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   2024 ARCHiVE                                        no 1 in

1196> ∑ 2024 in review: [◼] + [<<] + pre55 [▶] @ x52 speɘd / 4 the [●]
... ii (in8 iD) wi|| [||] + refleↄt back more generuley/persona||y on 2024 > evɘn iF ii one|y edited/pubLished the abuv books / in er 5ense they 4m ^ LiTeral autobiographiↃal ∑ummary of 2024 / of wut ii (the humUՈ B-in9) = B-comin9 (e5pecia||y 5ince ii/CaL wuz so bizzy w/ the5e books ii hat Lit-L time 4 ii/dd's one endeavours + in the pro¢ess of [...]

1195> i/●/● ii iՈjest dada/con-10t iՈ thrU i-h●les + regrrrgit8 out Δ 2 ketchup
This experiment examines the relationship between input and output in a carbon-based circuit. The test subject (ii/dd) reports a congenital chest anomaly affecting respiratory function from day 0/1, leading to explorations of breathing patterns and their impact on cognitive and creative processes. The investigation includes dream analysis [...]

1194> frɘe agent-sea of ionic+ 5kewed iՈk iՈ th octo-π's garden
folks kneəd 2 4age + fend 4 them5elves the old shcool weigh / bi||ed their one commUՈi-Ts GroUՈd up / or9anica||y / gardens free of paywa||s / 1 x 1 + 1 on 1 / 4ging/4min9 conneXions w/ Like-minded individuals + ho||owstiↄk|y 5preadin9 the word about Rt/b∞ks/mu5ic they like thru said netwərks > that's ii's 2 cense @ NE r8 > iF u wish [...]

1193> how ii ddyed + B-came ^ fUՈGuy / obsole5cin9 a priori humUՈ 4ms
This procedure investigates the therapeutic potential of psychedelics to control liquid intake and manage the outcome of Ménière's disease through an uncontrolled induction of a temporary schizophrenic state approaching near-death. The subject self-administered a high dose of expired psilocybin, initiating a psychotropic experience characterized by [...]

1192> poem-granite maiD of wood wide web 4 tha Rt n0t tha Rtist
This field experiment examines the integration of human cognition with mycorrhizal networks, exploring the concept of a "wood wide web" and its implications for post-human artistic expression. The subject reflects on the interconnectedness of biological and digital systems, drawing parallels between fungal communication and data-driven art [...]

1191> decalcomania: cloaked 5urface 5tudies of 5kewed ink OoPs
Creative output was tested through the launch of "cöd.eXɘ.böↄ," with results showing no immediate post-launch inertia in sales metrics. To counteract psychological aftereffects, the subject initiated a retrospective reissue project focused on early Calamari chapbooks (2003–2005), incorporating theoretical frameworks such as decalcomania and [...]

1190> (((O ՈՈUƧt u B: «Looqed iT «ƧUՈdia⅃»|«Laib ՈUS»: tidepoo⅃, ut SUՈՈ O)))
Art-officially intelligent abstraↄt: Post #1190 examines the anonymous author’s reluctant engagement with emerging social media platforms, reflections on personal musical endeavors, and experiences at a high-decibel live performance, highlighting the interplay between digital culture, creative expression, and sensory perception. [...]

1189> Litterairy tips from ^ mu5ic Label haↄk jobber on craↄk + punkin soup
Beginning with site-specific documentation of urban and industrial landscapes, this post accumulates fragments of text, symbols, and architectural motifs as a means to investigate typographic deconstruction and ‘semantic decay’—the erosion of language into abstract visual forms. It provides a foundation for broader inquiries into narrative [...]

1187> donut toↄk ^bout Rt, take the 5th 2 re9re55 furthere up D-NiLe
This study explores the psychological and behavioral responses to political disillusionment following the 2024 U.S. election. The subject engaged in a series of coping mechanisms, including musical expression, linguistic modification, and digital content creation, to mitigate feelings of despair and alienation. The findings [...]

1186> ware = mi mined? bifurc8in9 fROM Lattice cirↄut 2 the 9rave
talk a6out ^ GRiD, tho5e fe||as got their one ma55ive circut wired 2 th underbe||y of hours, perfect|y calibr8ed + fine-2ned bi-i||ogical maↄhines, from their perspektive, they'R evolvin9 2 survive, wile humuns R evolvin9 2 D-stroy the planit, witch rats wi|| inhairit after, alon9 w/ m^n-maid machines, iF they/ii can onely find ^ way 2 keep [...]

