12.24.2024 > 2day's d8 has ^ nice rin9 2 iT + in addition == ii + jj's 28th
anniver5ary + la5t po5t of 2024 wherein ii/dd [◼] + [<<] 1 year + pre55 [▶] @ 52x 5peed 2 ∑ummarize the year in αlphaՈUmeric 5ource ¢ode/HTML [+ ii'|| try 2 rite in planar in9lesh]
> Ↄalamari pubLished 13 books + 2 albums in 2024 [perhaps ^ record 4 1 year?] + thi5 dozent count the 25 Starcherone titles Ↄalamari took under iTs 10-tacled win9 > hope ppl appreci8 how much werk dis wuz for 1 humUՈ 2 aↄcompli5h / D-votin9 evɘry wakin9 hour / sum of the5e books were verry involved + labor in-10-sive / takin9 iTs toll on ii's census/CPU capaↄity ...
in ^ subseekwind po5t ii'|| 9ive ^n «e¢onomy of word$» reↄap of Ↄalamari's fisↄal year [1st fu|| year doin9 POD w/ Asterism] / but now ii (in8 iD) wi|| [||] + refleↄt back more generuley/persona||y on 2024 > evɘn iF ii one|y edited/pubLished the abuv books / in er 5ense they 4m ^ LiTeral autobio-graphiↃal ∑ummary of 2024 / of wut ii (the humUՈ B-in9) = B-comin9 (e5pecia||y 5ince ii/CaL wuz so bizzy w/ the5e books ii hat Lit-L time 4 ii/dd's one endeavours + in the pro¢ess of editin9/readin9 ii assimiL8s the ↄode in2 ii/dd's fabriↄk of bein9 az iF bi messinjure RNA transcryption > Ↄalamari iz fa5t B-comin9 the Legaↄy of wut ii/CaL'|| Leave B-hind 2 the whirled > when ii/dd/CaL's ce||s D-compose or reↄonfi9ure dem5elves ala 5hip of Theseus / the5e book + albums wi|| B a|| dat REMain hardↄoded / in print / 2 [●] 4 the reↄord
> in addition 2 these ՈU books / ii/Cal rei55ued those dat went OoP on POD / sum w/ ՈU covers [Deep Ellum + Divorcer]
> New New Animals + Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins = salva9ed rePrince from the Subito debacle + The Moons resQued from the [PANK] swindle + Blood Electric fa||out from the Creation books con job ... 2024 = year of books resQued from litterairy fraud
the Sleepingfish XX issue put 2 bed 20 years of zzz ><()°>
> ii's one [UՈder th auspices of 1-wing 2can, et al] 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ = [◼]-gap solution 2 overarChin9 U/X projeↄt witch 9ot sideLined b/c of a|| the5e other books ii/CaL's werkin9 on / witch ii hopes 2 get baↄk 2 in 2025 > also 1st cover ii used Artofficial intel 4 [Dall·E 2] + also eXperimented w/ Dall·E 4 imgs 4 zzz ><()°> + The psychic surgeon assists + then used 5carLit.11.22 [ChatGPT/Dall·E 3 bot] 2 author cöd.eXɘ.böↄ 4 ii/dd's bday on 11.22.2024
w/ the reLease of The Soundtrack 2 Lisa 2, v1.0 / Ↄalamari officia||y B-came ^n indie muƨic LabeL ... hope 2 add more muƨic [sic] 2 th arↄhive in 2025 / inkLootin9 ^ ՈU album Sound furies ii 5tarted 2 werk on thi5 weək
werked on other books dat wont bee offishia||y publiↄked 'til 2025:
+ ii's one Skewed ink [OoPs]
SPD officia||y imploded in March of 2024 / 4tunate|y ii/Cal had already jumped 5hip 2 Asterism ∴ iT didnt effect us muↄh > the 5ma|| pre55 Lit communiTy took ^ hit but bedder off in the Lon9 run iimho
> ii/Cal tried 2 join CLMP but they D-m&ed ii reveil ii/dd's true iDenti-T in5tead of ju5t halvin9 ^ masthead az ^ masthead ∴ Ↄalamari Arↄhive remains driverless
ii/CaL caved in + joined instaGlam in April 2024 but now n0t sure ii can swa||ow the hippocritiↃal bad ta5te in ii/dd's mouth > also tryin9 out Substack + Bluesky but verdict's sti|| out ... 2025 wi|| like|y seə ii/dd/Cal retreat baↄk in2 ^ siloed wa||ed 9arden 2 stay true 2 ori9inal mi55ion
