frɘe agent-sea of ionic+ 5kewed iՈk iՈ th octo-π's garden


sasha hawkins • Skewed ink [OoPs] • dd/CAL • squid • Calamari • AWP • barometric pressure • Ménière's disease • vestibular migraines • Federico Federici • signification • quantum physics • chaos • S.A.B. Marcie • Zuckerberg • Instagram • social media • Marshall McCluhan • agency over art • community

12.07.2024 > fini5hed edits 4 For disobeying + sent iT off 2 B printed up (pub d8 ≈ 3/1/2025):

now werkin9 on pudding 2gether Skewed ink [OoPs] (reissue of 4 URLy out-of-print Ↄalamari chaps + then sum)(pub d8 ≈ 2/13/2025) / hear's the ↄover [u5ing ^ sQuid that jj + ii [dd/CAL (author/publi5her of 5kewəd iՈK [OoPs])] actua||y 8 (∴ n0 animals = harmed in the makin9 of iT B-yond waht u mi9ht norma||y do 2 prepare ^ meal (iF U eat seə-food))]:

12.08 [dReam seekwinds] wa5 a55i9ned ^ table @ AWP in sum 5ma|| classroom w/ n0 other tables eXcept the Ↄalamari 1 wich @ 1st ii/Cal fi9ured wasn°t so bad but then a|| these mi||enials 5tarted 2 show up 4 sum yoga/medit8ion class > the teacher dint no anything about AWP or weather ii cd 5witch tables ∴ ii traↄked down sum 1 w/ ^ talkie walkie + AWP bad9e but they were youn9 + inkomprehensible / babbling this-amp-goes-to-11 sorta canned re5ponses w/ ^ clueless 5mile on their face trying 2 playc8 ii w/ frɘe useless knick-knacks + they dint seam 2 listen ± UՈderst& what the problem wuz > evɘntua||y ii wuz led thru sum town [ ≈ disneyfied Santa Fe] 2 sum 5ketchy make5hift trailer B-hind ^ churↄh > wile ii w8ed ii tried 2 text jj + ii cd here jj 5peaking / complaining 2 sum 1 that ii just disappeared but jj cdn't here ii tryin9 2 tock baↄk / ii cdn't evɘn turn off the phone 2 reset iT / ɘven tried takin9 the battery out > fina||y ii met the person ii was w8ing 4 / ^n older Japanese guru-type + ii was hopeful this sage wd B able 2 help / ii 5tarted 2 X-plane mii predicament but he seamed 2 already know + was ju5t 5ort of zen + 5poke in vague terms sayin9 n0t 2 worry / that thin9s wd just werk themselves out organica||y + then we got in2 ^ truↄk + drove alon9 sum ritzy waterfront that felt ≈ Dubai

12.11 > feɘls az if ii drank ^ bot-L of tequila Last nite evɘn tho haven°t had 1 drop 2 drink in 13 dayz now / sum sorta «bomb cyclone» passin9 thru / further proof that atmostfearic pressure drops seam 2 B the mane drivers of the5e vestibular mi9raines / ii = humUՈ barometer > from the hysterical whether dada:

«... with a daily fluctuation of 0.57 inHg, this ranked in the top 10% among cities we track, meaning that the pressure changes from hour to hour were quite significant. The average daily range of 0.53 inHg, was very wide, which means that the pressure has been volatile»)

dayz ≈ 2day [head poUՈdin9/5pinnin9 / ears rin9in9] ii wanna say fuↄk iT 2 n0t drinkin9 [2 cope/self-medic8] but ii'|| buck up/buↄkle down + 5tay the coarse [+ Q up Toots + the Maytals or bedder yet the mixtape ii maid 4 post #686]

5peaking of Blood Brothers [1st track in above [▶]List] / tempted 2 see th upcoming Blood Brothers show but 9ettin9 tired of the5e legacy/reunion tours + wood rather keep memories of them from 20 yrs ago + Sex Pistols on tour w/o Johnny Rotten?!?! (n0t that we'd even want 2 see them w/ Johnny) / what ^ swindle!