1188> ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 the 90° An9eLs of cöd.eXɘ.böↄ
... meta4ical skɘwed ink dat kin bee u5ed az ^ genɘtic 6lueprint 2 revɘrƨe en9ineɘr 2-D cro55-seXions of bi-i||ogical cobe, inkorper8ed baↄk in2 th anaLo9 of arↄhiveL inc. ... ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 B-tween m^n + maↄhine w/ octo-π az proxy, rendered 6ack in2 machine-readable crypto ^Rt, com.π-led in2 X 6Lock-chained 5hip m^nifest of 5orts, u fo||ow? [...]

1185> meat 5ↄarLit: sLaughterin9 9hosts 2 train a i 2 re9ener8 more con-10t
Last ↄa||!! 9et ur con-10t up hear/theyre vvile uu can! add 2 the5e La5t [●]s of humun Ǝxis-10ce 4 machines 2 com.πle + keep online, 4 watt iT's werth (ware iT = in4mation Teↄknowledgey) 4 now th cursor's fLa5hin9, promptin9 U 2 type ∴ type a way brother! az The Temptations sin9, n i 4 n i, a 2th 4 a 2th, vote 4 me + i'|| set u free![...]

1184> po5t-OP sirjury prompt: watt uu 9et 4 diƧObeyin9 maↄhine malfunↄtion
... 4 the next ra66it pooㄥed from my hat ii's thinkin9 of creditin9 ten5or e11even az «author» ... or mayB ten5or e11even = b∞k tietel? i.R.ㄥ. the tru b∞k ^Rtist = ∀ i (proNounsed «4 a|| i», FYi, fROM i = 1 to 8,137,363,864) > Ǝxist az m^ny 10-di9it iSBNs az peephole on the planit, n0 wonder they up9raded 2 i5BN-13! hoo = Bowker (the ppl [...]

1183> sub5tacked di5patch ware X = X, w/ in8 iD te||in9 iT az iT iz
[◼] the pre55es! 4 the [●], ii, in8 iD, joined substack 2day! 4 wut iT = wurth (ware iT = in4mation Tecknowledge) ... n0t that ii in-10ds 2 monetize what ii rites 6ut wheel use sS az ^ sorta teaƨer RSS feed ƨo ppl no when ii po5ts the5e di5pat¢hed [●]s of time on 5cense.com, ware ii's bin bㄥo99in9 ㄥon9 B4 bㄥo99in9 plat4ms Ǝxisted 2 monetize [▶] [...]

1182> tock tock tock til ii lose mii vox sin9in9 more son9s abt bldgs + food
^ vveird association w/ Psych Furs b/c vvhen mii dad died in '82 + the 15-yr old version of ii trave||ed aㄥone (w/o parental consent, so uu can bet ii was hassled by la migra who ii had 2 slip a propina) from GDL 2 PDX w/ ^n overni9ht layover in LAX ware ii slept on the floor + ii on|y had ^ few ca55ettes + lis-10-ed 2 Talk Talk Talk nonstop [...]

1181> ^ 5oup nazi meaƨure uv mu||igatawny in ^ butterflyed hurrycane in Haiti
Lisa 1 wuz po55essed bi ^n Apple Lisa 2 computer 2 vvrite her scrypts/plays, Brathwaite wuz posse55ed 2 start vvritin9 in his si9nature Sycorax video style by ^ Macintosh (c. 1990), «with its winking io hiding in its margins which, as you know, are not really margins, but electronic accesses to Random Memory and the Cosmos and the lwa» [...]

1180> on pubLishing ↄode in th anthropocene, B-yond ruins 2 the 5hip of Theseus
4 R vve a|| knot re9ener8in9 ova + ova + ova? on avg hour ce||s reↄycle every 7-10 yrs, 5wappin9 ce||ular Adams w/ other anima|s + th environment, ∴ each deckaid vve R fizzica||y 100% diffrent than vve vvere 10 yrs B4 ... vvhat ^ trip, n0!? ever mor4ing + re4ming, mor4in9 + re4min9, ever in fㄥux, reduxed az D-ㄥux version 2.0, v3.0, ... [...]

