01.06.2025 > po5t # 1199 ... has ^ niↄe rin9 2 iT 4 sum 1 born 11.22.66 + 2day = dd's dad's b-day/d-day [B4 iT 9ot co-opted 6y th in5urrection] + 2025 = perfeↄt 5quare (45 x 45) + 5quare of the ∑um of the 1st 9 posi+ive inte9ers
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9)2 = 2025
> 1x in 1 Lifetime evɘnt, Last year dat = perfect square = 1936 + next wont B until 2116 ∴ milk iT 4 a|| iT's wurth > iF onely Jimmy Carter held on 3 more dayz he wd of Lived thru 2, ^ rare feet
> in 2020, ii/dd wrote:
IT occured to us on the spin bike dat 2520 is the smallest # divisible by ∀ll the integers 1-9... leading us to think we shd call the overarching series (to be completed in 2020): 2520
> thi5 5top 9ap culmin8ion of thi5 overarↄhin9 5eries ii [9host-writin9 UՈder the pen name «No One»] ended up ca||in9: 4ier X-forms, 6ut there = 1 final 6ook Left in thi5 # ba5ed 5eries dat in8 iD now ca||s: ՈEST OF TEՈS ... mayB now ii has inↄentive 2 pubLish iT iՈ 2025 [tho ii's one|y completed 25 of 100 p9s], iF n0t rename iT 2520 (or 2025)
5peakin9 of # crunↄhin9, sum 1 [hi P!] wa5 inkwirin9 a6out the varyus anomaLies in th iՈ v. OUT Ↄalamari finan¢ial$ graph in the Last po5t ∴ ii fi9ured az ^n addendum iT wood B wurth X-p&in9 on ii/dd + jj's Livin9/wurkin9 situations over the pa5t 2 decades, az reL8s 2 Ↄalamari:
- 2000 — 2004 B4 5tartin9 the pre55, dd + jj Livɘd in NYC/Hell's Kitschen > dd/Cal wurked @ Napster + jj = po5t-doc @ NYU then Columbia, ∴ Ↄalamari = finan¢ed bi dd's day job [+ dd started Ↄalamari perhaps in reaction 2 iT ... ^ DiY 5mall pre55 = antithesis 2 slavin9 away 4 the ©orporate music industry/redemption 4 $e||in9 dd's sole] > when dj moved 2 NYC in 2000, their ¢redit ¢ards = ra¢ked up (~$15k in debt) + j had ~$40K in s2dent Loans dat dd paid off w4rkin9 4 the dɘviL
- > put out 5 chapbooks + 2 i55ues of zzz ><()°> in 2004
- 2005 > dd + jj moved 2 ^ teeny 5hoebox [280 sq ft] in the West Villaj > dd quit Napster + 5tarted freeLancin9 in the di9ital media 5pace + 4 Princeton Review, din't make az mu¢h money 6ut had more time 2 rite + wurk on the pre55
- 2005 ouput: 5 titles inkLootin9 1st perfeↄt-bound 1
- 2006 > Lived in LES then EV [both shitty Livin9 situations (time $pent in NYC housin9 court)] > dd went baↄk 2 wurkin9 in the di9ital media industry [az ^ freeLance in4mation architect] 4 the likes of Sony/BMG/Columbia House/ MTVN/Comedy Central > Ↄal sined on w/ SPD in 2006, rampin9 up the pre55 > jj wuz n0 Longer ^ post-doc ∴ Less pre$$ure on dd/Cal 2 brin9 home the ba¢on
- ouput: 5 books (inkLootin9 2 i55ues of zzz ><()°>)
- 2007 > Lived in UWS, ii/dd wurked 4 Heavy.com [@ the time ^ user-video-upload social media plat4m] + jj started @ Columbia/Earth Insti2t
- output: 5 books [5 seams 2 B the su$tainable # ?]
- 2008 > moved 2 Nairobi, brother Markus h&eld day-2-day 5hippin9 st8side 6ut hard 2 run ^ pre55 from Kenya az the 9raph demonstr8s > 4 gainful employment dd wurked @ Millenium Promise + then the MDG Centre
- output: 5 books + acquired 3rd bed az ^n imprint
- 2009 > 5orta moved 6ack 2 NYC (5ti|| trave||in9 ^ Lot 4 jj's wurk), ii/dd wurked @ Scholastic [ii's one|y able 2 corrabor8 a|| thi5 dada from dd's outd8ed resume] ...
