frɘe agent-sea of ionic+ 5kewed iՈk iՈ th octo-π's garden |
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now werkin9 on pudding 2gether Skewed ink [OoPs] (reissue of 4 URLy out-of-print Ↄalamari chaps + then sum)(pub d8 ≈ 2/13/2025) / hear's the ↄover [u5ing ^ sQuid that jj + ii [dd/CAL (author/publi5her of 5kewəd iՈK [OoPs])] actua||y 8 (∴ n0 animals = harmed in the makin9 of iT B-yond waht u mi9ht norma||y do 2 prepare ^ meal (iF U eat seə-food))]: 12.08 [dReam seekwinds] wa5 a55i9ned ^ table @ AWP in sum 5ma|| classroom w/ n0 other tables eXcept the Ↄalamari 1 wich @ 1st ii/Cal fi9ured wasn°t so bad but then a|| these mi||enials 5tarted 2 show up 4 sum yoga/medit8ion class > the teacher dint no anything about AWP or weather ii cd 5witch tables ∴ ii traↄked down sum 1 w/ ^ talkie walkie + AWP bad9e but they were youn9 + inkomprehensible / babbling this-amp-goes-to-11 sorta canned re5ponses w/ ^ clueless 5mile on their face trying 2 playc8 ii w/ frɘe useless knick-knacks + they dint seam 2 listen ± UՈderst& what the problem wuz > evɘntua||y ii wuz led thru sum town [ ≈ disneyfied Santa Fe] 2 sum 5ketchy make5hift trailer B-hind ^ churↄh > wile ii w8ed ii tried 2 text jj + ii cd here jj 5peaking / complaining 2 sum 1 that ii just disappeared but jj cdn't here ii tryin9 2 tock baↄk / ii cdn't evɘn turn off the phone 2 reset iT / ɘven tried takin9 the battery out > fina||y ii met the person ii was w8ing 4 / ^n older Japanese guru-type + ii was hopeful this sage wd B able 2 help / ii 5tarted 2 X-plane mii predicament but he seamed 2 already know + was ju5t 5ort of zen + 5poke in vague terms sayin9 n0t 2 worry / that thin9s wd just werk themselves out organica||y + then we got in2 ^ truↄk + drove alon9 sum ritzy waterfront that felt ≈ Dubai 12.11 > feɘls az if ii drank ^ bot-L of tequila Last nite evɘn tho haven°t had 1 drop 2 drink in 13 dayz now / sum sorta «bomb cyclone» passin9 thru / further proof that atmostfearic pressure drops seam 2 B the mane drivers of the5e vestibular mi9raines / ii = humUՈ barometer > from the hysterical whether dada:
dayz ≈ 2day [head poUՈdin9/5pinnin9 / ears rin9in9] ii wanna say fuↄk iT 2 n0t drinkin9 [2 cope/self-medic8] but ii'|| buck up/buↄkle down + 5tay the coarse [+ Q up Toots + the Maytals or bedder yet the mixtape ii maid 4 post #686] 5peaking of Blood Brothers [1st track in above [▶]List] / tempted 2 see th upcoming Blood Brothers show but 9ettin9 tired of the5e legacy/reunion tours + wood rather keep memories of them from 20 yrs ago + Sex Pistols on tour w/o Johnny Rotten?!?! (n0t that we'd even want 2 see them w/ Johnny) / what ^ swindle! > finfished Skewed ink [OoPs] + sent that 2 the printer [Ingram / since Bozos deɘmed iT iLLegible] + now readin9/editin9 (much az ii can) Federico Federici's Ionic+ Notebook / 5peaking of iLLegiTib|y / iT hits a|| dd/Cal's rite bns + then sum / closes the Loop w/ dd's academic baↄkgrnd in phy6 + math + 5trange attraction 2 vispo/asemic Rt ... Quantum phy6 + K-OS az applied 2 signification + remineds us Y ii named 5cense 5cense / 2 quote Federici quotin9 Aquinas (parrotphrasing ainshint Greeks):
12.12.24 [D8 w/ ^ nice rin9 2 iT n0?] + now on2 the 2nd roUՈd of edits of S. A. B. Marcie's Femoid [witch ii toↄked about B4 in post 1187] ... a9ain, muↄh az ii can muster w/ the5e mineareyes flare-ups ... readin9 = taxin9 on the census (5peakin9 of 5enses) / eYɘs ii's in pertickler bin ki||in9 ii/dd az of L8 ... but ii dUՈՈo / sum choices we kneed 2 make (we neɘd 2 eat + 4 the press ii/Cal un4tunate|y neəds Amazon) / but do we need «social media»? B-sides medium = message / bottum Line iT boils down 2 agency / Y ii/dd resi5ted iG + whatevɘr eLse br& of social media 2 be9in with [one|y 7–8 months a9o did Ↄal cave in + join iG / pressured 2 4 the sake of the press] ... when u post Rt ± rite on «social media» u sine the rites away 4 them 2 use yr Rt az advertisement 4 other users/consumers / commodifyin9 u in2 part of their Lifestyle br& w/ residual side FX that u line the pockets of the Musky SuckerDrumpfs of the whirled + w/ that ii'|| Leave u w/ the5e Lyrics: i'd like to be |
# 1193 <(current)> 1194 > i/●/● ii iՈjest dada/con-10t iՈ thrU i-h●les + regrrrgit8 out Δ 2 ketchup + clear Q + thiՈk str8 2 | ||
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD | Ↄalamari arɔhive ] |