H2O: 1-2-1 si9hence-ba5ed bookkeəpin9 @ 0% 4 the UՈcooL


[Ai translation: Journaling the Möbius of Time: A Reflexive Account of Digital, Cultural, and Archival Practices

Abstract: This experimental narrative articulates a thematic loop connecting the past, present, and future within a "Möbius day-Z chain," juxtaposing cultural references with personal reflections on sustainability and accountability in digital spaces. Outcomes include continued archival maintenance and creative outputs, emphasizing a dada-driven ethos that rejects commodification and prioritizes authenticity. The author critiques the exploitation of social media as a vehicle for misinformation and dehumanization, advocating for direct, interpersonal communication and analog methodologies (e.g., bookstore outreach). In analyzing health data, cultural consumption, and environmental crises, the narrative underscores the parasitic tensions of existence within digital and ecological systems. Conclusions point to the imperative of living authentically within self-imposed ethical constraints, maintaining a balance between creation, critique, and consumption.]

01.13.2025 po5t # 1200 ... 100 revoLutions round the cloↄkface in the 5cense #in9 5cheme > in ՈU yrs mode 5ti|| / 2 reconciLe wut's A-head w/ wut's B-hind ... «past of future dayzzz» az Sound furies sun9/sin9, beqooL | ⅃ooped in ^ möbius day-Z chain > «evɘry body be qooL» sez Roth/Pumpkin in Pulp Fiction, «Looped Y body reve»

> OUTcome: 5cense.com keəps dis 5ound furied (9)host or9ani5m ^Live 4 ^nother year 2 reCount journihilistic in4mation / 2 [●] d@a 4 the record in reeL time, cheↄk cheↄk > evɘr the dada-driven book-keeper ... yes, boox in arↄHiveL Liebury but also in ^n aↄcountin9 5ense az demonstr8ed in the La5t 2 po5ts wherein ii/dd reCounted Ↄalamari's finan¢ial st8 > ii = bookie hoose ¢urrency = book$ / or az PSH/Lester Bangs sez: «th onely tru ¢urrency in thi5 bankrupt whirled = wut u 5hare w/ sum 1 else when u're uncool» + ii [in8 iD] = UՈcool ≈ PSH/Ban9s, always home, 6an9 6an9, knoↄk knoↄk

> bee honist + unmerciful = motto 2 kick off the ՈU year > quit instaGlam ... if fuckerberg D-sides 2 ab&on fa©t-che©kin9 + defenestr8 acCounTability, then ab&on iG ii sez! perhaps u say Y n0t Leave the Ↄalamari iG account up 2 @ Least po5t ՈU book ↄovers? [OUTput onely / dont iՈput misin4med n0n$ense] but evɘn Levɘra9in9 dat talksic pl@t4m 4 free bi||board 5pace countributes 2 the Drumpf propag&a 5hitshow > «THROW YOUR BODY ON THE GEARS + STOP THE MACHINE W/ YOUR BLOOD!» Mario Savio said / @ the ri5k of 5oundin9 ≈ ^ broken rechord [quotin9 Savi/O + Almost Famous, etc. ad nauseum]

> wile Mari/O wuz tockin9 ^bout student$ in ^ UՈiver$ity 5ettin9 [az does orchid tierney in this abattoir is a college] the same appLies 2 $ocial media ... dont bee ¢ommodified + ¢hurned in2 produ¢t! «There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes SO odious, makes u SO sick @t heart that you can't take part!» + dat time has come ... n0t dat th academic ma©hine (UC Bezerkley) Savi/O ranted ^bout 60 yrs a9o dozent keep churnin9 out brain-wa5hed zom-Bs + $upportin9 war + ¢apitalism + 9enocide (what did Mari/O's words accomplish B-sides providin9 in5piration in the moment?), but 1 has 2 LiVE w/ 1-5elf + ii 4 1 dont wanna particip8 in the hippocrazy [funny how LiVƎ daↄkworbs = EVi⅃, rite? az iF Livin9 bi n8ure = inhairant|y ƧO, ware ƧO = Oper8in9 System backwoods]

> wile ii's @t iT, quit bSky 2 ... onely Lasted 1 or 2 moonths there + Less than 1 year on iG > iF u wanna communic8 w/ ii, messa9e ii 1 on 1 > 1 x 1 = 1 > rather than po5t to 1,000+ «fo||owers» on iG, thi5 pa5t week ii/Ↄal individua||y emailed 500 book5tores 2 pedal Ↄal^mari product ... old 5chool book mon9er = ii!!

@ th ƎՈD of day, ii = book-keepin9 zookeeper [or B-keeper] dat B-Leaves in faↄt-based si9hence, n0t opinion8ed mis-in4med fluff ... n0t dat fax cant B 5kewed > 5cense RCVD 492,426 vi5its in 2024 ... how m^ny of U = doom-scro||in9 zom-Bs ± web-crawLin9 spyders? dat's 1,344 per day on av9, ^ fact dat menes nothin9 b/c ii cant te|| what = reəL ore n0t on iՈUrՈet, kin U? ^nother peace of dada dat X-pLanes the st8 of (9)host or9anism's CPU = hysterical @tmostfearic pre55ure:

> 1/12 n0t az bad az 1/7 [far az my-grained vestibular FX on CPU] ... seəms dd suffers FX of pre55ure drops <ess + <ess, 9ood sine? ore py5cho5omatic wi5hfool thiՈkin9? ii/dd re5olved 2 n0t track health dada in 2025 / but ii (in8 iD) neəds 2 function in dis (9)host body, Live bi dd's boot5traps + keəp dd aLive (^ parasite dat kiLLs iT's ho5t makes zer0 ¢ense) > ii/dd = pair of para5ites of the 5ites

on the Left coast, Lost An9eLs fites wack-a-mole fires in The Daily Noose, same area yr ho5t hun9 Last summer + wile walkin9 in dem hi||s kept commentin9 on how iT a|| = tinderbox reddy 2 blow, SO much fuel 4 fire / din't UՈders& Y they din't clear the dry bru5h + over9rown 5crub near roads + trails [... then a9ain, who = «they»?] + then when fires do break out ppl's 1st reaction is 2 film the flames on theyre iPhones 2 show off on social media rather than help put 'em out ... a|| adds more fuel 2 the fires

> evɘn iF there's aNythin9 Left of LA in march, wi|| bee wierd 2 go 2 AWP w/ so m^ny displaced ppl Lookin9 4 housin9, n0? 5leepin9 in ^ bed sum 1 else mite neəd 4 sleepin9


> on the ↃaLamari front, contՈUed ՈU yrs book-keepin9 + iՈventory, found sum eXtra copies of 3rd bed 7 + 5et up 3rd bed 4 az ^ dbook [only 1 dat ii has ^ PDF 4] + POD'd the OoP zzz ><()°> issue 0.75 ... come + 9et iT! [ware iT = in4mation Tecknowledgee]

also 5chlepped 2 the PO w/ ARCs of For disobeying [if u wanna ^ copy Let ↃaL no, or pre-order on Asterism]

+ n0t onely did ↃaL open ^ «business» checkin9 acct, but ii cre8ed 1099s 4 sum authors 2 file, feeLs so Legit!

01/15 > 2day reLeased CODON 2 the whirLed, come + get iT!

on the iՈput 5ide, 5ti|| clearin9 odds + ends from the 2-read Q 2 make weigh 4 ՈU 5tuff / boox Leftover from Lit-L-Liebury-box 5caven9in9 dayzzz dat realistica||y ii'|| nvr 9et ^round 2 (the Crowley ii 5kimmed but iT din't 5uck ii in)

+ Hombres de Maíz = 2 difícil 2 Leər in español, n0t sure K estuvo pensando, tho ii did Leər So-Lair Storm bi Andres Ajens, tombien hard 2 fo||ow but transL8ed (bi Erín Moure) on opposin9 pages (aun-K n0 siempre eStuvo day acuerdo con correospondin9 in 9lesh)

idiot-box-wise, in the La5t few weəks:

  • contiՈUed w/ Star Wars moovies in chroni||ogical order ... rewatched IV (Empire Strikes Back) + V (Return of the Jedi) then the 3 by JJ Abrams [VII: The Force Awakens, VIII: The Last Jedi + IX: The Rise of Skywalker] ... puttin9 them in order of good 2 bad: IV, VII, VIII, IX, VI, V, III, II, I
  • Our Oceans series (narr8ed by Obama)
  • Arctic Ascent with Alex Honnold -- 5tarted 2 watch but cdn't take iT... inkreasin9ly annoyed w/ the5e 5hows dat neəd 2 interject ^ hum intrest an9le + 5uch ^ joke how they act like they're doin9 good 4 climate chan9e bi climbin9 ^ rock, so UՈsi9hin9tific ... + is ii th onely 1 dat wunders how they're able 2 film the climbers climbin9? that they had 2 have a film crew w/ them 2 film iT
  • The Anderson Tapes -- bad Sean Connery film tho does feature a youn9 Christopher Walken in his 1st film
  • 2 Jean Cocteau/Marais films: Orpheus (for 1st time) + Beauty + the Beast (4 probly the 10th time)
  • Lee -- wd of beɘn better az ^ Lee Miller documentary, n0 story 2 justify biopic
  • rewatched Once Upon a Time in the West -- Luv dat old '60s/70s technicolor, external 5hots in monument valley + canyon de chelly
  • Almost Famous (4 maybe the 20th time)
  • rewatched Inherent Vice 2 seə if we missed sumthin9 the 1st time ^round ... A 4 ef4rt but dont think Pynchon transL8s 2 film
  • Aquarius -- dare ii edmit ij actua||y finished season 1? goes 2 5how aint nothin9 else on the boob 2b rite now > they cdnt even get the Manson hippie 5hit rite, hippie ≠ millenial hipster... every ♀ character ≈ Jennifer Love Hewitt + every ♂ character ≈ Johnny Damon (Red Sox era)

wile ii's reviewin9 iՈput, 5ince iT's dry january hear's ∑um n0n-alcoholic bevera9es ij has drunk recent|y:

  • bin drinkin9 0% beer 4 moonths now, 9ettin9 2 the point ware ii doesnt evɘn notice the Δ ... n0t that ii sits ^Round savorin9 beer / most|y ii drinx iT w/ mexican or asian food > favorit 1 so far = Best Day Brewing kölsch > + had 0% Asahi super dry ^ few times w/ su5hi, cd barely tell the Δiffrence betweɘn iT + regular Asahi (1 of ii's favorites) > Athletic = crap water, didn't di9 dat 1
  • Less Luck findin9 0% wine substi2te, or evɘn Low alcohol/Low su9ar [tried 9% Sunny With a Chance of Flowers Pinot Noir + Sauvignon blanc -- both ju5t 5ort of flavorless + fake, wdn't buy a9ain (+ the name is 5tupid)] > bin drinkin9 Nozeco 5parklin9 brut ... obvious|y n0t az 9ood az reaL prosecco or cava (ij's drink of choice), tad sweɘt, pero non c'è male, had iT ^ few times

over the holeydaze indul9ed in ^ case of hooch (all 0%) from Boisson:

  • Noughty sparkin9 rosé -- ok, but wdn't get a9ain
  • Noughty syrah -- bad, tried iT w/ fondue + did't pair @ a||
  • Noughty white ≠ memorable
  • Hollow Leg cabernet -- n0t bad, doesn't rea||y taste like red wine, but tart + refre5hin9
  • Hollow Leg rosé -- also n0t bad, if u dont think uv it az wine
  • Giesen savignon blanc -- also ^ decent substi2te if u just dont think of iT az wine (terrible w/ vongole), but the Giesen rosé ≠ 9ood
  • Spring in a Bottle -- sweɘt + bad

> cocktails: most of the 0% mocktails = 2 sweət 4 ij's ta5te, eXcept the Ghia lime + salt spritz = decent (+ there's a sumac + chili 1 ij hasnt tried yet) > wood rather drank T or kombucha > iT's a|| a bout 9ettin9 out of the habit, replacement therapy > doubt ij'|| keəp drinkin9 aNy of the5e on ^ regular baysis eXcept the Best Day brew + e5pecia||y ridicule-us when u thiՈk they co$t az much iF n0t more than real wine?! what's the point? the most underr8ed bevera9e of a|| = H2O, n0thin9 = bedder than NYC tap water > mayB carbon8ed w/ ^ squeeze of Lime, cant beat iT > Gian the Tyrant famous|y said:

«You know what’s for everyone? Water. Water is for everyone. And if you’re publishing something for everyone, well, you’re publishing water.»

> G ment iT az ne9ativ critism, but ii/ↃaL's takin9 iT baↄk az words 2 Live by

1199 <(current)> 1201 > bapti5mal font 4 di¢ebats 2 bury CPU in s&
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2025 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]