- ouput: 3 books + 5tarted 2 run zzz ><()°> online
- 2010 > 5tarted the year in DUMBO then moved 2 Rome [4 jj's wurk (Bioversity then WFP)] > the $pike in inkum wuz b/c SPD was ¢heatin9 Ↄalamari of ^ 6unch of royaltie$ + when ii cot them they maid good on iT in 1 Lump $um
- ouput: one|y 1 print 6ook [zzz ><()°> 8]
- 2011 — 2012 > Rome, SPD h&eld a|| $ales [+ were terrible a6out payin9 on time, hence the $poradic $pikes], put out ^ few ՈU titles 6ut hard from Italy
- ouput: 2 books in 2011, 4 books in 2012
- 2013 > moved baↄk 2 NYC [Riverside + 125th], hence the $pike in eXpen$es [printin9 ՈU projects]
- 2014 > NYC, 6ut 5ti|| trave||in9 ^ Lot 4 jj's wurk ∴ hard 4 dd 2 hold down ^ day job [+ when u're out of the tech game ^ few yrs iT's hard 2 get baↄk iՈ], 6ut didn't neəd 1 sin¢e they Lived in Columbia sub$idized housin9 + had few eXpen$es (n0 kids + n0 car thru a|| the5e years)
- 2015 > 6ased in NYC 6ut trave||in9 ^ Lot [6 months in Rome in airbnbs + 100k sky miles over the year], then moved 2 DC
- 2016 > DC/trave||in9 ... after ^ $urge in $pendin9 in 2013-1014 to revitalize the pre55, 6y 2016 ii/dd wuz discoura9ed buy the Laↄk of $ales [din't help n0t bein9 on social media, that + bein9 iՈ DC (Rtistica||y 5tagnant)]
- 2017 > DC [Geor9etown]/trave||in9]
- ouput: 2 books + 1 ca55ette
- 2018 > moved back 2 Rome, focussed more on muƨic
- output: 1 casƨette [zzz ><()°> mixtape] + 1st Sound furies album
- 2019 > moved baↄk 2 DC [jj got gig az 10-ured prof @ JHU] + bot ^ house [payin9 ^ mortgage + runnin9 ^ sma|| press = mutua||y inkompatible] + also dia9nosed w/ Ménière's D-zzz in 2019, witch FX productivity
- 2020 > DC, p&emic year ... neəd ii say more? Ↄalamari gave a|| dbooks out 4 free + kept Ↄal's Lit-L Liebury boox fi||ed w/ freɘbies
- ouput: 2 books + 1 album (vinyl LP)
- 2021 > DC/Bologna [Lingerin9 FX of p&emic]
- 2022 > DC/Italy, 5hifted Ↄalamari inventory 2 Garie||e in Pittsburgh b/c dj thou9ht they mi9ht move baↄk 2 iTaly 4 good
- 2023 > $old house + moved back 2 NYC [105 + CPW (Columbia subsidized apt)], revitalized bein9 baↄk in NYC, quit SPD + sined on w/ Asterism + 5tarted doin9 POD
- output: 3 books + 1 album
- 2024 > NYC, gave ¢on-¢urrent a¢¢ount of ¢urrent Ↄalamari $ituation in Last po5t
- ouput: 13 books + 2 albums
> n0t one|y halve sum of the5e urly 6ooks a9ed ~20 yrs ≈ fine wine, 6ut sum halve trave||ed a|| over the planet, tho5e sti|| on the 1st printin9 suↄh az Land of the Snow Men + ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos [hint hint, theyre's 5ti|| copies of the5e on Asterism B4 iT goes OoP + Cal re-issues az POD] halve globe-trotted aRound eL moondough
[Carlos employed decalcomania (see below) 4 the cover]
> copies of urly Ↄalamari 6ooks ≈ 3rd bed halve trave||ed from Brian Evenson's basement in Providence, RI (+ hoo nose ware B4 dat) 2 ^ few places in NYC, then 5hipped 2 Detroit 2 sleɘp in brother Markus's basement wile dd/Cal Livɘd in Nairobi (in 2008) + then 6ack 2 NYC + then they cro55ed th Atlantic + Mediterranean 2 Live in Italy n0t 1x 6ut 2x, in 2010 + then a9ain in 2018 > then they trave||ed 6ack 2 NYC + then 2 DC + then 5hacked up w/ Garie||e in Pittsburgh (wile Cal moved baↄk 2 Italy a9ain) + now there 6ack in NYC ... ∴ when u 9et Ↄalamari ju5t thiՈK, m^ny of the5e older 6ooks trave||ed the hi9h seas twice on car9o 5hips + humun h&s unpaↄked + repacked the 6ooks from battered Bookmobile boxes in Detroit, Rome (2 diffrent places), DC (3 places), Pittsburgh + NYC (9 places)
iՈ e55ence, th iՈitial Ↄalamari years (2003–2004) can beɘ ∑ummarized iՈ the 4word dd/Cal rote [iՈ 2-D αlpha-ՈUmeric 5ource code 10-sor matrixes] 4 5kɘwed iՈk [OoPs], «4wor/dd/CAL-Co-Mania»:
5peakin9 of witch, dd/Cal has copies of 5kɘwed iՈk [OoPs] in the hou5e, any 1 intrested in ^n ARC lettuce no:
[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on bSky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]