1179> ce||ular boundaries @ thɘ ɘnd of the ① ㄥine 2 B ^ b∞k 5lave + save wails
wuz the dyin9 wail ^ meta4 4 thi5? tryin9 2 res-Q b∞ks, keep 'em alive when iT's natural 4 them 2 die or nvr B alive in the 1st place? ii feels that wei9h ^bout humuns, that there replic8in9 @ ^n unsu5tainable r8, L mundo wood bee bedder off w/ ½ az m^ny, n0? Y is iT n0t the same w/ b∞ks? R they 9arba9e, humun W.A.S.T.E? after a||, their maid of dead [...]

1178> $helf life of ^ b∞kkherder servin9 ^ ㄥife sent-10s of b∞kended 5ent-10-ces
in the g∞d ol dayz 5hepherds wood 5leep 5ide by 5ide w/ their flox 2 keep 'em aㄥive + milk 'em til they got old + died of natural causes + that milk in turn they churned in2 blocks of cheese they cd cut ↄhunks off of + put in their pockits w/ ^ peace of bred 2 su5tain them5elves wile they 10-ded their 5heep + maid sure woofs didn°t eat 'em [...]

1177> Gr8 Rock'n'Lit $windle part ii: reviving Blood Electric w/ ^ Poem Rocket
Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric is yet ^nother victim of a gr& litterairy 5cam > n0t onely is Ↄalamari Arↄhive akin 2 ^ n0-kill shelter, 6ut most of the5e res-Q-ed 6ooks RePublished this year halve 6een victims of litterairy scams: Yuxin Zhao's The Moons + Steven Alvarez's Tonalamatl were both re55urected casualties of The Great [Pank] Swindle + [...]

1176> 4ever home in Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins + reel S-t8 scam$
how EZ it can B 2 plop down yr life savings––maid from deckaids of hard-earned labor–– + complete|y ruin the rest of yr life buy bying in2 what u'd L8er fined 2 B the empty fa¢ade of a ¢rumbling foundation of cheep bull5hit that will mysterious|y co||apse in ^ few yrs so insurance can B collected 2 build another 5hitty condo 4 sum other sap [...]

1175> para||e| proce55in9 (@ 1/8mm rezoolution) of Lisa 2, v1.0
u halve 2 constant|y keep clearing the s& away az fast az iT π-les up, ^ 9ranular Sisyphean ta5k (eXcept in5tead of ro||ing ^ roↄk up the same hi|| over + over U have 2 constan|y shovel s& ... «you exist only for the purpose of clearing sand» > the 6ook is more than ^ novel, iT's ^ metaphy6 treatise on s& ... everythin9 in the 6ook fo||ows [...]

1174> 4 Ever le55 than humun po5t, 5ame az the nu bozo boss, the dead queen
... Cal A. Mari 5ti|| Ǝxists 2, the 1 that keeps Ↄalamari 6ooks 4ever in print, tel death do us part, akin 2 ^ 5hepherd 10-ing ^ flock of 5heep, 1 arm of 8 of the 9-brained (+ 3 <3'ed) sQuid, Lapsing Calamari, sLips of the pen > ii goes bye in8 iD now b/c ii has otherwise u5ed up their quota of anon/pseudonymous lives, 8 4 octo-π + 9 4 cats (or [...]

1173> HEXa9rams n0t instaGram: 5pooky action @ ^ di5tance in ^ Spit Temple
> do U C Q-bs (in 3D) o hexes? o ii thinx abt Weyl tiled flores, o relation5hip B-tween the #s 6 + 8 + how th i Ching has 64 (8 x 8) hexaGrams + influenzed Liebanez 2 come up w/ base-2 #ing 5ystem modurn computing = dbased on ... + did Leibniz [▶] ^ Ibanez 6-$tring (ii's 1st L-ectric 9uitar)? mayB thi5 img popped in2 ii's CPU b/c ii = inFLUenzed [...]

1172> Stripe, diiv, chiggers, Blood Electric + Ingram v. Amazon POD
... so Amazon = ^ bit cheaper/faster > but Ↄal had 2 resort 2 Ingram 5ince Amazon's so fucking draconian about their nitpicky legibility requirements ... th on|y reason Ↄal bowed down 2 Bozos az we|| is b/c we wanted the global availability, but we had 2 strip out the marginal jank + glitch + textual FX (couldn't use an embo55ed 2D font) [...]

1171> re:impre55ions of 5ubstacked goats in Zone C, happi|y Ever after
when ii'd rite sumthing + BB wd rite ^ reaction 2 iT (ware iT = in4mation tecknowledgey), ware such in4mation lived out there in th O-pen, free 2 interact w/ other webbed con-10-t on Inurnet, penned by ii + BB but then continuing 2 live on iTs one forging new conneXions w/ other Uni4m Re-sorce Locators > now con-10-t is jailed B-hind paywa||$ or saddled [...]

1170> official report on the time-released launch of Libretto Lunaversitol
... n0t 1 single humun has bot the book ... what's wrong w/ ppl? or is iT just i, Ↄal A. Mar i? par 4 the course 2 b@t < 0.0001 % n0 madder what Ↄal does > n0t sure Y Ↄal even got on iG or Ngauge w/ humun N-tittys, W.A.S.T.E. of time, 2 EZ 2 «like» sumthing w/out bothering 2 click thru 2 see what it is u «liked» in 1st place > bedder 2 post on [...]

1169> panopticonal PENal ¢ode on the 5outh 5lope
... trying 2 navig8 th Amazonian bull5hit + not let iT suck my soul in2 the drainage basin > ran out of 4ier X-4ms so converted that 2 POD, had 2 co||apse lots of txt 2 graphix + even then then iT was rejected az i||egible + they claimed the author name (No One) would «impair our readers’ ability to make good buying decisions» so said fuck it 2 Amazon [...]

1168> 5trange cures: getting monkey # 47 OFF! my baↄk 2 re4m undicey deependseas
how 2 rehabilit8 a wasteL& by laying down sod made of 5titched 2gether buffalo + cow pelts 2 blend w/ the L&scape + the hair wd grow in2 grass + 5hrubs + the meaty under5ides wd melt (w/ rain + sun) in2 the s& 2 4m organic 5oil > then L8er in the nite/morn we happend upon sum Waco-like cult ware this Koresh-like tyrant wd make decisions abt how 2 [...]

1167> writing from an angelic 8th flor above a false 7th heaven
call me a paranoid conspiracist, but there's just n0 good unbiased journihilism N-E-more + social media is helping 2 fuel this merger w/ fake news 2 the point that there's n0 telling what = real ... perhaps i shd go baↄk 2 ↄalling thi5 The Daily Noose + advoc8 4 a nu 4m of nu journihilism? Y pre-10d 2 be objectiv/non-fiction? Y n0t just live in [...]

1166> authentic X-perience ≠ Ǝ N-E-ware (ƎREHWON), ∀ll = ^ self-annihiL8ing
thi5 = Y we left Cali4nia 35 yrs ago, b/c we wanted 2 live w/o a car > we also left b/c of the vanity of Cali4nians, witch has bin exacerb8d by the cell phone/camraw, u can't even go N-E-where w/o ppl taking selfies of themselves, every 5pot on the globe geotagged ... ppl drive up 2 places + take selfies, that pretty much summarizes the st8 of the [...]

1165> wail tales 2 SLO down sidewayz from fog 2 fire
... seams all the rich ppl do is drive fancy cars 2 their fancy houses + fancy restraunts/ clubs + there's no real town centers where every 1 mingles (e5pecially places like Malibu) + if u do find a regular (a4dable) restraunt it's full of service-lvl ppl that c8er 2 the rich ... sorta like what we were talking about w/ the lvl of poverty in these parts [...]

1164> reassembling a fugitive from incoming tides @ the pelican colony
good 2 read road-tripping in Cali4nia, tho we're not running away from anything ... or are we? do we have a dead body in R trunk? Calkins starts her dark gourney in Santa Maria, a stone's throw from Pismo Beach (our destination 2morrow), tho from there she went north + we're going south, saying in Solvang (wildfires permitting) > akin 2 Aborigines [...]

1163> LAX w/o a cause/car 2 SBA 2 B Lynched from another place
day 3 of R eXperiment beeing in LA w/o ^ car, walked up 2 Griffith Observatory then cont-inued thru the hills 2 the H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D sine barely visible thru the smog, even close up > then back down, 8 huevos rancheros + went 2 Counterpoint books + records > 10 mile walk, 11 or 12 for the day > L8er, met up w/ R + went 2 Atwater, 1st went to Alias [...]

1162> Falling Down across the jank + swank of LA sin coche
walked all the way to La Brea Tarpits, feeling like Michael Douglas in Falling Down, weird mix B-tween jank + swank > past Paramount Studios + the Hollywood cemetary, saw graves of Dee Dee + Johnny Ramone, Chris Cornell, Judy Garland (w/ a ruby red slipper in front of it), etc. > went 2 the Academy museum + saw eXhibit on John Waters + other [...]

1161> ABQ > LAX: G-illogical survey of the SW by train 2 unearth turtles
July 4th > an Italian friend once told us «Italy is a beautiful country ... if u could take the ppl out of it»——we're wondering if the same is true of the U.S.A.? R breakfast companions were an old hippy programmer from Oakland + a weathered river-raft guide from Orange country > talking 2 these west coast ppl made us realize how diffrent we are [...]

1160> travel notes 66: X-posing yrself 2 the L-ements in yr face
seeing such blight in midday heat really D-pressing, gangs of hobopunks + addicts gathering + nodding off in whatever shade they cd find, some of them throwing rocks @ cars or st&ing in the D-vider on the verge of falling in2 the road, panh&lers in wheelchairs wheeling str8 in2 busy intersexions, complete bedlam, almost felt like a comedy 5kit [...]

1159> Zuni Bridges 2 Monument Valley
... then we got to a 5pot where the road was closed > there were sum Navajos hanging around + we asked them what happened + they said there was a cloudburst that washed out the road > we said googlemap said the road was opened + they laughed + said the Navajo operated on a different plane + when we said it was strange they'd even let ppl come [...]

1158> travel notes 2: mapping Maphattan 2 northern Nu Mexico
> much az i wanted 2 live in northern Nu Mexico (4 the hiking + climbing ... all i really cared about back then), i couldn't stomach the legacy of Los Alamos (tho my interviews were mostly w/ environmental sighence + solar/renewable energy groups), that, + it'd B weird 2 live there, the town itself like The Truman Show but w/ the highest [...]

1157> NYC > NM : half-drowned travel notes in the book of webs
A book was a technology—whether it worked was another story—a technlogy for trafficking people across the otherwise unnavigable chasm between enemy territory and a hypothetical sanctuary where such people might actually have a chance to live the lives they wanted to [ ...] A writer was what we called a factory that had been corruptd from the inside [...]

1156> Crocodile Belt by i, Janitor Skier: ^ U R hear User m^nual
∀ll thi5 has nada 2 do w/ U/X, but the «plot» of iSBN (witch U'|| try 2 [●] in plane english) cd bee summarized az such, how U got head-fucked bi a|| the books + art U've engaged w/ over the yrs, absorbing the code in2 the reptilian posthumun entitty U'R fast Becoming, tho U've come ^ long weigh 5ince being the feral twined brothers [...]

1155> books dont grow on trees (but they 5prout sQuirtin9 from sQuiD)
... th authors Ↄal ^ Mari publi5hes use hymn az ^ publiChing MAchine, ^ proce55or sin SSESos proprio, pobrecito! Ↄal kneads ^ «brake/break» b4 they/we break/[◼] :( Ↄal breaks 4 dear, Ↄal brakes 4 5potted owls, hell, Ↄal [◼]s 4 NE anima'L eXcept humuns > Ↄal wood evɘn 5lam on the breaks of ^ Fi^T 500 iF ^ used Lisa 2 computer laid on the road [...]

1154> medic8ed disPatch of pink Ↄalamari Q'd up thru ^ ripped bloody 5creen
... remote chants i M even reL8ed 2 the victim, iT = more the DNA ii 5hare w/ hum^nity, that's what took over + maid my bwody do what iT did, keep this dude's head 2gether az best ii cd tel paramedix aRRived ... «i» myself = posthumun misanthrope rooting 4 the rats, but ii dint halve a say in the matter, ii was ^ zom-B on auto-π-lit [...]