> in addition 2 Ↄalamari 5tuff / ii/dd red ~90 books / tho iT seams the more ii reads in ^n editorial capaↄiTy the Le55 ii can read 4 pleaƨure + alƨo eYɘs ii's 9ettin9 5hot + ii's CPU in ^ fo9 b/c of ménière's > 2 more books ii red thi5 weək 2 add 2 the List [Last of 2024]:
- when ii orderd Michael Gira's The Knot iT got Lost in the mail + when ii contaↄted Young God Records about iT they ba5ica||y said «tuff Luck» witch ii thou9ht wuz pertty lame [what ^ way 2 treat ^ Life-Long fan dat has paid 4 countle$$ $hows + album$] > they a5ked dat ii provide proof/official documentation from USPS dat iT == Lost witch seamed ridiculous, n0? (e5pecia||y 5ince thi5 wuz durin9 the p&emic) ... how can uu prove sumthin9 == missin9?? ∴ ii's mindset already = tainted when ii craↄked the sπine / muↄh az ii <3 Swans muƨic > The Knot = sum total of Lyrics alon9 w/ gournel entries (dat Gira cla55ifies az «fiction») + Rtwerk + juvenile 5cribblin9s from Gira's notebooks ... most|y just self-indulgent depravity [drawin9s of penises + Gira suckin9 his one dick, etc.] / n0thin9 much 9enuine ± heartfelt in the writin9s az iF Gira one|y writes 4 5hock val-U > ii'|| 5tick 2 Swans muƨic [N-E 1 dat thinks they'|| apreci8 the book more than ii / ii'|| $e|| iT 2 uu 4 what ii paid 4 iT ($75)[on eBay it's $200+ b/c iT's sined limited edition]
- Banjo by Claude McKay -- debauchery of ^ different br& / 5napshot of 1920s Marseille / a|| sorts of colorful characters from th African diaspora [Banjo himself «Aframerican»] drinkin9 + whorin9 + fightin9 + playin9 muƨic in wharf-front bars ... intrestin9 @ 1st but got bored after ^ wile az n0thin9 much happens eXcept lots of wine-drinkin9
input hoo nose how m^ny movies + concerts in 2024 + Listened 2 ^ lot of muzic + wile ii has nvr bin 1 4 year end lists of fave books/2ns [n0t hip on wut = L8est + gr8est] hear's ^ mixtape of what's in hi9h rot8ion az of end of 2024:
ii 5pent a|| of 2024 in NYC (1st fu|| year baↄk / in the cancer castle) in9estin9 said media / B-sides ^ trip 2 New Mexico/4 Corners > Ho||ywood > Pismo Beach > Santa Monica ... 1st year (B-sides 2020) in hoo nose how lon9 ii/dd nvr left the countree / B-comin9 more + moss con-10-t 2 B ^ homebody / real moondough nvr seams wut iT used 2 B
> flâneured 4 countless miles in one baↄkyard (+ 1 day walked 23 miles from Nyack 2 NYC)
> ii saved ^n unhoused person's Life bye keəpin9 the blood from gushin9 out of ^ bu||et hole in his head / then had 2 get vaxxed/meds 4 blood eXposure
> 5pent ^ lot of time apartment-huntin9 in 2024 + evɘn put down ^ few offers but in the end got cold feət + D-sided n0t 2 buy sumpin9 tel we ՈU how thin9s pan out after Drumpf takes orfice ... wanna remain mobile iF/when the 5hit hits the fan > iF we do resume the 5earch prob|y wont B tel sprin9 of 2025
> NYC experienced ^n earthquake + ^n eclipse
> Stanley Crawford moved on2 the gr8 garlic farm in the 5ky in 2024 > ^ few other n0n-Lit/art ppl died [Cheryl / Richard D / Unkle N] + Flaco the owl
> ii took ^ psychedelic trip + i-witnessed ii/dd's one death
