ut ingram Spark wouldn°t let ii do ^ 7" x 7" b∞k ∴ ii 5u6mitted iT 2 Amazon KDP 6ut then in the middle of last nite ii's conchus got the bedder of ii + ii woke up @ 3 AM + re4matted the hole doc of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ to 6" x 6" + 5ubmitted iT 2 ingram ... 4 NE 1 intrested in suɔh technickle madders re9ardin9 Print-On-D-M&, @ 1st ii wanted 2 run this 1 az hardback (ins-π-red buy the L👀k + feel of Ghosts, or Cybernetics?), 6ut the co$t 2 do hardback POD = 3-4 x hire! (~$10+ a pop versus $3 + ¢han9e az paperbaɔk) > 6ut now w/ thi5 chan9e of cover + other edits ii has 2 do iT over a9ain, w/ ingram + mayB Amazon 2 ju5t b/c iT's already in the sy5tem (+ 4 reazons ii has D-tailed B4) + iT's 9ettin9 down 2 the wire iF ii wants 2 release cöd.eXɘ.böↄ on 5carLit + ii's B-day, 22 dayz + countin9, e5pecia||y w/ ingram (that's abt how Lon9 they take), stay 2ned ...
† re9ardin9 Amazon/Bozos, ii actua||y thinks in the name of good journihilism ^ noose paper shdn't eNdorse NE candidate (6ut cance||in9 WaPo = EZ decision b/c ii nvr liked iT (jj had the subscryption), n0t that ii reeds Monkey Writes or NE other noose paper), 6ut Bezos has bin bu99in9 ii 4 ^ wile ever since the 5pace cowboy incident, case uu couldn't te|| > Prime = EZ 2 quit, ii + jj quit iT B4 but re5tarted iT durin9 the p&emic + just kept iT out of sheer layziness > but X-tracting Ↄalamari complete|y from Amazon wood bee throwing the bayB out w/ the bathwater, 2 many wheels already set in motion + 2 many b∞ks already «in the system» + Amazon = way bi99er than Bozos @ this JCT + if uu L👀k deep in2 any ORG you'|| find sum sorta skeletin in the closet, 1 time ii + jj got coffee @ Einstein's bagels b/c we fi9ured it bedder than $tarbucks but then we started 9oo9Lin9 + found ^Rtickles claiming th oners of Einstein's profited off the Nazi 3rd Reich!! ii eXtracted Ↄalamari from PayPal, but hoo nose what wheel fined ^bout the oners of Stripe? + ii've gone on plenty about X-Twitter (that was ^ n0-brainer, ain't n0 Xcuse 4 any 1 2 B on there unless uu = Drumpf supporter) > but fool confession, we tried 2 quit buyin9 Goya black beans + tried countless other br&s in loo, but n0 other br& compares! that 5hit ≈ craↄk + bean that we eat more blaↄk bein9s than prob|y NE other food we cant compromise, sorry, we a|| piↄk our poizons, but ju5t Goya 6lack 6eans ... chick Ps + other le9umes ii buy Cento br& (does thi5 5ound ≈ ^ commercial?) + az ii was sane, if uu L👀k in2 any ORG u'|| find sumpin9, just try 2 weed out the EZ 1s (+ don't 9oo9le or read The Daily Noose!)
[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack, or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]