1153> Nyack 2 NYC 2 save an unhoused person's life: 2 daze in the life
... like a humun pincushion (so much 4 my fear of needles, blood + hospitals) .... just another day in NYC, has us thinking abt things, makes u appreci8 what u halve + how fragile + fleeting life can B ... 1 minute u're walking down the street + another u cd B lying in the gutter w/ a hole in yr head staring in2 asphalt or up @ the clouds [...]

1152> babeLing n0 measure of a bookie's memorial marathon
Columbia is 5till under lockdown so couldn't pass thru it ... so much 4 an «open campus» ... now more like a police st8 > current thinking (in our house hunt) is that Brooklyn is overr8ed (az we thought 20 yrs ago, Y (B-sides a brief stint in DUMBO) we nvr lived in Kings county) + if we were gna buy a place (which L8ly we're thinking mayB not) SoHa [...]

1151> zer0-sum affair: ∞ regre55ion + the intimacies of book-5hepherding
spyders/ sighingtists naive|y think they R 5tudying reality by ketching flies + examining them, but when they ketch the flies they ki|| em + suck the life out of em ≈ vam-π-res, sew rea||y phy6 = autospy of reality > iT’s the age-old zen pairadocks, NE «study», NE inte||ectual pursuit, ki||s the S-sence of what iT’s trying 2 say the 2nd iT’s said [...]

1150> No Measure of Libretto: 2nd dream notes from fire S-cape 17
+ ½ the time we had n0 heat + logged 100s of calls to 311 but our slumlord just ignored us, par 4 the course in that hood, we had mice living in the walls + addicts pa55ed out on R doorstep + sneaking past on our fire S-cape + when it rained we had drips in more places than we had pots, inklooting laminar flow coming from our lite sockets [...]

1149> floating in a most peculiar way 2 the 5ubsoil of NY-aCk
... i was on the 5pot when they asked the author name so said 10-tentacled Antenna ... guess that'll be the author of the book? sorta like how the butthole surfers were so-named b/c @ their 1st gig they asked the roadie to introduce them w/ whatever name he wanted (if u believe that story) > 10-tentacled Antenna = yet another extension of in8 iD, 2x [...]

1148> n0 comprehendo how Rolodex G-gnome reached capacity
... blah blah i'll quit my sniveling, i've gone on plenty about my failures (just look in the index under failure) ... maybe i shd just title the next book or album A History of Failure > if i can trace it all back 2 1 starting pt, th 1st incident where i shd of taken a hint (that i'd nvr make it az an artist), it'd B when i gave my dead brother a [...]

1147> mining baↄkwords 2 eNgage w/ backↄovers + B-roll 2 com.modify 4 public
yet another post 2 file under «the hypocrisy of it all» + rea||y depressing 2 think of the facefucks B-hind it + how technica||y that Fuckerberg ones the rites 2 whatever u post, read the fine print, they can use Ↄalamari book covers 2 help sell SUVs or diapers if they want 2 ... but guess it's best 2 not [◼] or even press [||] 2 think about it, bite [...]

1146> how2 pronouns 10-zing in indexed αlphanumeric 5orce ¢ode
th author of the more immediate project i'm working on (Nest of Tens) wi|| bee 10-zing Northway (^ nod 2 the 5herpa 1st 2 climb 2 the hiest hites) > i'm 5ti|| writing semi in this αlphanumeric 5orce ¢ode, but w/ Nest of Tens it's 2D/nonLinear (txt going mesostica||y in vertical + horrorizontal direxions) + ba5ed in the st&ard 10-ba5ed [...]

1145> tran$parent a¢¢ounting of the name B-hind the paper machine racketology
if u want 2 find out about Ↄalamari Arↄhive dont take my word 4 it, ask the Ↄalamari authors if our practices are ethical or just > all i care about is making cool books > any press/magazine shd be judged by their output, not by whose behind the scenes, that's what the press is, a summation of all they've published, that's all that will remain [...]

1144> Give [||], 4 M∞n ec|ipses 5un + Earth quakes in 5ets of 11
> after eL ec|ipse, ii moved 2 ^rizona 2 study 5oLar phy6 + |os ami9os that 9ave meme ^ ride (1Ø88 mi1es) introduced ii 2 j + we married 5 yrs L8er in 1996, 2gether B-comin9 1 (i, j) hence-4th > az Sound Furies sing in «Niger»: who would of known that an eclipse would lead all to this? > bin reading Golokwati: ^ Tidaltectics History of [...]

1143> Asterism, Transparency, Luminous Objects + Psychic Surgeons
i don't remember the words «returns» or «chargebacks» being uttered on the «emergency» call? but @ the end of the day this was the dealbreaker 4 Calamari (when D-siding weather 2 go w/ ^ big distributor vs. 5ticking w/ SPD (4-5 yrs ago when SPD started 2 self-implode + there was not yet the option of Asterism) > of course the idea of having yr books [...]

1142> eNdorsed bi ^dragon 2 index Sen-10-ces B-Longing 2 No 1, dear Inurnet
mesostiC in HTML b/c 1 cant 5pace bar thru ^
 MT areA ... 1 needs 2 [⌘ + C] + [⌘ + V] ^ «&nbsp;»
     + Gau9e by h&
   wherE 2 L& iT, 10-4?) [...]

1141> «evacu8 u cave» pro¢e55ed in para||e| 2 4m nomadic monad ± mesostic mosaic
+ goog|ing «monad» U di5¢overed in ¢ontemporary (cyber) terms ^ monad = i/O type 5tructure dat combines input program fragments + raps output return vaL-Us in2 ^ burritO (yes, most commun meta4) in Haskell, ^ programming language w/ i/O type inference + LayZ evaL8ion (n0t 2 B confuzed w/ John Haskell n0r Jackson Pollock), wherein z a4mentioned 2010 [...]

1140> Autoportrait 2 rewrite az pink hobocamp zine w/ n0 i5BN yet
... maid U think z 1st line of i5BN mayas well B yr childhood phone # (5trange U can remember dat but not yr phone # now) > U = dada-driven sighingtist after all > Autoportrait begins: When I was young, I thought Life A User's Manual would teach me how to live and Suicide A User's Manual how to die > U haven't red Perec, yet [...]

1139> Z phenomenology of derivin9 undbridged 2 vvreckon + D-cipher $9,999.00 ?
[...] 卌 卌 (on yr de5ktop (2 remind U what U work on) + perhaps soon 2 repLace backdrop hear az U transition 2 Nest of Tens (+ (hablando de calendarios) also plzed 2 announce Ↄalamari will bee pubLishing Tonalamatl by Steven Alvarez, or delay bway!) 2 cope w/ calendure obSESSion (in wake of bissextile) ... O Z anaLog dayz when U drew X's [...]

1138> 2 cure8 lapsus calami 2 regurgit8, mut8, recapituL8 + propaG8 2 save face
U [●] these 2 help yr com-π-ler/CPU process yr next publiↄk e-facing [●]ing + 2 help cure8 the next Ↄalamari > in8 iD = compiL8ion of all arkhivel skewed ink regurgit8ed + propaG8ed 2 the next LVL > thats what NE artist does, regurgit8, mut8, recapituL8 + propaG8 2 keep on propaG8ing (even when U're in the grave) + hearin U reveil an inkLing of what [...]

1137> 1 U-turn (of many) under mined CTRL 2 nod off bedder
u pooL a U-ie + come face-2-face w/ a relick of yr 4mer 5elf, btw, bway, down bdwy un-Til u reach an agreement w/ 1-self (fewchair 4m of), wherein U also reeL-eyes N-E word kin mene NE-thing D-pending on context, intend s? Reaching X realization makes u Nod, in unison/con5enses, 2 concur, not 2 nod off, ox > 2 in-10d = 2 underst& after all, [...]

1136> compleat nu nu memoirrhoids in 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 daze + 40 nites
... 4 i's (w/ reading gla55 pre5cryption upped 2 +2.75) > therƎ Xists unicode code 4 tally marX up 2 4: 𝍠, 𝍡,𝍢, 𝍣, 𝍤, but 4 5 1 has 2 cheat + use «卌» (U+534C, witch just so happens = Chinese character for 40), ∴ iF in western metrix 10 = 卌 卌, + 40 = 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌, THEN 2 transL8 from Chinese 2 Western 1 wood multiply/duplic8 bi 8, 10-4? [...]

