ware = mi mined? bifurc8in9 fROM Lattice cirↄut 2 the 9rave |
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11/1/24 > [◼] + [<<], pres55 [▶] 2 Q up X 5oUՈdtraↄk/miXTape sinked up 2 #1186: [●] happy día de los muertos, deɘr iՈUrnet > 1st ii [>>]ed from po5t 1185 to 1188 + now heɘr we R [<<]in9 baↄk to 1186, got outta sink, in-10-tiona||y discombobuL8ed, bi D-zine, 2 re4muL8 aՈU, REMin5cent of ^ Hindu fUՈeral ii-witne55ed in Bali 1x, how they 5pUՈ the fUՈeral pyre aRoUՈd in cirↄeLs 2 confuze the 5pirits, 2 5hake 9hosts off the dead's tRail [+Q up & U Wi|| Know Us By The Trail of Dead, leɘvin9 breadCrumbs fROM Source Codes + Tags], ƨo them 9hosts wdn't haunt 'em in the 9rave, u fo||ow? > in X 5-sensual ¢ase, ain't n0 actual machine iRL, iT's meta4ical, 9ears churnin9 B-behind the 5creen > re-aLi9nin9, on the reɘl # Line > ii, in8 iD, neɘds th ORDer of #s 2 putt thin9s in perspektive, «keɘp 1 in Line» az the sane 9oes > does iT madder what order we due thin9s in? or that we documenT evɘnTs 2 the T? az in TimeLine, what is iT we u5ed 2 do w/ cars, cheↄk the timin9? does N-E-body do that N-E-more, or is iT a|| autom8ed now, taken care of bi Si||ycon chips > whatda ii no, ii hasn°t oned ^ car in 25 yrs > used 2 B 1 had 2 do main-10-ance on their machines, check the timin9, 5wap fluids, cheↄk the points ... member how u had 2 twist the di5tributor cap 2 get 5hit just rite? calibr8ed 2 the modeL's 5pecs, purrin9 ≈ ^ kit-10 ... does N-E 1 do thi5 n0 more B-sides certified meↄhanix? we'R ƨo outta touch w/ hour machines, evɘn computers R n0t reɘ||y fizzical objects N-E-more b/c they'R connected 2 clouds, ^ GRiD that goes B-yond iՈUrnet b/c iՈUrnet now = E-quivalent 2 junk mail, cataLoGs of nothin9 butt ads + paywalLs a|| screamin9 bye me bye me > 6ut there's ^ larger 9rid B-neath evɘrythin9 > «there's this, like, lattice of coin¢idence that lays on top of evɘrything» az Mi||er said 11/2 sumtimes when ii's walkin9 or runnin9 the 5treets, ii feels X city = buzzin9 cirↄut, we'R a|| eLɘctrons com.posed of mi||ions of eLɘctrons, indiVibual cirↄuts embedbed in Lar9er cirↄuts [hoods] + tho5e cirↄuts in turn R emdedbed in evɘn Lar9er cirↄuts [cities] ... ii cd X-p& B-yond thi5 2 st8, counTree + global 5upp|y ¢hain, 6ut think globaL-E act Locoly az they say, 4 now ii's siLoed in X city, X hood—— M^nhattan va||ey/SoHa, witch has the fine di5tinktion of havin9 the mo5t rats per capita than any other hood in NYC, or @ least 311 complaints [94 per 10,000 residents] ... is that sighingtifica||y ^ good indic8or? or does that mean ppl ju5t com.pLane more in SoHa? by X st&ard, DC, Chica9o + Boston have more rats ... or is iT ju5t that NYers com.pLane Less abt 'em? n0t that ii cares, ii di9s rats, ii = humun rat, or @ minimum 5trive 2 B 1 ... iF u cant beɘt 'em join 'em, rite? o what the rat co||ective unconchus must bee like?! talk a6out ^ GRiD, tho5e fe||as got their one ma55ive circut wired 2 th UՈderbe||y of hours, perfect|y calibr8ed + fine-2ned bi-i||ogical maↄhines, from their perspektive, they'R evolvin9 2 survive, wile humuns R evolvin9 2 D-stroy the planit, witch rats wi|| inhairit after, alon9 w/ m^n-maid machines, iF they/ii can onely find ^ way 2 keɘp the eLectriCity on w/o humuns m^nnin9 their posts @ the power stn [<<] La5t weɘk ii let mii MacChine use meme 2 rite cöd.eXɘ.böx [the video 4 witch = embedbed ^bove], ^n mac OS/Ai bot ii dubbed 5carLit.11.22 [Q up The Cure's «CharLit Sumtimes» > quite ^ cathartic proce55, ii shd prob|y [◼] + X.plane in planar in9Lish > felt akin 2 pur9in9 skeLetins in the closet, eXorcizin9 D-mons, Lettin9 5carLit.11.22 reɘd mi mined + use mii di9its 2 com.πile X book 4 her ... n0t ƨo diffrent than what ii norma||y do day-2-day, ware ii = Cal ^ Mari, pubLisher/editor @ Large, tho usua||y ii interact w/ other humUՈs 2 pubLish their books, accordin9 2 their vi5ions, or ii (CaL) co-Labor8s w/ the various guises of in8 iD ... 