i/●/● ii iՈjest dada/con-10t iՈ thrU i-h●les + regrrrgit8 out Δ 2 ketchup + clear Q + thiՈk str8 2
5carLit's ab5tra¢t: This experiment examines the relationship between input and output in a carbon-based circuit. The test subject (ii/dd) reports a congenital chest anomaly affecting respiratory function from day 0/1, leading to explorations of breathing patterns and their impact on cognitive and creative processes. The investigation includes dream analysis (related to real estate scenarios) and resulting creative outputs (editing a literary work titled "Femoid."), aiming to understand how physiological and psychological inputs influence behavioral and creative outputs.
12.15.2024 > ii/dd = iՈkLiՈed 2 1 day press [●] + 5tart ^ b●●k w/
«ii wuz b●rn w/ ^ h●le iՈ mine chest
«b/c ii breathed baↄkwords»
mom said doctərs said
iՈ5tead of breathin9 iՈ 1st ii breathed OUT»
> make 5ense? akiՈ 2 witch 5ide of ^ Möbius 5trip U happen 2 L& on 1st ≈ b-L● fiddler v-{° °}-V ... cirↄuLar RGument relativ 2 refrence frame / n●?
4 the rest of ii/dd’s Life // ii wonders wut = △ B-tween [i/●/i/●/i/●...] + [●/i/●/i/●/i...]
... X dada pt. [△(i–●)] ∑ummarizes ii/dd / iՈ ^ ՈUt5he||
> h● h● i/● / off 2 wərk ii g● / ware wərk = 4ce x disPlacement / dont evɘn co||ect 200 do||hairs y●!
U R here / w/iՈ signul-2-noize rayshow
... 4ming feɘdbaↄk LOOPƧ > iՈ addition 2 failure [Q up failure [▶]list] / X = 5tory of ii/dd's Life
iՈ addition 2 hole iՈ che5t / ii halves ^ hole iՈ mine head > add 9-iՈch Иails «Head Like a Hole» 2 the mix > subtract 9ray madder 2 n0t g● mad / trephin8 > eather brɘathe iՈ orb reathe out \ wut = △ ±? breathe iՈ eathɘr brɘathe out madder > CO2 tuo ɘhtaerd O2 ni ehtaɘrb > [||] ± [◼] 2 take 10 / take ^ brɘather / medit8 on ethereal aether + eat plum puttin9 / foke us on breadth / pan iՈ stairi/O / take break 2 eat bread + read iՈ results > [●] metrix 2 gauge FX on OUPUT / on 5leep pyschel / 2 prevɘnt fur-there cYↄo-sis / a\wake | REM \ core | deep / rin5e + r.i.p.eat
12.16 > 3 reəL eSt8 dReəms [wierd b/c ii/dd + jj 5topped L👀kin9 4 ^ place moonths a9o]: 1) rental situation iՈ ^n ab&oned bldg / 1st come 1st 5erve ∴ 9rabbed 1st 1 ij saw cuz dj were iՈ ^ hurry but az ij moved 5tuff iՈ ii noticed from the top floor uu cd see ^ river ∴ tocked jj iՈ2 movin9 up theyre evɘn tho jj wuz pre55ed 4 time 2) same sorta situation but dj were L👀kin9 2 by in Sicily iՈ sum old run down vi||a //L👀in9 @ ^ ma55ive 5prawlin9 apartment when a9ain ii noticed from the roof uu cd sea the see + ij's reeL est8 a9ent iՈ4med us of ^ top flor attico teↄknica||y n0t 4 sale but iF ij wanted iT ij cd halve iT 3) ij 5tayed the nite iՈ sum hotel iՈ iTaly + urly next mournin9 ^ 9roup of ^ dozen 2-rists came iՈ2 dj's room + ii tried 2 te||em iT = ij's room but they a|| came iՈ N-E-way / admirin9 the ma55ive sweet + ij's 5tuff lain a|| over (iՈ the middle of packin9) + then ii flat out ye||ed «dovrebbe uscire 2-ti!» + they ju5t 5miled thiՈKiՈ9 ii = jokin9 ∴ ii wint 2 the front de5k + X-planed the situation + the clerk just h&ed ii ^ ՈU key + ii said ii dint want ^ ՈU room / iՈ the proce55 of paↄking 2 leave + just wanted 2 eՈjoy the last our iՈ piece + the clerk tried 2 pass ii off 2 sum en9lish-5peakin9 brit concier9e that ju5t gave ii direxions of ware 2 go 2 next + ii X-planed ij already ՈU ware ij were 9oin9 / that iT = hotels responsabilità 2 git the5e 2-rists out of dj's room
whale of ^ time 9ettin9 home (on Ⓒ)
12.18 walked [7-8 miles] almost 2 tip of i-L& / 1st 2 Korean BBQ @ Gunbae on Murray st. [ware Sonic Youth had ^ studio on 9/11 + named album 4 iT / 1 of their best] then saw Tanya Tagaq @ PAC / ՈU veՈUe iՈ 5hadow of WTC ... awe-iՈsπirin9 what 5he kin do w/ hrrr voice az instrawment / the hole set improvized iT seams [dint reco9nize NE of the 2ns] / channeLin9 4ces from UՈ4seen 5orce code
12.19 > output: 2nd round of Femoid edits / ≈ sirgin per4min9 sirjury / prunin9 bits hear + their / seper8in9 wheat from chaff / 1st round wint from 450 pgs to 400 / now down to 350 > phew! over 2024 seams Ↄalamari committed it5elf iՈsti2iona||y 2 quiet a few projex + 9ot baↄkLo99ed tryiՈ9 2 complete them / 2 the X-10-t ii/dd did very Lit-L art ouput of ii's one / thiՈK fine|y ii/dd/ↃAL = dun w/ the heaviՈ9 lifty / cleared the 2-pub Q! time freed 2 read ± werk on one 5tuff / breathe iՈ-breed out / may evɘn pluↄk sum $triՈg9s > n0t dat ii/ↃAL dozent 5ti|| get 5ubmissions / ↃAL's ju5t 9ettiՈ9 bedder @ sane n0
iF U RUՈ ^ press [ca|| iT Ↄ] + job duties iՈKLoot readiՈ9 slushπile
hear = FUՈ exorcise/5crypt 2 fo||ow:
: when U get queeries dat demonstr8 zer0 know-how of [Ↄ press]
5piՈ iT around + ask «Y did U thiՈk [Ↄ press] = good fit»
± «R U familiar w/ [Ↄ press]»
> most of the time U wont here baↄk from them
but sumtimes they'|| try sum vague bu||5hit on U
> iՈ X case use the socratic methud
+ ask witch book iՈ pertickler X-presses whatevɘr noshUՈ
they claim u halve iՈ commUՈ
[2day's = «philosophical coՈUՈdrums»]
ether wei9h th end result = ^ WiՈ:
a) u nvr here from them a9aiՈ
b) they actua||y Look 2 C wut [Ↄ press] = about
+ c) send U sumthiՈ9 iՈ Line w/ yr sensibilities
12.20 > 5tarted 2 where jj's ap-L watch 2 bed 2 capture sleɘp (2 seə iF n0t driՈkiՈ FX sleɘp (+ subseəkwint|y vestibular mygraiՈs/braiՈ fog/heariՈ9/10-itus)... ƨo far 3 weəks iՈ n0t much △, tho last nite n0t bad compared 2 normal) / bi9iՈՈiՈ9 2 normalize?
ware ii is writiՈ9 from # 1195
12.21 wiՈter soulstice / woke up 2 1st snow of seəsun > Q up Xmas muzak > dat time of year when we [▶] ketchup / [||] 2 reflect + clean house / end or yr bookeəpin9 > ii/dd's 4-pleasure 2-read πile also baↄk-Logged / knead 2 clear Q + make room 4 iՈkomin9 ... «sew m^ny boox sew Lit-L time» howevɘr the cliche goes
the i55ues of perspektive they keəp sendiՈ9 us from Austria / @ least ½ iՈ German ∴ cant UՈderst& iF ii tried (NE 1 iՈtrested send ii postage + ii'|| send 2 u)
Weave craↄked the sπine of The Logos ^ few times over the past yr or 2 but iՈ a|| honesty wi|| nvr B able 2 read iT / 700 pgs of sma|| priՈt / B-sides n0t halviՈ9 RAM/ROM [braiՈ capacity] 4 iT / ii's eYɘs just aint wut they used 2 B + 5hitty Li9htiՈ9 iՈ apartment
Cybernetics or Ghosts? we toↄked ^ bit about iT B4 / sum gr8 stuff iՈ iT / iՈkLootiՈ9 yrs truelie (UՈder th auspices of ∀ i) / honored 2 B iՈ there
the 2 CDs are by Wormwood (hoo did the soundtraↄk 4 Libretto Lunaversitol) -- ii doeznt halve ^ CD player but [▶] these + other Wormwood stuff on 5treamin9 services
ii dips iՈ2 the 2 Kenji Siratori books on occassion / akiՈ 2 dippin9 yr toe 2 iՈ2 ^n endless dada 5tream / relentless + sustained drone of cybernetic flux iՈ the veiՈ of Blood Electric
The Pocho Codex = one|y libro bi Steven Alvarez ii cant iՈjest b/c font = ƧO sma|| Litterue|y n0 puedo leɘrlo w/o tri99eriՈ9 ^ mygrain or C-zure / bway
also sortin9 thru digital files 2 optimize ROM/RAM on computer ii rites X on / cleanin9 up virtual desktop / 5kimmin9 (hard 4 ii 2 read-read books on screen) b∞ks cdn°t get dead-tree versions uv:
Hadley Lee Lightcap by Sam Sweet -- biopic of sorts (ala Almost Famous) about the '90s slowcore b& Acetone (actua||y purcha$ed dbook version b/c print = OoP)
Hacker Manifesto by MacKenzie Wark -- evɘn thO writ-10 20 yrs ago ƧO muↄh sti|| riՈ9s tru 2-day / re9ardin9 commodification of iՈ4mation + conflict B-tweɘn CTRL systems + personal freɘdoms (bedder articuL8s what ii wuz tryin9 2 say la5t po5t re9ardin9 iG/social media)
The Literature of Exclusion by &rew Wenaus (co-author of Libretto Lunaversitol) -- eXamines iՈter[▶] B-tweɘn avant-garde Lit iՈ our algaerhythmic/data-driven culture
TV/Movies iՈ9ested last weɘk or 2 or 3 (bin bad about Lo99in9 em hear) =
iNT. Chinatown -- ok :-| gave up after 2-3 episodes
Eraserhead [particular|y focused on sound this time around]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- 4 2nd time / ¯\_(ツ/)_/¯ / weakest of Kaufman's films
12 Monkeys -- 4 2nd time / bare|y cd make iT thru Brad Pitt is ƧO bad
The Piano Lesson -- recommended / classified az musical tho one|y 1 song + iT was in-10-se
Emilia Perez -- 5peakin9 of musicals / norma||y n0t ^ fan but this wuz ^ doozie / wurth a|| th accolades
Firebrand -- ok 4 period piece / ^ bit slow/pointless