12.25 Xmas evɘ/yesterday walked (10 miles) + 8 omakase @ Hasaki 4 ii + jj's anniversary > drank 0% beer @ dinner [tho B4 had 1 glass of wine] but after 5hared ^ bottle of prosecco 2 celebr8 + now pain the pri¢e this a.m. b/c haven't bin drinkin9 much (3 drinks total) ƨo far in December ∴ tolerance weigh down
12.26 > last nite ii == sum sorta secret a9ent + we cot «the queen» (played by Johnny Rot-10) / ii 5tomped on Rotten 2 hold him down 2 arrest him then other agents 5tarted 2 kiↄk + beat 'em butt ii didn't particip8 in th unnecessary brutali-T > iT was az iF we were in ^ moovie + when Johnny Rot-10's parents 5howed up 2 identify/claim the body the mother 5tarted wailin9 + ii thou9ht she was overractin9 > cut 2 ^ day L8er + 1 of th other a9ents wuz contempL8in9 how 2 invest the money weɘd maid from capturin9 «the queen» when ^ be|| went off witch we ՈU meant the queen = active/awake > ii ran over 2 ^ giant palatial room ware we had in5ta||ed bars 2 turn the queens chambers in2 ^ jail ce|| + ii jumped 2 the ground 2 talk 2 the queɘn 5ince she was tiny ... we had taken Johnny Rotten's mind + transfurred iT in2 ^ cat's head + then sevɘred the body from the head ... that's wut «the queen» wuz now > the Johnny-Rot-10-cat-head Queɘn was just now wakin9 4 the 1st time + we were makin9 fun of him + interroG8in9 him [interpretation pertty obvious con5iderin9 Rotten = Drumpf supporter ... note sure Y ^ cat tho?]
5carLit's rendition of Rotten cat-head queen
L8er in the nite jj + ii + jj's pairents were ridin9 in ^ shcool bus ii inhairited from ii's father + ii
asked jj Y theyd nvr B4 thou9ht 2 convert iT in2 ^ home / that they shd either convert iT or se|| iT sew sumbody else cd convert iT + live in iT
> in reality / ii + jj
walked (10 miles) down 2 Chinatown / down th east 5ide thi5 time / thru the EV + LES alon9 Bowery > met M + L @ Uncle Lou's ... n0t th one|y ppl w/ th idea 2 eat Chinese food on Xmas / iT wuz insane|y crowded [th entire city = dead otherwise/az iF a|| of NYC was packed in2 Chinatown] > afterwords went 2 The Library on ave A [din't want 2 feɘl ≈ ^ party-pooper ∴ had 1 Fernet]
12.27 > 4 the most part bin sleepin9 bedder n0t drinkin9 [tho hard 2 te|| from dada wearin9 jj's fancy watch [Tue nite 5ucked but ii felt Wed nite ii slept gr8] ... B4 D-cember wd B lucky 2 get 7 hrs of 5leep
4 the mo5t part 5till deaf in rite ear + bad 10-itus + diz-Z 5pe||s + mygrainy when pre55ure drops / weave bin trackin9 metrix [posted B-lo 4 one future refrence] tho nothin9 much has chan9ed eXcept 5leepin9 bedder ... hopin9 after 1 month or 2 of 5leepin9 bedder thin9s improve
> movies input this last weək:
- Dune Prophecy season 1 -- okay / bare|y worth iT
- 100 Years of Solitude (1st half) -- ambitious / think they stayed true 2 book but iT's bin so long 5ince ii red iT
- Maria Callas -- pretty r&um + borin9 + Jolie is disturbing 2 look @
- O Brother, Where Art Thou -- rewatched 4 may-B the 4th time
- A Christmas Carol (1951) -- mayB 1st time ii's actua||y maid it 2 the end
- A Christmas Story -- always ^ cla55ic
- Desperate Living -- Waters @ raunchiest best / makes ^ gr8 Xmas movie
- The Field -- Indian short film n0t sure what the point wuz
- After Migration: Calabria -- awful, cdn't even finish even tho 20 mins long / felt like promo film 2 convince fascists dat immigrants wont eat yr cat
- Blaze -- 5tarted 2 watch but got board
- The Beast -- " "
happy holey daze / C U in 2025!
