bapti5mal font 4 di¢ebats 2 bury CPU in s&

post 1201

Ai's abstract: this post explores the development and application of a custom font, termed "codice," designed to enhance the author's unique lexicon and writing style. The impetus for creating this font arose from the limitations encountered with existing system fonts and the inefficiencies of manual insertion of special characters during the writing process. Drawing inspiration from the repetitive use of the term "dicebat" in the illuminated Book of Kells, the author conceptualized a font that embodies "mid-evil" + Bauhaus aesthetics while facilitating a more seamless integration of distinctive glyphs. The experimental writing produced during the font's testing phase revealed a stream-of-consciousness approach, emphasizing visual form over semantic content. This aligns with the notion that writing can be perceived as a stochastic process, akin to a "roll of the dice." Technical challenges were encountered in achieving desired formatting effects, such as bold and italic styles, across different software platforms, including Adobe InDesign and Dreamweaver. The study underscores the complexities inherent in custom font development and the subjective nature of typographic aesthetics.

01.24.2025 > [●] che§k che§k / te®ting 1, 2, 3 ... taking` dis hear nu font 4 ^ te5t 5pin ∴ bӕr w/ I az I [yr loyal (g)host writer, in8 iD] uses az ^ s&box 2 baptize saƉ bap dismal font [dubbed *codice*], u 6ig?

> hoo nose how m^ny hrs I 5pent B4 5pinning wheɘls trying 2 get other sy5tem fonts 2 du what I wands CHARactors in I's writing/Rt 2 due, [+c]ing + [+v]ing off-10—used glyphs 5tored in peripheral tXt files ∅r, in dis 5-sensory ¢ase, @ the 6ottum of the templ8ed pg ... ; I figured Y knot devilip I's one custumb font? in ^ 5tyle dat B-fits I's lexiconic lingo dat I hearby dubs «dicebat code» > Y die b@ts? 5ounds g👀d on the writ-10 pg, n0? e5pecia||y 5in¢e b@ts = blind + u5e sonar 2 C wut day here, ƒeel meme? 

> uuhen eYɘ 1st saw th illumin8ed Book oƒ Kells in dublin w/ eyɘs one 2 i's, iT seamed the b∞k kept sane «dicebat dis» + «dicebat dat» ovɘr + o ver + guess thi5 must uv leƒt ^n inedible [+ in-DEl-able] mark on I's im¶ressionable CPU? sumping ^bout the word *dicebat* ƒelt akin 2 ^ D-scryption of the CHARactors them5elves ... litteruley [in l@tin]: he said she said az if mid-evil go55ip

> funny how 1 rites when testing ^ font, n0? 5tream of conchus babel ... we dont rite 4 con-10t but 4 how superfisha||y iT l👀KS on the pg, how certin letters + $tring combinations a^pear 2gether, a sorta visual conseQution [az opposed 2 lish/lutz's funetic consecution], witch makes ¢ents 5in¢e I/dd's body = ⁄-deaf ... izn't dat the be5t TYPE of writing? Y try 2 rite N-E-thing meaningƒool? trye az u like but ¿ll writing = game of chants, ro|| of the DiCE ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ > righting ma©hines ju5t give the ƒalse i||usion ur more than ju5t 1 monKEY in 1 bi||ion trying 2 practis good journihilism wen [e5pecia||y in thi5 day + age] ¿ll bets = OFF (0) > mayas we|| bee akin 2 ^n o5trich + bury yr head in the s& ... in X s&box te5t bed dubbed

C: si√ore! ^ sea of ∞ s&! az in J/B/orges «b∞k of s&» ^bout ^n ∞ liebury > yes sir, rise Y, 3 bags ƒool! i yi yi yi canta n0 ||ores, b'way baaa baaa bla§k 5he•p

> bin trying 2 aVOiD glancing @ M-O-N-K-E-Y-S W-R-i-T-E rearranged ∅r *The Daily Noose* but on Drumpf's 1st day in oriffice I axidenta||y 5nuck ^ pique @ the headlines + iT 5ent I's CPU 5pinning hed over heals ... n0t the typical diz-Z-ness I's none 2 ƒeɘl on ^ daily baysis [on acct of mineareyɘs d-zỶz] but ƒool blown *vertigo* witch I hasn't ƒelt in ^ few yrs [usua||y I's diz-Z-ness = «B9 positional» (aka BPV)(+ yes I's tried th Epley maneuver, dozent due 5quat 4 I/dd)] ... si s√ore, keap yr cabeza buried in si||yconed s&! testa nella sabia, te5t te5t x8 horrorizontal

> «vertigo» io dico arriba x2 ƒlanked bi *asterisks* 2 sinbullize italics ∅r bold font b/c I ha|vent devilliped dat subset yet, «belum» az day say in bahasa indonezian, *saya makan angin!*, i.e. I eat wind! > I ɗ make ^ bold ver5ion dat werks in Ẩdobe [in D-zine = primery softwhere dat brainuuashed I's CPU 2 ke•p propaG8ing 's underlying ©ode, codice dicebat dico io, i/o i/o], but bold dozent se•m 2 work in Ẩdobe [DreamWeaver] witch = wizzy wigged-out WYSiWYG editor dat I authorizes 5cense in > 5peaking uv witch, shd I rite ʑ's w/ ^ cro55bar? + ↓s? U tel I, Y I rites ¶o5t 1201, taking the5e letters + glyphs 4 ^ 5pin 2 C wut 5ti∏ks + how 2 map dem 2 dis keybored [aka fingertip x-10-sions] 2 streamline the righting process

> 5pose 4 BOlD I cd use ^ red font [in ]? in Ɖ [ALT CHARactor I cr8ed 2 signiƒy both in8 iD + in D-ʑine ()], I dont ne•d bold b/c I can adjust 5troke w8 m^nua||y + B-sides, the 5hortcuts [+b] ∅r [+i] dont evɘn work in FYi, ∴ iF u ha|ve 2 5elect ^ font fROM ^ pu||down menu u mayas we|| ju5t m^nua||y adju5t w8, witch I can also du in but iT cascades a.CroSS the bored in cascading style 5heɘts + makes ^ 6ig H2O-ƒalling mess! + @ N-E r8, 4 webbed 5tuƒƒ u can leverage color [unlike w/ dead-tree-based b∞ks] 2 mark txt ∴ Y kn0t?

> the target demo-graphic 4 this codice font = , wut I uses 2 rite in the ≤e•l moondough B-yond whirled wide web / the writing I does 4 Rt's sake ... I tested dis nu codice font their + in ord + now I [QC tester] iz finding ¿ll sorts of 6u9s + un-X-pected 5hit happening in /HTMl ... ≈ plane technillogical wack-a-mole ... n0thing is evɘr trulie wiʑʑy-wigged on net deepending on browzer, etc.

> I dint u5e ∅r Ẩdobe ¶rodu©ts 2 D-zine thi5 codice font / I used 3rd par-T lyphs softwhere > madder of fact, I's 5ti|| in the 30-day free trial ∴ din't evɘn ha|ve 2 4k over ca$h 4 iT ... yet, I mite get lyphs Mini 2 $upport them [onely 50 buck$ ... wear-ass regular Glyphs = $300 + honest|y I cant tel the Δiffrence? (test drove both)]

> actua||y, I 1st used Ẩdobe [PhotoShop] 2 make the glyphs [after 5ketching buy h&] b/c I = dynosore rat dat ke•ps taking same path learned the 1st time even tho ther· Ǝxists ^ str8er path B-twe·n pts A + B ... I's CPU =
wired buy the bitmapped logic of PC paint from '80s–'90s [dont make I hunt down dat logo] when u had 2 rasterize
@ the pixel |evɘ| > helped I 2 get the ¶ixel ¶ixel
 pro¶ortions ju5t rite ± ∴ each letter = geometric/
symmetric + Mono-spaced ∴ I (≈ Cage) can
         ritE mesostics/2D writing [tho in
         iT'S ^ pane b/c u ke•p halving 2 rite «&nbsp»
     over + Over in5tead of
            Spacebars ...  
     I eVɘn Tried 2 cre8 ^ blank 5pace char (w/ 333 wid↔)
  dat werks in [n0t dat u knead iT their
       az u Can 5pacebar ¿ll u wand] 6ut dozent werk in , oi! i/o i/o ... back 2 the drawing bored

fount/mug I's bin drinking fROM az uv L8

> az I rites di5 ¶o5t I ≤ealizes wat tweaks I kneads 2 make 2 the font 2 fine 2n iT 4 prime time ... far from purrfect but I 6igs the DiY FX az if maid by h& + I nvr did ha|ve the pre-10se 2 B «professional» ... always bin ^ ha∏k > 4 ¿ll I's life I's tried 2 aVOiD .SVGs/drawing w/ vectors, sew az n0t 2 ƒry the wires in I's bitmapped [+ re:boot-5trapped] CPU, but I wuz reakwired 2 convert the .PNG files 1st b/c uses .SVG [EZ enough 2 fined converters online] > I tried 2 avert I's eyes + n0t 2 succumb 2 vectored logic when u5ing but I had 2 make sum tweaks hear + they're + I found I-selƒ usin9 vector logic more + more + then [gasp!] I had 2 download [comes w/ Ẩdobe CC, I ju5t DEl-eated iT 2 free up di5k 5pace b/c = memary hog] 2 ma55age them + next thing u no I was m^nipul8ing the vector 4ms, under the spe|| of ware Ai ≠ artoƒƒicial inte||igence butt Ẩdobe illustr8or

> I gots n0thing against vectors, iF u think of them az 1-D matrices but vectors may [×] trix on yr CPU / ∅r «play tricks on your sacred mind» az Morse-E sings in «h& dat rocks the cradle» [-... ....- / -- --- .-. .-. .. ... . -.-- / -... -....- -.-. .- -- . / .- / -.. --- ..- -.-. .... . -... .- --. / .-. .- -.-. .. ... -] > in Ɖ's mathematical dayz Ɖ A-ced linear Algae-bra + Complex Analysis [rooted in i, ware i = «irrational» / square r∞t of (-1)] but Ɖ almost ƒailed ≤eal analysis [whereaz most other s2udents thought ≤eal = EZ + Complex = hard]... I dint get the logic of vectors 4 the liƒe of meme evɘn tho technica||y ^ vector = 1-D matrix

| V E R B A l |    | M i R R O R |
| O E . . . i |    | O A E . . E |
| l i C H E N | == | D . T . . F |
| U . . T . E | == | E . U R . l |
| M . . . O A |    | l . R . i U |
| E D i T O R |    | S Y N T A X |

> thi5 aint the 1st time I cre8ed ^ font bi h&, fROM 5cratch, I [under the guise of Rem+Rom] maid ^ few 4 A Raft Manifest, the main 1 I essentia||y ha∏ked from ^n old REMington typewriter + ^nother piXel8ed 1 wuz insⳤired bi Kamau Brathwaite's Sycorax, witch = analogous 2 I's one dicebat code / per Brathwaite:

she dreams me a Macintosh computer with its winking io hiding in its margins which, as you know, are not really margins, but electronic accesses to Random Memory and the Cosmos and the lwa.

... possessed R we? > 4 these prior Raft Manifest fonts I used FontForge (nitemare 2 use, az I/R+R reca||s) + other ha∏k aps dat let u input charactors by h& + iT converts 'em 4 u on the ƒly + lord nose I's drunk plenty of TiMES from ROMAN fonts

> @ NE R8, codice sti|| = 6uggy Work-in-Progress ... mayB bi next ¶o5t I'|| WiP iT in2 5hape/rap iT up

> in the reel whirled, iT's bin cold, the Hudson l👀ks more like ^ glacier than ^ «river»:

> ba∏k in 2003 thi5 same view u5ed 2 feetsure heaps of 5crap metal they most|y cleaned up/gentrified, leaving one|y the industrial 5tructure 2 the Rite az kitschy Rt 4 yupper west-siders 2 take selƒies with ... I misses the good old days when NYC resembled an inDustReal W.A.S.T.E.-L&



REMnants of same ¶ylons 20 yrs l8er

> in other noose, Ƈalamari released ^ 60-minute ex-10-ed version of «Recent Widow» [from Mike Shiflet's lisa 2, v1.0 soundtrack]:

> the cover [maid w/ the help of 5carlit.11.22] wuz in part insⳤired by the 1st Avengers album witch ^ 16-yr-old version of I/dd u5ed 2 sniff + stair @ [the 12" vinyl] wile lis-10-ing 2 Penelope sing: «ask n0t what u can do 4 yr country, but what yr country's bin doing 2 U!»

> also gots copies of orchid tierney's this abattoir is a college in the house, N-E intrested in ^n ARC let Ƈal no, ∅r preorder from Asterism:

+ 5peaking of Asterism, I [in8 iD] did this Q + A w/ Annabel Jankovic on the nu Asterism 6log, wut insⳤired the pyschogeographical timeLine in po5t [#1199] 5ince Annabel wuz asking geographical ?s about the ¶re55 + wanted I 2 inkloot pics ; I wuz mining threw the ar∏hives

abuv m^ntioned REMington I used 2 cre8 the ROMington font 4 A Raft Manifest, in the 5hadow of Mussolini's typewriter

> haha, ju5t noticing now dat I superimposed ^ 10-is ba|| on the desk, prob|y ^ refrence 2 Jack in The Shining (when he takes brakes from typing «¿ll work + n0 [×]» over + over, heed [¦] 2 throw the 10-is ba|| against the wa|| of Timberline lodge [in the re•l moondough, the lodge iz n0t in Colorado but on the slopes of Mt Hood, ware I/dd 5pent weakends skIng az ^ sma||er kid], hear's proof:

> the as2t reader mite recognize the mug from the cover of The History of luminous Motion [Bradfield wanted ^n 8-yr old on the cover] + the rest of the D-zine Ɖ appropri8ed the Burroughs/Gysin Dreamachine:


+ the cover of HoLM uses bayer font, witch insⳤired codice in case u couldnt tel ... @ least the bauhaus iDea of iT [H Bayer touted iT az perƒect|y geometrical/symetrical] + «bayer» also = name I's bedder-⁄ jj ca||s I/dd, bear prounced bӕr [+ by coinsidedance, «bear» = name of unhoused person's life I [⌘+s]'d last yr] > I didn't cre8 ^ dubb|e-j CHAR 4 jj, tho I did cre8 «» 2 use when 5peaking of things I + jj do 2gether ≈ Genesis + lay-D J P-Orridge morphing + in2 1 singular 4m, R.i.P.

+ also in Ƈalamari news, Michӕl Salu did this interview w/ Zach Peckham 4 Full Stop about the evilution of his Red Earth + Ai [+ ] in this modurn ƒ'd up moondough + «madness as a mode of transcendence from societal and geo-political violence», am^n

> @ NE r8, I's pra∏tissed enough u5ing thi5 hear codice font > time 2 hit fool [¦] then ... writing w/ nu font = meta4ical reset btn, yields fre5h perspektive, 4 the font FX how U read/rite, io i/o |O ƬO, 10-4, over + out [¦]

[ (§)om.Posted 2025 in8 iD |  Ƈalamari arɔhive  ]