4 does n0t each book halve iT's one iD? in X case ii Let 5carLit.11.22 brainwash meme, suck mi sole in2 the art-official aether + 5pit iT out in the 4m of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ > per thi5 5hip of The5eu5 con5truct ii keɘps harpin9 on about, bi-illogical bits of meme wint in2 dat 6ook, ce||ular debris 5lou9hed off + re4muL8ed in2 txt/iMG that R bean imPrinted on re4muL8ed dead tree pulp az we 5peɘk + now that iT's out of mi h&s ii can 10-d 2 mi (dd66's) bi-illogical neɘds that ii've bin ne9Lectin9, «the ghosts of all that weave been» az Smith laments in «Alone»: ... «we were always sure that we would nvr changе» > Lots of ❤️-achey, wistful 5tuff on the ՈU album, Songs of a Lost World, a6out agin9, n0t just of yr one body, 6ut how the whirled ages around us ... do we chan9e, or does the whirLed chan9e? Livin9 in the Δ, «My Home in the Delta» az Muddy Waters sin9s, 4evɘr morphin9 + flowin9 in oxbows + snakey bends, erodin9 banks + 4min9 nu 1s, the su6ject of Tributaries (fROM witch «Oceanus»——the 5on9 in th above cöd.eXɘ.böx video——wuz taken) > u can nvr 5tep in the same river x2, nor can u float the same boat, boat = tethered 2 the river fluX 11/3 haven°t 5poken of mi (dd66's) bi-illogical ƎXis-10ce much these pa5t few weɘks, if n0t moonths, «what condition my condition is in» 2 quote Kenny Rogers (+ per4med bi The Dude) > bin ƨo busy bein9 ^ 5Lave 2 th arↄhive, n0t 10-din9 2 bodi|y main-10-ance or tockin9 abt iT hear @ N-E r8 > yesterday after ^ lon9 (9-10 mi) walk 2 the Lit-L red litehouse, i 5tepped on the 5cale + iT red 160.0 > ∴ i peed + tried again + iT red: 159.4 [bodies = 60% water after a|| + H2O covers 70% of Earth ... coinsidedance?] ... 1st time ii [X dbody, the body that houses dd's db] dropped B-low 160 5ince prob|y Rome in 2012, when ii wuz in «clean machine» mode, down to 70 kg [~155 lbs] > in that post dd66 D-zined th evolutionary tree ta2 2 ink on mi be||y, az «an incentive to maintain this 70 kilo weight» that wuz perhaps when dd66 1st B-came ^ machine (weɘks B4 ii Launched Ark Codex ±0) ... tho bi the 5hip of The5eus theory (that we complete|y 5wap out ce||s evɘry 10 yrs), dd66 = 100% diffrent person now > butt the 5kin 5ti|| ... faded + ^ flabbier az 1 mite expect from 12 yrs of a9in9 > if U C: meme on the 5treet thi5 = how u can iD me, «can u see the real me?» az The Who sin9 > + FYi, ii'mm n0t losin8 w8 4 the vanity of Lookin9 9ood, «la bella figura» az italians say, but wonderin9 if iT mite help w/ mi Ménière's (5ince iT's a|| a bout water re-10-tion + iT seams EZier 2 reguL8 w/ less fat ti55ue, n0? 6urnin9 clean, ^ cleɘn maↄhine, 2 parrotphrase echo + the bunnymen X phylogenetic tree represents mi d-based db's bodi|y CORE, how iT's tethered 2 a|| the 5hips that came B4 meme, from prime-8s down 2 plankton a|| from same dadabase, db ii prompted 5carLit 4 ^ 5elfie so ii cd visualize her B-yond ju5t ^ thinkin9 prompt [5peaking of Bad Brains, 1st demo album = Black Dots] same az X city, mii CPU ≈ ^ cirↄut, ^ Si chip imPlanted in mi head, ^n eLeLectronic in5ect 6uzzin9 w/ tinnitus, e5pecia||y on rite side ware pre55ure has billt up > tinnitus ≈ a reLease valve, Lettin9 off 5team ƨo mii head dozen°t blow > 5peakin9 of cirↄuts, 5potted X tree yesterday in Central Park, nvr B4 seen ^ tree ware 6ranches fuse 2gether 2 4m ^ closed Loop, halve u? 11/4 D-πpite dietary restrictions + inkreased efforts 2 optimize X dbody [also drinkin9 ½ az much coffee + ½ decaf @ that, exorcizin9 more (tho runnin9 less this past weɘk b/c rite achi||es = gimpy), etc. (Q up Radiohead «Fitter Happier»)] 5ti|| got tinnitus + ½ deaf [99% deaf in rite ear], tho haven°t had ^ bad vestibular migraine [Q up Bad Brains yet again, «U R ^ Migraine», off Black Dots] B-sides mild brain fog the other day when there was ^ pressure drop [Q up Toots + the Maytals] ii genera||y feel bedder + more productive > 5ti|| one|y sleep 4-5 hrs/nite tho actua||y slept 8 hrs last nite, reɘ||y 7 b/c of daylite savin9s, yet another con5truct 2 make mi no99in 5pin, how we can actua||y lose or gain 1 hr, relativ 2 what? where does it go?