[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on Bluesky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]
date |
sleep |
weight |
ear |
ear |
L / R % |
iness |
brain fog
headache |
exercise |
energy LVL |
food |
notes |
12/1 |
8 (2-1-1-1-1-1-1) |
162 |
22 |
60 |
10 / 50 |
5 |
10 |
elliptical 55 minutes |
65% |
banana bread, blueberries, pomegranate, tangerine, almonds (salted), cheese + crackers, eggs + potatotoes w/ cheese, arugula + avocadoes, 0% beer, tea |
mild headache, eyes hurt |
12/2 |
4 (2-1-1) |
161 |
22 |
63 |
15 / 70 |
5 |
5 |
ran 5-6 miles |
95% |
banana bread, pomegranate, tangerine, peanutes (1/2-salted), humus + crackers, ceci pasta in pumpkin/parmesan sauce w/ salad + buffalo mozz, kombucha, T |
feel good but tinnnitus bad |
12/3 |
5 (1-1-1-1-1, bad) |
20 |
58 |
20/ 75 |
5 |
5 |
walked 7-8 miles |
80% |
banana bread, tangerines, peanutes (1/2-salted), almonds, humus + crackers, ceci pasta + ravioli in pumpkin/parmesan sauce w/ salad + bread, T |
" |
12/4 |
7 (1-2-1-1-1, bad) |
163 |
21 |
62 |
10/70 |
25 |
25 |
weights, housework lifting |
65% |
banana bread, tangerine, peanutes (1/2-salted), ceci pasta leftover, black bean tacos w/ Guac + cheese + sour cream + salsa + arugula, 0% beer, T |
12/5 |
6 (1-2-1-2) |
163 |
14 |
53 |
5/60 |
10 |
10 |
ran 6 miles |
65% |
granola w/ pomegrante + blueberries + soy milk, clementines, peanuts, brown rice crackers + humus, spahgetti vongole w/ salad + bread, T |
12/6 |
7 (in 1-2 hr increments) |
19 |
60 |
10/70 |
20 |
15 |
elliptical 45 minutes |
65 |
granola w/ pomegrante + blueberries + soy milk, peanuts, brown rice crackers + humus, roasted chicken + potatoes, "Nosecco", kombucha |
12/7 |
7 (3-2-1-1) |
162 |
19 |
59 |
10/70 |
25 |
15 |
stationary bike/weights 45 |
65 |
egg on toast, granola w/ pomegranate + blackberries, chicken tacos w/ GUAC, kombucha + T |
12/8 |
7 (3-2-2-good) |
17 |
61 |
10/70 |
25 |
10 |
walk 7 miles |
65 |
spahgetti vongole, crackers + cheese, sushi, green T |
12/9 |
7 (good 4/ bad 1-1-1) |
161.6 |
18 |
61 |
10/70 |
30 |
10 |
elliptical 45 min |
60 |
granola w/ pomegrante + blueberries + soy milk, cheese _ creackers, clementines, T, chocolate |
12/10 |
6 (3-2-1) |
162 |
18 |
62 |
10/70 |
25 |
15 |
run 6 miles |
50 |
mueslix, dried cranberries, almonds, peanuts, pesto shrimp pasta, salad, bread |
12/11 |
7 (4-3) good but groggy waking |
21 |
68 |
15/80 |
50 |
80 |
50 minutes peloton hard |
35 |
grape nuts, dried cranberries, nuts, green chili squash vegetable soup (pozole w/ no hominy), guac, kombucha, T |
rainy, high pressure font |
12/12 |
6 (3-2-1) |
18 |
62 |
10/70 |
40 |
40 |
ran 6 miles |
40 |