> finfished Skewed ink [OoPs] + sent that 2 the printer [Ingram / since Bozos deɘmed iT iLLegible] + now readin9/editin9 (much az ii can) Federico Federici's Ionic+ Notebook / 5peaking of iLLegiTib|y / iT hits a|| dd/Cal's rite bns + then sum / closes the Loop w/ dd's academic baↄkgrnd in phy6 + math + 5trange attraction 2 vispo/asemic Rt ... Quantum phy6 + K-OS az applied 2 signification

+ remineds us Y ii named 5cense 5cense / 2 quote Federici quotin9 Aquinas (parrotphrasing ainshint Greeks):

nihil in intellectu quod non prius in sensu: nothing is in the mind without first having been in the senses

12.12.24 [D8 w/ ^ nice rin9 2 iT n0?] + now on2 the 2nd roUՈd of edits of S. A. B. Marcie's Femoid [witch ii toↄked about B4 in post 1187] ... a9ain, muↄh az ii can muster w/ the5e mineareyes flare-ups ... readin9 = taxin9 on the census (5peakin9 of 5enses) / eYɘs ii's in pertickler bin ki||in9 ii/dd az of L8

12.13 > happy friday the 13th! n0t one|y does Zuckerfuck thiՈk Drumpf = badass but yestrday that demon-eYɘd fuckerterd sucked up 2 Drumpf + gave him 1 mi||ion do||hair$ makin9 iT hearter 4 dd/Cal 2 reconcile Ↄalamari's complicity in the hippocrazy of iT A|| > Ↄal po5ted sumpin9 2 thi5 effect on iG + ppl hemmed + hawed trying 2 justify but this but that + how evɘrythin9 we do = «part of same hippocrazy» az Michael told senator Geary [just replace «family» w/ Ↄalamari]

... but ii dUՈՈo / sum choices we kneed 2 make (we neɘd 2 eat + 4 the press ii/Cal un4tunate|y neəds Amazon) / but do we need «social media»?

just ≈ how ɘvery tyrant dons the robes of the tyrant deposed / evɘry medium B-comes the message / per M McCluhan + 5ince last post ii gave tetrads 4 psilocybin + Ai / y n0t 4 iG?

[social] medium = message

B-sides medium = message / bottum Line iT boils down 2 agency / Y ii/dd resi5ted iG + whatevɘr eLse br& of social media 2 be9in with [one|y 7–8 months a9o did Ↄal cave in + join iG / pressured 2 4 the sake of the press] ... when u post Rt ± rite on «social media» u sine the rites away 4 them 2 use yr Rt az advertisement 4 other users/consumers / commodifyin9 u in2 part of their Lifestyle br& w/ residual side FX that u line the pockets of the Musky SuckerDrumpfs of the whirled

> sum 1 a5ked waht else 2 do? waht = alternative? 2 witch ii/Cal responded read ^ b∞k / listen 2 music > make Rt instead of tockin9 ^bout Rt on ^ plat4m that commodifies yr appreci8ion of Rt > ii/Cal came of age in the Bonzo years witch @ least @ the time dint feɘl ƧO diffrent than now + then coUՈterculture thrived via DiY zines/presses/music labels that maid 4 sum radiↄal Rt in response 2 the times (Reagan years) > en9a9in9 on social media one|y plays in2 the h&s of those in power > iT disempowers ppl 2 find cre8ive wayz 2 en9age on organic mediums ware they have CTRL/agency

ii/Cal gets the kneəd 4 «commUՈiTy» > ii tried sub5tack + Bluesky but ii aint ƧO sure about those kneethere ... + iTs one|y ^ madder of time B4 they get bot out by the zuckermusks of the whirled > folks kneəd 2 4age + fend 4 them5elves the old shcool weigh / bi||ed their one commUՈi-Ts GroUՈd up / or9anica||y / gardens free of paywa||s / 1 x 1 + 1 on 1 / 4ging/4min9 conneXions w/ Like-minded individuals + ho||owstiↄk|y 5preadin9 the word about Rt/b∞ks/mu5ic they like thru said netwərks > that's ii's 2 cense @ NE r8 > iF u wish 2 commUՈic8 direct|y w/ ii/dd/CAL u can join the 5cense or Ↄalamari mailin9 Lists or email us direct @ [wheel 9ive u meat5pace di9its evɘn]:

+ w/ that ii'|| Leave u w/ the5e Lyrics:

i'd like to be
under the sea
in an octopus's garden
in the shade

he'd let us in
knows where we've been
in this octopus's garden
in the shade

i'd ask my friends to come and see
an octopus's garden with me

we would be warm below the storm
in our little hideaway beneath the waves
resting our head on the seabed
in an octopus's garden near a cave

we would sing and dance around
because we know we can't be found

1193 <(current)> 1194 > i/●/● ii iՈjest dada/con-10t iՈ thrU i-h●les + regrrrgit8 out Δ 2 ketchup + clear Q + thiՈk str8 2
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]