1135> 5tart yr one ff/ppre55 of curious-cities w/ pedals in yr ii's on n i-L&
«messy on th edges, ma left messages mangLing men w/ dangerous (hungry) angels» > fallowed bi con5ecutive X-sexions: «manh&eld by art brut, s/he caved in2 halving a bebe (meme)» (w/ a BB gun in tissue payper?) + : «10/4, say, Cheese, bi chants, n0 mames, way» > perhaps b/c in Mazatlán ii wore a uni4m + sold gum unmastic8ed bi the virgin on the verge [...]

1134> error-tRavel notes dedic8ed 2 the dead b4 us: zzz ><((°> XX feeds on paper
... U/i was wandering around trying 2 find R seat + then we got back 2 where we boarded the plane out5ide on the tarmac + U/i figured we'd just rebored but then realized U/i din't halve R boarding pass b/c we left it w/ R stuff + then 5tarted 2 panic realizing U/i was out5ide the plane + dint C how this = po55ible b/c U/i rememberd taking off [...]

1133> 4ier vvave-4m 5tat-us upd8 2 a-nouns U az author of 2-byte βeta 8 ½-Loopƨ
... under the guise of 1-wing 2can, ad infinitum) finished last 5ummer but has bin DKing in2 a st8 of indetourminancy due 2 inbox overload/academic burrocrazy of the 5mall press that accepted iT back then, sew az usual ii'll 5elf-medic8 in trademark DiY fa5hion > perhaps 2-b-β-8-½-L = 1st book ware iF U read iT U b/come a part of the authorship? [...]

1132> amput8ed dReam syndicate banking off the Stilt's baↄkboerd chronillogically
ii wanted 2 show L + J the backbored that Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 pts on but it was in5ide a mens room, so ii went in 1st 2 check + the coast was clear B-sides 1 ⌂-less person that was totally out of it so they came in + saw it + then a few ⌂-less ppl started stirring from beneath blankets + ii asked if they knew they were 5leeping propped [...]

1131> we the nu nu animals ⌂-hunting along the red line, 1-dering if it's 10-der
... in front of us was this sort of roller-coaster train w/ chimps on it > they weren't buckled in + their feet were Xposed 2 the ground (like Flinstones cars) + this 1 chimp kept jumping down off their seat + there were sensors that wd make the train automatically [◼] + this chimp kept doing this over + over, each time the train coming 2 a [...]

1130> st8 of the union 2023: transparent confe$$ions on black paper
w/ this 5witch 2 POD + Asterism we're ¢onfident that by next year wheel B out of the red ... does this $ound like a $ales pitch 4 an iPO going publi¢? 2 publish means 2 go public after all ... iF u want 2 buy $tock in Ↄalamari, the ¢urrency we X¢hange with = books + we got 'em in $tock hint, hint + if we halve NE-thing 2 show for 2023, there's more [...]

1129> 1/f (pink) posthumunusic 4 deeper white horses 2 blockchain me anonymous
B-sides muzic, ꟻr shares a lot in commun w/ 1, geeked-out computer/math nerd (who else wd name their b& after John von Neumann? whose math chops = in5truMental 2 the 4muL8ion of quantum mechanix, computer sighence + the A-bomb (naught sure Y he wasnt in the recent Oppenheimer movie az JvN was buds w/ Oppie + his role @ Los Alamos pivotal)) > [...]

1128> on a curtain uncertainty of travesty gener8ors 2 D-rail red hook in time
... needid keys 2 get in but then reached in2 my pocket + discovered 1 already had a FOB key > 1 told my other cousin that mayB 1 slept-walk there + he said «u walked in your 5leep all the weigh hear?» + 1 said 1 must of walked 2 the bus station + bot a ticket in my 5leep + then said 1 bedder check my wallet 2 make sure nothing = missing + my [...]

1127> publiChing noThing going ИOWHƎЯƎ, changing in time 2 cause R/Evolution
... or has the r8 of change/evolution of tecknowledgey ebbed? me thinx the ladder, we 5till don't halve flying cars of the type The Jetsons were using in the early '60s, or the jetpacks we were promised > Butler naught onely questions weather machines have consciousness, but weather plants do 2 > R free will + mobility @ the root of hire [...]

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