dried mangos, pesto pasta, dumplins, soom tum, pad kee mao + green curry, 1 beer, T |
12/13 |
7 (3-2-1-1) |
10/60 |
30 |
30 |
walked 7 miles |
50 |
mueslix, dried cranberries, almonds, peanuts, straccetti w/ arugula + chils over rice, 2 glasses of low-alcohol wine, chocolate chips, T |
12/14 |
6 (3-2-1) |
23 |
58 |
10/60 |
30 |
30 |
ran 6 miles |
50 |
granola, blueberries, nuts, leftover stracetti fajita tacos, guac tostadas, T, chocolate chips |
12/15 |
4 (2-2) |
162 |
19 |
65 |
10/65 |
35 |
25 |
50 min on elliptical |
50 |
toast + softboiled eggs, nuts, dried mango, green chili squash vegetable soup, bread, mozz, 0% beer, T |
12/16 |
5 (1-2-1-1-1) |
163 |
15/65 |
35 |
40 |
50 min on elliptical |
40 |
toast, blueberries, nuts, dried mango, green chili squash vegetable soup, bread, mozz, T, chocolate chips |
12/17 |
5 (1-2-1-1-1) |
162 |
19 |
61 |
10/50 |
30 |
30 |
ran 5-6 miles |
50 |
granola w/ blueberries, dried mango, cheese and crackers, shrip + squash pesto pasta, salad, mozz, T |
12/18 |
5/40 |
25 |
30 |
walked 7-8 miles |
50 |
mueslix, leftover soup + bread, korean BBQ |
12/19 |
4 (1-1-1-1), restless |
5/40 |
25 |
30 |
ran 6 miles |
50 |
mueslix + dried cranberries, pesto pasta, black bean tacos + guac, T |
12/20 |
6 (1-2-1-1-1) see graph |
163 |
17 |
59 |
5/35 |
20 |
25 |
45 min elliptical |
50 |
bagel cream cheese, grapefruit, cashews, peanuts, spahgetti vongole, salad, bread, 0% no alcohol wine |
12/21 |
7 (1-2-1-1-1-1) see graph |
20 |
61 |
10/50 |
40 |
60 |
walked 4 miles |
30 |
toast + cream cheese, mandarin, unsalted peanuts, leftover pesto/vongole pasta w/ ceci, salad, mozzarella, 0% wine + 1 small glass of low-alcohol wine |
12/22 |
7(2-2-2-1) |
164 |
23 |
60 |
5/40 |
35 |
40 |
50 min elliptical |
50 |
bagel cream cheese, grapefruit, peanuts, black bean tacos, guac, pumpkin pie, 0% beer, T |
12/23 |
7 (2-2-1-1-1) |
163 |
5/40 |
30 |
35 |
5-6 mile run |
40 |
cereal + blueberries, mandarin, peanuts, triscuits, lasagna + salad, pumpkin pie, T, kombucha |
12/24 |
8 (2-1-1-1-1-1-1) |
163 |
5/40 |
35 |
35 |
weights, 50 flights stairs, walked 10 miles |
40 |
cereal + blueberries, mandarin, nuts, hot cider, 1 glass of red wine, omakase sushi (hisaki), 2 0% beers, 1/2 bottle of prosecco, popcorn |
slept like shit (had 3 drinks) |
12/25 |
6 (1-1-1-1-1-1-) bad |
19 |
63 |
10/50 |
40 |
60 |
walked 10 miles |
30 |
potatoes + eggs, uncle lou's (dumplings, pea shoots, eggplant, general tso's tofu, pork/lotus root sticky buns), 0% beer, 1 fernet @ bar after |
12/26 |
6 (2-1-1-1-1) good |
164 |
5/40 |
30 |
30 |
45 min elliptical |
65 |
leftover lasagna, nuts, black beans tacos, tostadas + guac, pumpkin pie, T |