a¢¢ountin9 4 inkum/out¢ome in 2024: ^n e¢onomy of word$ |
post |
01.03.2025 > fool dis¢lo$ure: iT's dat time of year when ii/Ↄal hit [||] + ta||y up the Ↄalamari finan¢ial$ 2 divulge the dada/$tats hear on 5¢ense 4 the $ake of transparentsea + 4 th intrest of any 1 dumb enou9h 2 oper8 ^ small (micro/truly indeependant) pre55 > Ↄal's bin doin9 thi5 now for 20 yrs + iz happy 2 report dat 2024 = 1st year Ↄalamari trends twords ^ Legit prophet! thi5 year also = 1st full year w/ Asterism + 1st year doin9 exclusive|y print-on-dem&, witch prob|y had sumping 2 due w/ iT in ∑um, Ↄalamari maid ^ whoppin9 net prophet of $698 in 2024!
> the$e co$ts are on|y direct|y reL8ed 2 printin9 + $hippin9, doesn°t inkloot $tuff like software [Adobe CC aint cheap], hardware, bklyn bookfair table, office supplies, etc. n0r does iT inkloot payment 2 authors (total of $2724 this year), n0r Ↄal's time > th arↄhive maid $2724 for iT's authors, witch iƨ what matters @ end of day (tho ii/Ↄal az ^ hole sti|| oper8s in the red)
* the «Amazon Seller» #s are n0t neceƨsari|y Ↄalamari books, ~½ of them were used books (dat ii + jj culled from personal liebury/leftover from dayz when ij used 2 cur8 ^ Lit-L Liebury boox) dat ii/Ↄal $old thru the Amazon Seller channel (what 3rd party vendors use) + th Amazon KDP POD breakdown: Motorman + Deep Ellum (older titles) $old well (4 Ↄalamari st&ards) on Amazon KDP, whereaz Blood Electric + No Measure (ՈU titles) were Ↄal's best$ellers on Asterism > in total, Ↄalamari $old over 1000 books, wich = main ¢urrency ii/Ↄal cares about ... tho in 20 yrs Ↄal's produↄed ~30,000 books ∴ this = Less than avg, but more profit mar9in, ∴ bedder able 2 sustain this r8 > + az ever / woodn't B able 2 su5tain thi5 r8 w/o Cal's bedder-½'s professorial gig + $hitty dayjobs Cal's had in the pa5t 01.04 in the la5t po5t, ii re5olved 2 n0t traↄk dada/metrics + also pledged dat ii woodn't po5t more than 1x per weək ... ∴ ii alreddy broke the5e rezillusions (aint dat what rezillusions = 4?) > ii cant help iTself, alwayz bin dada-driven documentarian obseƨsed w/ i/O |
# 1197 <(current)> 1199 > 4wor/dd/CAL-Co-Mania: pyschogeographical timeLine of Ↄalamari in ^ perfect 5quare year | ||||||||||||||||||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |