no 1 in

1203> gadỶooX! yes weave gone 🍌🍌 bridging gaps from ^ 1-2-1 key-map
^ sort^ letter-lvl conseQ-shun, ligatured literature / litterasure (az o-posed 2 lutz's «fanatical» ver5ion oƒ the lishian wurd-lvl consecution menshunned in th ^bove polymath Rticle: «a recursive procedure by which one word pursues itself into its successor [...] |

1202> in the '80s we learned 2 use computers, by 2010 computers learned 2 use us
The Calamari Archive is run by a decentralized network of operators who participate in the Manta Network ecosystem. Calamari is a privacy-focused blockchain that is part of the Manta Network, which aims to provide scalable and interoperable privacy [...] |

1201> bapti5mal font 4 di¢ebats 2 bury CPU in s& this post explores the development and application of a custom font, termed "codice," designed to enhance the author's unique lexicon and writing style. The impetus for creating this font arose from the limitations encountered with existing system [...] |

1200> H2O: 1-2-1 sighence-ba5ed bookke•ping @ 0% 4 the UncooL
Outcomes include continued archival maintenance and creative outputs, emphasizing a dada-driven ethos that rejects commodification and prioritizes authenticity. The author critiques the exploitation of social media as a vehicle for misinformation [...] |

1199> pyschogeographical timeLine of Ƈalamari in ^ perfect 5quare year
... thi5 overar§hing 5eries dat I [ghost-writing under the pen name «No One»] ended up ca||ing: 4ier X-forms, 6ut there = 1 final 6ook Left in thi5 # ba5ed 5eries dat in8 iD now ca||s: NEST OF TENS ... mayB now ii has in§entive 2 pubLish iT in 2025 [...] |

1198> a¢¢ounting 4 inkum/out¢ome in 2024: ^n e¢onomy of word$
iT's dat time of year when I/Ƈal hit [||] + ta||y up the Ƈalamari finan¢ial$ 2 divulge the dada/$tats hear on 5¢ense 4 the $ake of transparentsea + 4 th intrest of any 1 dumb enough 2 oper8 ^ small (micro/truly indeependant) pre55 > Ƈal's bin doing thi5 now [...] |

1197> Re:5olving 2 draw Q♠ 2 live in the Δ\moment in 2025 + keep on keeping on
ii re5olves 2 write + [●] more mu®ic + more Rt 4 Rt's sake + publish others less [13 books + 2 albums = 2 much 4 1 humUN 2 humane|y pubLish/produce ... + again / dont no if ppl appreci8 how difficult iT is 4 1 humUN 2 publish thi5 m^ny books (e5pecia||y 1 [...] |

1196> ∑ 2024 in review: [¦] + [<<] + pre55 [×] @ x52 speɘd / 4 the [‡]
... ii (in8 iD) wi|| [||] + refle§t back more generuley/persona||y on 2024 > evɘn iF ii one|y edited/pubLished the abuv books / in er 5ense they 4m ^ LiTeral autobiographiƇal ∑ummary of 2024 / of wut ii (the humUN B-ing) = B-coming (e5pecia||y 5ince ii/CaL [...] |

1195> i/‡/‡ ii injest dada/con-10t in thrU i-h‡les + regrrrgit8 out Δ 2 ketchup
This experiment examines the relationship between input and output in a carbon-based circuit. The test subject (ii/dd) reports a congenital chest anomaly affecting respiratory function from day 0/1, leading to explorations of breathing patterns [...] |

1194> frɘe agent-sea of ionic+ 5kewed ink in th octo-£'s garden
folks kne•d 2 4age + fend 4 them5elves the old shcool weigh / bi||ed their one commUNi-Ts GroUNd up / organica||y / gardens free of paywa||s / 1 x 1 + 1 on 1 / 4ging/4ming conneXions w/ Like-minded individuals + ho||owsti§k|y 5preading the word about [...] |

1193> how ii ddyed + B-came ^ fUNGuy / obsole5cing a priori humUN 4ms
This procedure investigates the therapeutic potential of psychedelics to control liquid intake and manage the outcome of Meniere's disease through an uncontrolled induction of a temporary schizophrenic state approaching near-death. The subject self- [...] |

1192> poem-granite maiD of wood wide web 4 tha Rt n0t tha Rtist
This field experiment examines the integration of human cognition with mycorrhizal networks, exploring the concept of a "wood wide web" and its implications for post-human artistic expression. The subject reflects on the interconnectedness of biological [...] |

1191> decalcomania: cloaked 5urface 5tudies of 5kewed ink OoPs
Creative output was tested through the launch of "cod.eXɘ.bo§," with results showing no immediate post-launch inertia in sales metrics. To counteract psychological aftereffects, the subject initiated a retrospective reissue project focused on [...] |

1190> (((O MMUƬt u B: «Looqed iT «ƬUNdial»|«LaibNUS»: tidepool, but SUNNO)))
Art-officially intelligent abstra§t: Post #1190 examines the anonymous author’s reluctant engagement with emerging social media platforms, reflections on personal musical endeavors, and experiences at a high-decibel live performance, [...] |

1189> Litterairy tips from ^ mu5ic Label ha§k jobber on cra§k + punkin soup
Beginning with site-specific documentation of urban and industrial landscapes, this post accumulates fragments of text, symbols, and architectural motifs as a means to investigate typographic deconstruction and ‘semantic decay’—the erosion of [...] |

1187> donut to§k ^bout Rt, take the 5th 2 regre55 furthere up D-NiLe
This study explores the psychological and behavioral responses to political disillusionment following the 2024 U.S. election. The subject engaged in a series of coping mechanisms, including musical expression, linguistic modification, and [...] |

1186> ware = mi mined? bifurc8in9 fROM Lattice cir§ut 2 the grave
talk a6out ^ GRiD, tho5e fe||as got their one ma55ive circut wired 2 th underbe||y of hours, perfect|y calibr8ed + fine-2ned bi-i||ogical ma§hines, from their perspektive, they'R evolvin9 2 survive, wile humuns R evolvin9 2 D-stroy the planit, witch rats [...] |

1188> ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 the 90° An9eLs of cod.eXɘ.bo§
... meta4ical skɘwed ink dat kin bee u5ed az ^ genɘtic 6lueprint 2 revɘr®e en9ineɘr 2-D cro55-seXions of bi-i||ogical cobe, inkorper8ed ba§k in2 th anaLo9 of ar§hiveL inc. ... ^n in-10-t 2 communic8 B-tween m^n + ma§hine w/ octo-£ az proxy, rendered 6ack [...] |

1185> meat 5§arlit: slaughterin9 9hosts 2 train a i 2 re9ener8 more con-10t
Last §a||!! 9et ur con-10t up hear/theyre vvile uu can! add 2 the5e La5t [‡]s of humun Ǝxis-10ce 4 machines 2 com.£le + keep online, 4 watt iT's werth (ware iT = in4mation Tecknowledgey) 4 now th cursor's fLa5hin9, promptin9 U 2 type ∴ type a way [...] |

1184> po5t-OP sirjury prompt: watt uu 9et 4 diƬObeyin9 ma§hine malfun§tion
... 4 the next ra66it pooled from my hat ii's thinkin9 of creditin9 ten5or e11even az «author» ... or mayB ten5or e11even = b∞k tietel? i.R.l. the tru b∞k ^Rtist = ¿ i (proNounsed «4 a|| i», FYi, fROM i = 1 to 8,137,363,864) > Ǝxist az m^ny 10-di9it [...] |

1183> sub5tacked di5patch ware X = X, w/ in8 iD te||in9 iT az iT iz
[¦] the pre55es! 4 the [‡], I, in8 iD, joined substack 2day! 4 wut iT = wurth (ware iT = in4mation Tecknowledge) ... n0t that U in-10ds 2 monetize what I rites 6ut wheel use sS az ^ sorta tea®er RSS feed ®o ppl no when I po5ts the5e di5pat¢hed [‡]s of [...] |

1182> tock tock tock til I lose mI vox sin9in9 more son9s abt bldgs + food
^ vveird association w/ Psych Furs b/c vvhen mI dad died in '82 + the 15-yr old version of I trave||ed alone (w/o parental consent, so uu can bet I was hassled by la migra who I had 2 slip a propina) from GDL 2 PDX w/ ^n overni9ht layover in LAX ware I [...] |

1181> ^ 5oup nazi mea®ure uv mu||igatawny in ^ butterflyed hurrycane in Haiti
Lisa 1 wuz po55essed bi ^n Apple Lisa 2 computer 2 vvrite her scrypts/plays, Brathwaite wuz posse55ed 2 start vvritin9 in his si9nature Sycorax video style by ^ Macintosh (c. 1990),
«with its winking io hiding in its margins which, as you know, are not [...] |

1180> on pubLishing §ode in th anthropocene, B-yond ruins 2 the 5hip of Theseus
4 R vve a|| knot re9ener8in9 ova + ova + ova? on avg hour ce||s re§ycle every 7-10 yrs, 5wappin9 ce||ular Adams w/ other anima|s + th environment, ∴ each deckaid vve R fizzica||y 100% diffrent than vve vvere 10 yrs B4 ... vvhat ^ trip, n0!? ever [...] |

1179> ce||ular boundaries @ thɘ ɘnd of the ① line 2 B ^ b∞k 5lave + save wails
wuz the dyin9 wail ^ meta4 4 thi5? tryin9 2 res-Q b∞ks, keep 'em alive when iT's natural 4 them 2 die or nvr B alive in the 1st place? ii feels that wei9h ^bout humuns, that there replic8in9 @ ^n unsu5tainable r8, L mundo wood bee bedder off w/ ⁄ az m^ny
[...] |

1178> $helf life of ^ b∞kkherder servin9 ^ life sent-10s of b∞kended 5ent-10-ces
in the g∞d ol dayz 5hepherds wood 5leep 5ide by 5ide w/ their flox 2 keep 'em alive + milk 'em til they got old + died of natural causes + that milk in turn they churned in2 blocks of cheese they cd cut §hunks off of + put in their pockits w/ ^ peace of [...] |

1177> Gr8 Rock'n'Lit $windle part ii: reviving Blood Electric w/ ^ Poem Rocket
Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric is yet ^nother victim of a gr& litterairy 5cam > n0t onely is Ƈalamari Ar§hive akin 2 ^ n0-kill shelter, 6ut most of the5e res-Q-ed 6ooks RePublished this year halve 6een victims of litterairy scams: Yuxin Zhao's The
[...] |

1176> 4ever home in Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins + reel S-t8 scam$
how EZ it can B 2 plop down yr life savings––maid from deckaids of hard-earned labor–– + complete|y ruin the rest of yr life buy bying in2 what u'd L8er fined 2 B the empty fa¢ade of a ¢rumbling foundation of cheep bull5hit that will mysterious|y co||apse [...] |

1175> para||e| proce55in9 (@ 1/8mm rezoolution) of Lisa 2, v1.0
u halve 2 constant|y keep clearing the s& away az fast az iT £-les up, ^ 9ranular Sisyphean ta5k (eXcept in5tead of ro||ing ^ ro§k up the same hi|| over + over U have 2 constan|y shovel s& ... «you exist only for the purpose of clearing sand» > the [...] |
[...] ARCHiVE (ɔ)om.posted 2003-2025 in8 iD