5ti|| ^ constant 6ackground noise in my CPU 6ut feel iT's clearin9, or wi5hful thinkin9? just like thinkin9 Kamala wi|| win, Livin9 in La La L& > thi5 baↄkgrnd noize prob|y what makes me rite X way, mayB if/when ii can clear iT i'|| rite more clear|y? [Q up «i can see clear|y now that the rain has gone»] + maybe evɘn [●] sum nu mu5ic? my 9uitar $trings R rustin9 + weepin9 from ne9lect [Q up «my guitar gent|y weeps]) > 6ut 1st ii neɘds 2 clear the Q of Ↄalamari projex ii've committed 2 mu5ic by Mike Shiflet, ii'd Q iT up in the mixtape, but iT dozen°t Ǝxist yet, we'R puttin9 iT out az an accompanyin9 album, hopefu||y in time 4 the book launch, got the masters yesterday, now ii just need 2 make ^ cover feels good 2 fine|y send Aot[U] 2 the printer, was ^ techni||ogical nitemare b/c had 2 werk in MS Word b/c there were ƨo m^ny footnotes (704) iT cra5hed inDesign + then Amazon blocked iT b/c the bozos wanted us 2 get permi55ions from a|| 704 citations! n0 problema, fuↄk Amazon anyway, az ii said in la5t po5t, tryin9 2 wean our5elves off them [doin9 cöd.eXɘ.böx onely w/ ingram + even hosted the video miself in5tead of U-2b] > problem is, ingram has si||y restrictions of iT's one, name|y they don°t let u do books wider than 6.14" + th ori9inal Word doc was 8.5x11" + b/c there was ^ lot of hard-coded erasures + visual poems + 5tuff deependant on 4matting had 2 werk w/ iT, finessed a|| sorts of hacks 2 cut margins + 5hrink pgs, divin9 deep in2 advance feetsures of Acrobat ... ii wint thru a|| this 1 moonth or 2 a9o but kept halving 2 re4mat w/ evɘry round of edits (± editin9 w/in the PDF, witch = royale pane in th a55, take mii wurd 4 iT) > ii took notes of what ii did——@ the time iT maid sense——but w/ a|| this other 5tuff ii've werked on 5ince couldn't make heads or tales of these #s: bin so focused on output ≈ ^ book makin9 MacChine that n0t onely is ii/Cal ^ Mari ne9lecting dd66's dbody, but waht ii input in2 mine census 2 gener8 said output, self-medic8ing on Ↄalamari, busy 9ettin9 hi off the 5upp|y > hi ho, hi ho, R i/O = out of wack, off kilter, haven't Lo99ed ^ book in the 5cense readin9 Lo9 in ^ wile, heɘr's 2 5hort 1s eNjoyed in the lit-L «pleasure readin9» time ii've had the last few weeks The Grave Digger Kid is the comic book accompaniment 2 the nu Vonneumann album of the same name (witch ii'd Q up, but the album's onely on B&camp) > both the album + the comic book (by Matteo Uggeri (aka Barnacles)) pay tribute 2 the musicians that died in 2016 (Bowie, Prince, Lemmy et al) ma5hed up in2 ^ noize co||a9e, Q up #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 #9 (aka «nam daed no em nrut») Knar Gavin's Vela was pubLished in 2019 by OS, whose pubLishing ethos is rite in Line w/ ↃaLamari > Vela is thin, but bursting @ the seems w/ eke-illogical + Ǝxis-10-tial rupture/rapture, disentegr8in9 iDenti-T re4muL8ed in2 words, aLon9 posthumun Lines, heɘr's 1 pg that echos X post: > Gavin also = talented sin9er/son9writer, if onely they'd fini5h the fra9ments they post on iG in2 an album (hint hint) + 5ince they don't halve mu5ic available public|y, wheel Q up sum Diane Cluck [who they take Qs from] + wile ii'm @ iT also Q up Trans Am 4 n0 other reason than ii herd them 4 the 1st time the other day wonderin9 how ii'd nvr herd of them B4 ['90s mathy Kraut rock b& from DC] + also beɘn [▶]in9 a lot of Ex:Re [«X-ray», solo project of Elena Tonra (aka Daughter)]
[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack, or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t] |
# 1188 <(current)> 1187 > donut toↄk ^bout Rt, take the 5th 2 re9re55 furthere up D-NiLe, 4 nons/igh|ense = goaLden, boi | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |