in the '80s we learned 2 use computers, by 2010 computers learned 2 use us

post 1202

02.01.2025 > 😊 happy ƒebruary 🥂 [w/ 0% nozeco], maid iT thru dry january + B-yond ... last drink I had = 1 fernet @ sum dive bar in LES on Xmas + D-cember = semi-dry (5 drinx tœti|| 4 the mổn↔), huzzah! poli poli braking the ritual de lo habitual ... n0t dat iT's helping mIne mineareYɘs, 5ti|| deafh in rite 👂 + raging 10-itus + dizz-Z 😵‍💫, but mayB vestibular 🤕 mygrains n0t az bad ± off-10? tho last we•k ≠ gổd (+ n0 pressure drop 2 blame it on) ... u try getting thru Drumpf's innauguration sans hổch! re•ding daily nổse 📰 gives I vertigo 😵 💫 + triggers panic attax/ mygrains/ CPU fog 🧠 🌫️ + n0 more coping me§hanisms/S-cape, gotta face the muzac 🎵 ded sober > D-spite mineareYɘs \vestibulars, feɘl bedder 4 the mo5t part, 5leɘping 😴 ^ bit bedder ... tel la5t we•k (re5orted 2 dramamine the last few nites) + n0 w8 loss 2 re¶ort (tho bedder-⁄ lost ~6 lbs oƒƒ the hổch], levertheness, 5tay the coarse

> web st@ts: in resent yrs 5¢ense has rcvd ~1000–1490 visits on avg per day but nvr topped 1500 for ^ mổn↔ly avg, but in jan ⳽ense averaged 1517 vi5its/day! welcome iF u = 1 of those ... tho 99% probly = 🕷️s

> a¢¢ounting: Jan 2025 = 1↙ mổn↔ w/ dedic8ed Ƈalamari bank a¢¢t ; I/Ƈal can ke•p tra§k of in v$ out ... $tarted the mổn↔ w/ $5000 + now the balance = $3335 ; n0t ^ gổd $tart ... granted I/Ƈal paid out authors (+ $1700 ≈ total payout) > gro$$ed $1179 thru Asterism (helped buy U of Buffalo Liebury ackwiring almost evɘry Ƈalamari title 🙏) ... lets se• iF I can ke•p th a¢¢t from going in2 the red, keep in/out on ^n eVɘn keɘl ⚖️

> had epiphany th other day, dat dat Thoreau saying «We do not ride on the railroad, it rides upon us» cd B X-10-ed 2 in4mation Te§knowledgee:

in the '80s we learned 2 use computers,
by 2010 computers learned 2 use us

> ^ lot oƒ ƒu$$ maid over DeepSeek but I tried iT out + n0t ƬO impre55ed... 4 eggsample I a5ked DeepSeek what ⳽¢ = about + iT said:

i don't have specific information about the website it could be a new or niche site that hasn't been widely documented.

> whereaz when I a5ked ChatGPT the same ❓ iT said: is a blog that delves into experimental literature, art, and culture, often presented through a distinctive and unconventional writing style. The content encompasses a wide array of topics, including explorations of urban and industrial landscapes, typographic deconstruction, and the interplay between digital culture and creative expression. The blog serves as a platform for the author's unique perspectives and artistic experiments, challenging traditional narratives and formats.

> + when I a5ked DeepSeek «who's behind Ƈalamari ar§hive?»

The Calamari Archive is run by a decentralized network of operators who participate in the Manta Network ecosystem. Calamari is a privacy-focused blockchain that is part of the Manta Network, which aims to provide scalable and interoperable privacy solutions for decentralized applications (dApps). The network is maintained by validators and node operators who stake tokens and participate in consensus to secure the blockchain. The project is community-driven, with governance decisions often made by token holders through decentralized governance mechanisms. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's best to refer to the official Manta Network or Calamari documentation or community channels.

... witch = intresting take! 🤔 but ≠ true > on the other h&, ChatGPT yields ✅ antsir

> out¶ut: perhaps I's inkorper8ed emojis in2 thi5 po5t b/c thi5 pa5t we•k I's bin in emoji 🔥 😈, laying out S. A. B. Marcie's Femoid, rife n0t onely w/ emojis galore but sexions I had 2 recre8/4mat az txt messages ∅r dark web 4um recreations [nvr imagined I'd ¶ubli5h su§h a b∞k!], perhaps the most complex bổk I's evɘr had 2 lay out w/ > hear's ^ ¶a55age ware they go on ^bout Cioran, the OG [n0t ^ [+shift+3]ed ... I had 2 skeuomorph iT]:

> de•d-treɘ-based in¶ut 5canned in2 I's 👀s: Big Gorgeous Jazz Machine by Nick Francis Potter (hổ also authored New New Animals), witch = az advertized (^ 6ig gorge-us jazzz ma§hine)

> mu5ic 🎵 in¶ut: B-l8ed addendum 2 I's ye•r-end review|[×]list | D-sided BiG|BRAVE's A Chaos of Flowers = best album of 2024

> TV/movies in¶ut:

    • Lost Highway —— 🫤 n0t Lynch's be5t, but the 1 Ị halve re[×]ed the le•st, so Ị did in honur, RiP
    • A Different Man —— 👍 intresting, ^ lot 5hot in Ị's hổd, also intresting that Adam Pearson (the 1 w/o make-up/prosthetix) has ^ twin brother
    • BlackBerry —— 👍 brot back memaries of when I ne•ded 2 sleɘp w/ crackberry under I's pi||ow (working 4 Napster) ... fascin8ing 5tory of iT's rise + D-mise
    • Saturday Night —— 🫤 nice idea (basica||y re-enactment of hours le•ding up 2 SNL's 1↙ airing) but fizzled
    • Chasing Mavericks —— 👎 wuz hoping 2 se• movie ^bout Jeff Clark (hổ = 2 cổl 2 a||ow his story 2 B Disneyfied), but insted basica||y Karate Kid w/ surfboreds
    • Knife in the Water—— 🫤 Polanski's 1↙ flick, technica||y admirable [filmed most|y on ^ 5mall sailboat]
    • Causeway —— 👍 wu®n't ®o impre55ed w/ Eileen [another Moshfegh/Gœbel co-lab] but Causeway = gổd
    • Fanatical: The Catfishing of Tegan and Sara —— 👎intresting 5ubject madder, but sumthing = oƒƒ about iT, se•med more ^ movie about drawing attn 2 themselves then catfishing ... iF iT was so sirius ^n i55ue they wd oƒ contacted 911/authorities, but their hack sleuthing = painfool 2 watch
    • A Real Pain –– 👍 Kieran Culkin per4mance = worthy oƒ golden globe

[ (§)om.Posted 2025 in8 iD |  Ƈalamari arɔhive  ]